Newsletter: April 2023

Newsletter: April 2023

ISSUE # 285

April 2023

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

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I am doing a series of podcasts and webinars for Astrology Hub covering 2023. The first was released in January. The second was just released. You can purchase them at as well as the webinar from last year. 


Pluto enters Aquarius this month for the first time. It will retrograde back into Capricorn several times before it settles into its new home for the next 20 years. This is a powerful and profound transit that will change the direction of our society. But ti won’t do it in a few weeks. It will take some time for the energy to be felt. Have patience. Pluto wants big changes and it has the patience to wait for them. So should we.

This is the first New Moon of the New Year, and it will be powerful. This is a time for new beginnings and to reset your agenda. Aim your attention at the future. And start some new projects. We will all be examining what we’ve been doing, and some ideas, plans and relationships may feel outdated. If so, give it a little time before acting upon it. You don’t want the exuberance of this energy to lead you astray. This is a great month. Use it to your advantage.


The New Moon falls on Tuesday March 21st at 1:23 P.M. EDT at 0 degrees Aries 50 minutes. With the New Moon at zero degrees Aries we truly are at the beginning of a New Year. It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, and I’m feeling good! Take a clear and honest look at your life. Are you heading in the right direction? Are your plans, projects and relationships mirroring what you truly want, and are you helping to push things in that direction? Or are you in some ways holding on to the past and blocking your advancement? These aren’t easy questions to answer. It’s hard to see what’s best for ourselves, and even harder to clear out the fog of what we have come to expect. Astrology gives us good indicators of when to begin new projects, and when to settle in for a time. This is a chance for a new start. Will you seize the opportunity? Any projects that have been put on hold can be pushed forward now. As you go through the process of filtering what is and isn’t valid, use some care. You don’t want to throw out something that is still of value to you just because you get swept up in this renewed energy. But you also don’t want to bring worn out ideas, plans, or relationships into this New Year. It’s a time for meditation and inner peace before we jump into the exuberance and excitement of Spring.

Because this is a reset of many issues, we will see this take place on the world stage as well. There will be a new jolt of energy in some political issues. Look at the recent visit of the Chinese president to Russia. There is a new wave of weaponry being sent to Ukraine by a number of NATO nations. The recent failed banks are all being either refinanced or sold, and the banking industry needs to be reviewed and recalibrated as Saturn, ruler of the banks, gets settled in Pisces for the next 2 ½ years. And there may very well be a big move up in the equities in the coming weeks if the Feds pay attention to what their interest rate hikes have created. They should be slowing down, or even halting their raises. We’ll see.

Whatever you do, do it with gusto. But remember to have that quiet, internal conversation for a few days before you act. It is the wise person who uses patience when they are most excited. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL, WITH MUCH LOVE. MITCH



On Thursday March 23rd at 8:13 A.M. EDT Pluto will finally exit Capricorn and enter Aquarius where it will remain for about 20 years. This profound and radical transit begins now, but it will be a while before we see the results we are expecting. We’ve all been waiting for this for a long time, whether you study astrology or not. There is an underlying energy in the collective that has been cognizant of a huge change about to unfold. This won’t suddenly alter our universe. Because this is an outer planet, it will have certain immediate reactions in our consciousness. But the bigger changes, especially on the material plane will take some time to install. This planet moves with a slow, deliberate approach as it tears down the old and begins the process of renovation. The Infrastructure Bill that was passed months ago will begin to be implemented in the coming months, an external example of what this energy is all about. Pluto wants renovation, change, deep rooted reconstruction. And that’s exactly what America, and the world, has needed for a very long time. While Pluto was in Capricorn the past 14 years it was restricted from making the type of alterations it would normally pursue. There was a limitation to the collective’s ability to redefine long term changes. Now that restriction is being released and we will see some serious moves.

Remember that Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn two more times and this transit will not begin in earnest until November 2024. But the next two years will give us a good indicator of what to expect. Because this is such a long transit, don’t be impatient. Some issues will take years to complete. But Pluto will be doing its job throughout; creating power struggles that are necessary to work through some deep, important problems that have plagued humankind for centuries. Pluto rules all things held jointly by people. This includes the collective wealth, the environment, and the very planet we share. Who owns the land? There is an old saying that you don’t own the land, the land owns you. Native American’s understood this concept and lived in harmony with their environment. Modern man believes that the rich shall inherit the earth with barely a scrap for the rest of the population. That concept is as old as cave dwellers, when the biggest took the best caves and the weakest lived where they could; from the first empires created in history from the Mesopotamians, to the Babylonians, the Greeks, Romans, British empire, right up to Silicon Valley. Oh we’ve made some strides in equality, such as Social Security, European universal health care (a concept that seems to be alien to America,) and some small concessions. But each is won only after a long drawn out battle, and most are continuously challenged. Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius may just bring some of that fight more obviously into the public.

But of course, humans are fighting for much more than financial or cultural freedom. We are fighting for our very existence in a rapidly changing world where food and water shortages and potential chaos are exacerbated by climate change. All of this is the concern of Pluto. We will see some frightening events take place, as nations shift their alliances and the natural resources and economies require a reset. But there will also be some amazing innovations and discoveries in medicine, energy, agriculture and economics. No one planet rules our collective struggle and it should not be seen as such. They work in tandem and their transits and progressions force us to make decisions on a grand scale. But when the outer planets change signs it indicates a major shift in the undercurrent, and the beginning of a new generation who always face a revolution of some sort. Those born with Pluto in Aquarius may seem alien in some ways to those born with it in other signs. And that challenge is our best hope for evolution. As Mike and the Mechanics once sang: “Every generation blames the one before…” Profound words in a pop song. Not unusual to my generation. We had songsmiths who worked hard to make a statement. I would love to see that happen again. Stay the course, but look for ways to change and heal and renew what is. That’s what Pluto wants. You will see its influence throughout our culture, and if you have farsightedness you may understand where it’s heading in the long run. Peace to you all, my friends. Mitch



On Saturday March 25th at 7:45 A.M. EDT until May 20th at 11:31 A.M. EDT Mars enters one of its more difficult placements in the zodiac. This is very sensitive sign. It deals with family, feelings, intuition and the past, and brings up concepts that can be alien to the god of war. Mars is all about ego and power. It prefers to act in an uninhibited and forceful manner, and resents anything that can cloud the issue. But Cancer is about the unconscious and the need to learn how to mother. This isn’t a concept that Mars easily grasps. Those born with this placement are often overly emotional, and have difficulty letting go issues and relationships that may have outlived their usefulness in our lives. It creates a tug-of-war between our assertive and receptive sides. When used to our advantage it creates a forceful, but caring atmosphere that can build a strong bond capable of withstanding much tension and outside interference. There is a powerful desire to hold on to the status quo, and even an ability to fight for what is connecting you to the past. That bond can last a lifetime, and many people with this configuration in their natal charts are very loyal and capable of keeping relationships going for a lifetime. But if this creates a struggle, it can just a readily break those bonds and leave the person untethered and lonely. This is a time to examine your closest connections and see which ones are valid and which are just an echo of times gone by. Be careful to respond honestly and with compassion or you may find that you have let go of something very dear to you; a lifeline that you may reach out for in the future, only to find that it is no longer there.

On the world stage this can represent a period of overly emotional and irrational reactions to events. This will be a time when people will respond from that uncontrolled inner space where rationality and common sense have little pull, and the intellect takes a backseat to feelings, often illogical. Expect some highly emotionally charged events to take place. In your personal life try to keep an even keel and don’t get drawn into situations that have no rational undercurrent. It will be difficult, but those with this aspect in their natal chart spend a lifetime learning to balance their emotions with their ego. When they do so successfully, it is a powerful tool that can be quite healing. In fact, many with this placement go into medicine or therapy and can do great work helping others.


On Monday March 28th at 2:50 A.M. EDT we will all be rather exuberant and quite chatty. This is a day to communicate about almost anything. Everyone will have something to say and you should exchange ideas. It’s a very social aspect, so try to spend time with your nearest and dearest. Or even with strangers. You may be surprised at what you learn. This is a great day travel. Your mind wants to expand, do so anyway you can. And traveling is a wonderful way to enlarge your perspective. Secrets will be hard to keep, so think before you speak. You don’t want to give away too much. Enjoy this aspect. It can be great fun.


On Thursday March 30th at 3:03 P.M. EDT this is a good day to get your work accomplished. This trine works very well and the combination of Mars’ energy and Saturn’s focus will allow you to aim your attention where it can do you the most good. Clean up your paperwork and push your projects forward. You’ll find a positive reaction from others.


On Thursday March 30th at 6:26 P.M. EDT we will all be looking for some excitement. This is a good day for anything unusual or adventurous. This will be especially true in your relationships. Even casual ones may take an interesting turn. Don’t stick to your usual routine. Get out and try something new. A different kind of restaurant, a museum you’ve been meaning to peruse or a show or concert. You’ll get a lot out of the experience. You may meet some very unusual people today. But don’t assume you know who they are or what their underlying personality is. You may be a little shocked in a few days when you realize what is going on underneath.


On Monday April 3rd at 12:22 P.M. EST until June 11th 6:27 A.M. EDT we have several months when Mercury will be in steady, cautious Taurus because of its retrograde motion. This will be a period when most of us will move slower and more deliberate in our decision making. This may help a lot of us personally and collectively, as there are some very important changes happening and it would be best if they were analyzed carefully. Have some patience with others. We are all going to be thinking things through and taking some time before responding.



On Monday April 3rd at 2:55 P.M. EDT just as Mercury enters Taurus we will deal with this powerful square. Although we will be more cautious than usual, this combination can still create some difficulties and power struggles. But they will be acted out almost in slow motion. That doesn’t mean they won’t have a strong effect on us. It’s just that you will have a few moments to decide how you wish to respond.


This month lunar peak occurs on Wednesday April 6th at 12:34 A.M. EDT at 16 degrees Libra 07 minutes. A Libra Full Moon is loaded with potential for close encounters between friends, lovers and other strangers. We are racing further into spring and all the hope and joy it entails. Take some time to talk to your close people. We all need intimate relationships not matter how you define them, and this is a good time to solidify a few. Libra wants balance, as you know. The scales must be equal to create the atmosphere necessary for growth. Be giving and loving, and recognize that the other person has their own issues they are dealing with. Try to find the receptive part of your personality and be supportive and caring. While this is a very optimistic and outgoing aspect, it also has a sensitive side that needs to express itself. Tell others how you feel about them. And allow them to do the same.

The world is quite unbalanced at the moment, and I don’t think a passing Full Moon is sufficient to settle all the issues we are dealing with. But we may see some balance in world events, the markets, and even on the political stage. Again, don’t expect miracles. But even a minor resolution will feel like a triumph. Libra rules the lower courts, and we are seeing a number of legal matters being debated. How they will turn out is anyone’s guess. But there must be some equilibrium to satisfy this energy.

Because the Jewish calendar is a lunar based one, most Jewish holidays fall on New Moons and Full Moons. This is the celebration of the exodus from Egypt and it represents freedom, hope, and a belief in the future. It’s a joyous time, celebratory and optimistic. And I hope you feel that way, whether you celebrate this holiday or not.


On Friday April 7th at 1:58 A.M. EDT Saturday April 8th at 2:29 A.M. EDT we have a few days when there is a positive and gentle energy being emitted. Both of these sextiles represent a useful and malleable force that can be used to your advantage. There is a spiritual side to the Venus-Neptune, and if you look at your relationships from the perspective you will see that there is much you can do to further the interaction of the souls. Be receptive and loving, and you will receive that back. The Mercury-Mars sextile is about communication. By using these two forces together you can easily express you deepest feelings and reach an understanding that transcends the intellect. This should be a nice weekend.



On Tuesday April 11th at 12:47 A.M. EDT until May 7th at 10:25 A.M. EDT Venus becomes quite chatty and outgoing. This is a wonderful time to talk to the people you love and express your feelings. One of the most prominent planets in successful relationship charts is Mercury, ruler of Gemini. It’s through communication that we build the foundation for our strongest relationships. If you can remember that and put effort into talking things out, you will find that all the other elements in the connection will be that much stronger. Travel is very good under this transit and you several weeks to take advantage of it. So plan some getaways and travel with your significant other, your close friends, and family. You will enjoy yourself, and possible break through some barriers that have been blocking a connection.



On Tuesday April 11th at 6:07 P.M. EDT this wonderful conjunct coincides with Venus entering Gemini. This is a good day for all socializing and for making plans for the future. Any interaction will have an optimistic and expansive feeling. This also favors travel, so if you can get away, even for a short jaunt, do so. Plan some social activities. A nice dinner preceded by a walk through the park; a movie and drinks, or any other pleasant and easy-going venture. You don’t want to work today. You’d rather play and hang out with friends. Do so. You’ve worked a lot lately, and you deserve a break.


On Friday April 14th at 12:38 P.M. EDT a more serious mood will prevail as we approach the Dark of the Moon. This is a time to examine your connections with others and see if they are working to your advantage. If you are in the mood for a sedate uneventful evening, this is a good day to hang out. But don’t expect fireworks and popping champagne corks. That was more likely with the Sun conjunct Jupiter. Take this for what it is. A quiet, receptive day more suited to thinking and easy discussions than trying to change the world.


The next New Moon falls on Thursday April 20th at 12:13 A.M. EDT at 29 degrees Aries 50 minutes, and it’s a Solar Eclipse! The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course EDT and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:

March 23rd at 1:13 P.M. – 2:42 P.M.

March 25th 12:19 P.M. – 8:42 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours

March 27th 9:39 P.M. – March 28th 6:22 A.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours

March 30th 9:45 A.M. – 6:31 P.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours

April 2nd 2:03 A.M. – 6:57 A.M.

April 4th 9:50 A.M. –  5:51 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours

April 6th 8:43 A.M. – April 7th 2:29 A.M. ***Moon is void 17 hours

April 9th 5:09 A.M. – 8:57 A.M.

April 11th 6:48 A.M. – 1:33 P.M.

April 13th 10:14 A.M. – 4:42 P.M. ***Moon is void 6 hours

April 15h 11:16 A.M. – 6:57 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours

April 17th 2:57 P.M. – 9:09 P.M.

April 20th 12:13 A.M. – 12:30 A.M.

April 21st 11:41 P.M. – April 22nd 6:11 A.M.

April 24th 8:15 A.M. – 2:58 P.M.

April 26th 7:41 P.M. – April 27th 2:30 A.M.

March 2023

New York City

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