Category: general

The Sun Sextiles Pluto:

THE SUN SEXTILES PLUTO: On Wednesday March 13th at 10:25 A.M. EDT this positive sextile will allow us to delve deeply into any issues regarding relationships, business and personal growth without upsetting the apple {…}

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The Sun Squares Jupiter:

THE SUN SQUARES JUPITER: On Wednesday March 13th at 9:29 P.M. EDT this square will complete as well. Because Jupiter and Pluto are 30 degrees from each other in the sky they will both {…}

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Newsletter: March 2019

MONTHLY SINCE 1999 ISSUE # 236 March 2019 Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker {…}

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The Sun Conjuncts Neptune:

THE SUN CONJUNCTS NEPTUNE: On Wednesday March 6th at 8:01 P.M. EST this rather disruptive conjunct will complete. It would be wise to pay close attention to what you’re doing and what’s going on {…}

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New Moon in Pisces:

NEW MOON: The New Moon falls on Wednesday March 6th at 11:04 A.M. EST at 15 degrees Pisces 47 minutes. The Pisces New Moon represents a special place in the yearly cycle. It’s the {…}

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Uranus enters Taurus:

URANUS ENTERS TAURUS: On Wednesday March 6th at 3:35 A.M. EST this most erratic and unpredictable planet reenters the fixed earth sign, where it will stay until 2026. Because this is occurring right on {…}

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Mercury Retrogrades:

MERCURY RETROGRADES: On Tuesday March 5th at 1:19 P.M. EST until March 28th at 9:59 A.M. EDT Mercury will be running backwards. As many of you know, this is a thrice a year event {…}

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Venus enters Aquarius:

VENUS ENTERS AQUARIUS: Also on Friday March 1st as 11:45 A.M. EST until March 26th at 3:43 P.M. EDT Venus will travel through this exciting sign. You can expect relationships to be adventurous and {…}

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Venus squares Uranus:

VENUS SQUARES URANUS: On Friday March 1st at 7:31 A.M. EST relationships will take a decidedly strange turn. This square only last about a day, and while it’s applying you should be careful not {…}

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Venus conjuncts Pluto:

VENUS CONJUNCTS PLUTO: Also on Friday February 22nd at 10:49 P.M. EST we will all be digging deeply into our relationships and trying to uncover the truth about things. While this is a positive {…}

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