Category: general

Mercury conjuncts Uranus:

MERCURY CONUNCTS URANUS: On Wednesday May 8th at 10:22 A.M. EDT the energy will change radically. This is a very assertive power and many will be prone to act first and think later. While {…}

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The Coming Recession:

The coming recession: Today’s drop of almost 2% in the stock markets is not a crash, nor are we about to experience one. But those who follow my writings and lectures know that I’ve {…}

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Mars opposes Jupiter:

MARS OPPOSES JUPITER: On Sunday May 5th at 5:57 P.M. EDT this very positive and exciting aspect will complete. This is a high energy day when many of us will feel the jolt of {…}

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Mercury squares Saturn:

MERCURY SQUARES SATURN: On Wednesday May 1st at 4:50 A.M. EDT Mercury will continue this period of activity. The square to Saturn is often a low energy day when it’s difficult to express yourself {…}

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Mercury sextiles Mars

MERCURY SEXTILES MARS: On Wednesday May 1st at 2:38 A.M. EDT we begin a series of four Mercury aspects between now and Thursday night as the winged god set off transits to the four {…}

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Mars Squares Neptune:

MARS SQUARES NEPTUNE: On Saturday April 27th at 9:04 A.M. EDT this square will create a challenging atmosphere that can come to any of several conclusions. If you don’t handle this properly it can {…}

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Pluto Retrogrades:

PLUTO RETROGRADES: On Wednesday April 24th at 2:45 P.M. EDT until October 3rd at 2:37 A.M. EDT many issues that have been brewing and seem to be about to come to the surface for {…}

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The Sun Conjuncts Uranus:

THE SUN CONJUNCTS URANUS: On Monday April 22nd at 7:05 P.M. EDT this potentially explosive aspect will complete. The few days leading up to this transit should be approached with caution and awareness. There’s {…}

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Venus Enters Aries:

VENUS ENTERS ARIES: On Saturday April 20th at 12:11 P.M. EDT until May 15th at 5:46 A.M. EDT the planet of love enters this Mars-ruled sign and for the next few weeks there will {…}

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The Sun Enters Taurus:

Today the Sun and Venus change signs. Because these are inner planets our personal lives will experience a major shift in energy and attitude. Pay attention. This is a chance to make changes and {…}

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