Category: general

Mars enters Pisces

MARS ENTERS PISCES: Also on Thursday November 15th at 5:21 P.M. EST until December 31st at 9:20 P.M. EST Mars enters this Neptune ruled sign. These two energies don’t really do so well together. {…}

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The Sun Sextiles Pluto

THE SUN SEXTILES PLUTO: On Sunday November 11th at 10:18 A.M. EST we have a chance to uncover some issues that have been hidden. This will give a push to any issues that have {…}

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Newsletter: November 2018

MONTHLY SINCE 1999 ISSUE # 232 November 2018 AUTHOR’S NOTES: So, the midterm elections are finally over. I know the results weren’t perfect, and both sides can feel some disappointment. But it was pretty {…}

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Jupiter enters Sagittarius

JUPITER ENTERS SAGITTARIUS: On Thursday November 8th at 7:38 A.M. EST this giant planet that Native Americans called “the second Sun” comes home to the sign it rules for the first time in 12 {…}

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Scorpio New Moon

NEW MOON: The New Moon falls on Wednesday November 7th at 11:02 A.M. EST at 15 degrees Scorpio 11 minutes. Scorpio is known as the transformative sign. It is ruled by Pluto (and co-ruled {…}

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VENUS ENTERS LIBRA: WHAT THIS MEANS PERSONALLY AND FOR THE MIDTERM ELECTION Also on Wednesday October 31st at 3:42 P.M. EDT until December 2nd at 12:02 P.M. EST after it completes the square to {…}

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Venus opposes Uranus

VENUS OPPOSES URANUS: On Wednesday October 31st at 4:45 A.M. EDT this derisive square will create an atmosphere of uncertainty and erratic feelings, especially in personal affairs. While some may discover an exciting connection {…}

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Mercury enters Sagittarius

MERCURY ENTERS SAGITTARIUS: On Wednesday October 31st at 12:39 A.M. EDT until December 1st at 6:12 A.M. EST Mercury travels through this Jupiter ruled sign. This is a very optimistic and enthusiastic energy and {…}

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FULL MOON: This month’s lunar peak occurs on Wednesday October 24th at 12:45 P.M. EDT at 1 degree Taurus 13 minutes. Uranus is in conjunct to this Full Moon, creating a powerful atmosphere and {…}

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Sun Opposes Uranus

THE SUN OPPOSES URANUS: Also on Tuesday October 23rd at 6:46 P.M. EDT this opposition sets up a few days of erratic energy and the potential for explosive events and interactions. This certainly requires {…}

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