Category: general

Venus opposes Neptune:

VENUS OPPOSES NEPTUNE: On Wednesday September 4th at 7:27 A.M. EDT there may be some confusion in many relationships. This can be a very difficult aspect under which to express yourself or look for {…}

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The Sun Conjuncts Mercury

THE SUN CONJUNCTS MERCURY: On Tuesday September 3rd at 9:40 P.M. EDT we will continue the high energy mental energy that has been active the past few days. This is a day of some {…}

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Mercury Conjuncts Mars:

WE HAVE A LOT OF MARS ENERGY THIS WEEK: BE CAREFUL: MERCURY CONJUNCTS MARS: On Tuesday September 3rd at 11:40 A.M. EDT we will all be speaking in a more direct and possibly harsher {…}

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Newsletter: September 2019

MONTHLY SINCE 1999 ISSUE # 242 September 2019 Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker {…}

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Venus Trines Saturn:

VENUS TRINES SATURN: On Sunday September 1st at 2:48 P.M. EDT we will all be more realistic and honest about our relationships and tend to examine them with a clear eye and direct approach. {…}

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Mercury Trines Uranus:

MERCURY TRINES URANUS: On Sunday September 1st at 10:10 A.M. this very active mental aspect will combine the lower and higher octaves of the intellect in a positive trine that will offer us all {…}

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New Moon in Virgo:

NEW MOON: The New Moon falls on Friday August 30th at 6:37 A.M. EDT at 6 degrees Virgo 47 minutes. This New Moon amplifies the already rather intense Virgo energy we are experiencing. With {…}

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Mars Trines Uranus:

MARS TRINES URANUS: On Wednesday August 28th at 6:51 A.M. EDT Mars now creates that trine to Uranus. You can make changes in many areas of your life. This is a high energy transit {…}

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Venus Trines Uranus:

VENUS TRINES URANUS: On Monday August 26th at 11:37 A.M. EDT we begin a series of trines to Uranus. This will be a week when we can remove some of the boundaries that we {…}

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Mercury Trines Jupiter:

MERCURY TRINES JUPITER: On Wednesday August 21st at 6:05 A.M. EDT this very optimistic and positive trine will set our minds on high speed and offer a chance to make some new plans and {…}

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