Category: general

Full Moon in Libra:

FULL MOON: This month’s lunar peak occurs on Friday April 19th at 7:12 A.M. EST at 29 degrees Libra 07 minutes. This is the 2nd month in a row with the Full Moon in {…}

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Mercury enters Aries

MERCURY ENTERS ARIES: On Wednesday April 17th at 2:01 A.M. EDT until May 6th at 2:25 P.M. EDT Mercury finally exits Pisces after two months. For the next few weeks we will all be {…}

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Jupiter Retrogrades:

JUPITER RETROGRADES: On Wednesday April 10th at 1:00 P.M. EDT until August 11th at 9:38 A.M. EDT this important aspect begins. Growth will slow down and there will be a number of issues that {…}

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The Sun squares Saturn:

THE SUN SQUARES SATURN: On Wednesday April 10th at 4:47 A.M. EDT this low energy square may stifle some of your oomph. Don’t try to do too much as this approaches or you may {…}

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Venus conjuncts Neptune:

TODAY IS A VERY BUSY DAY ASTROLOGICALLY. VENUS CONJUNCTS NEPTUNE: On Wednesday April 10th at 2:14 A.M. EDT this very creative, but not terribly realistic transit will complete. Because this completes early in the {…}

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Newsletter: April 2019

MONTHLY SINCE 1999 ISSUE # 237 April 2019 Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker {…}

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Notes on the coming aspects:

NOTES ON THE COMING ASPECTS: The planetary influences taking shape now will have long term effects. Uranus entering Taurus is certainly one of the most powerful, and I’ve written extensively about its potential and {…}

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New Moon in Aries:

NEW MOON: The New Moon falls on Friday April 5th at 4:50 A.M. EDT at 15 degrees Aries 17 minutes. And so the circle begins anew. This is the first New Moon of the {…}

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Mercury conjuncts Neptune – 3rd pass:

MERCURY CONJUNCTS NEPTUNE: On Tuesday April 2nd at 5:38 A.M. EDT this conjunct completes once again. We had this aspect on February 19th and recently on March 24th, and this is the last time {…}

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Mars Enters Gemini:

MARS ENTERS GEMINI: On Sunday March 31st at 2:12 A.M. EDT until May 15th at 11:10 P.M. EDT the god of war goes through the sign of communication. For about 6 weeks there will {…}

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