Category: general

Mercury Goes Direct:

MERCURY GOES DIRECT: On Thursday March 28th at 9:59 A.M. EDT Mercury turns around and we will soon see some clarity as the fog begins to subside. But a word of advice: As this {…}

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Venus enters Pisces:

VENUS ENTERS PISCES: On Tuesday March 26th at 3:43 P.M. EDT until April 20th at 12:11 P.M. EDT Venus travels through this sensitive sign. This month we will see more compassion in our close {…}

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Mercury Conjuncts Neptune:

MERCURY CONJUNCTS NEPTUNE: On Sunday March 24th at 1:26 P.M. EDT this difficult aspect returns because of the Retrograde motion of Mercury. We experienced this on Tuesday February 19th at 1:37 A.M. EST and {…}

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Beto O’Rourke’s Astrology:

BETO O’ROURKE’S ASTROLOGY Beto was born on September 26 1972 in El Paso Texas. We do not currently have an accurate birth time. Here is a brief interpretation of his chart without a birth {…}

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Sun Enters Aries: Happy New Year!

THE SUN ENTERS ARIES: HAPPY NEW YEAR! On Wednesday March 20th at 5:59 P.M. EDT we begin the new celestial year. This is the very beginning of the zodiac, what we call the Aries {…}

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Full Moon in Libra:

FULL MOON: This month’s lunar peak occurs on Wednesday March 20th at 9:43 P.M. EST at 0 degrees Libra 09 minutes. This Full Moon falls on the Aires Point, also called the World Point {…}

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Mercury squares Jupiter:

MERCURY SQUARES JUPITER: On Friday March 15th at 7:17 P.M. EDT this active square begins a few days of Mercurial energy during which we can get much done and catch up on things. Because {…}

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A CALL TO POLITICIANS AND BUSINESS LEADERS FROM A PROFESSIONAL ASTROLOGER: By now most of you know that Beto O’Rourke has made his decision and announced his candidacy for president. Could he possibly have {…}

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The Sun Conjuncts Mercury in Pisces:

THE SUN CONJUNCTS MERCURY: On Thursday March 14th at 9:48 P.M. EDT this very active mental aspect will make communications direct and forceful. It takes place in spiritual Pisces, so this might be a {…}

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Mars Trines Saturn:

MARS TRINES SATURN: On Thursday March 14th at 6:01 A.M. EDT we have a very positive and useful trine that can put our egos in a good and controlled place. Because this completes early {…}

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