Category: general

Mercury Enters Libra:

MERCURY ENTERS LIBRA: On Saturday September 14th at 3:15 A.M. EDT until Thursday October 3rd at 4:15 A.M. EDT Mercury will travel through this air sign. Libra is all about relationships and when Mercury {…}

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Full Moon in Pisces:

Today we will see a major shift in energies. We have the Full Moon in Pisces, and Mercury & Venus entering Libra. This change of energy will begin the next phase of our yearly {…}

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Sun Trines Pluto:

THE SUN TRINES PLUTO: On Friday September 13th at 3:38 P.M. EDT we have an opportunity to dig into any subject or relationship and uncover what’s going on in the undercurrent. This is a {…}

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Mercury conjuncts Venus:

MERCURY CONJUNCTS VENUS: On Friday September 13th at 11:12 A.M. EDT it will be easy to communicate your feelings to others and you will find that all conversations are quite pleasurable. This isn’t a {…}

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The Sun Opposes Neptune:

THE SUN OPPOSES NEPTUNE: On Tuesday September 10th at 3:24 A.M. EDT this very confusing and uncomfortable energy completes. It will be felt most strongly on Monday as it applies, but its effect will {…}

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Mars trines Saturn:

MARS TRINES SATURN: On Monday September 9th at 12:13 A.M. EDT it will be easy to focus our attention on work and all obligations. Our energy can be aimed where it will do the {…}

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The Sun Squares Jupiter:

THE SUN SQUARES JUPITER: On Sunday September 8th at 11:27 A.M. EDT we will all have a desire for growth and new information. This is a very optimistic and enthusiastic energy and it can {…}

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Mercury opposes Neptune:

MERCURY OPPOSES NEPTUNE: On Saturday September 7th at 3:19 A.M. EDT this very confusing and distracting aspect will make it difficult to see things clearly and to get to the truth. You may find {…}

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The Sun Trines Saturn:

THE SUN TRINES SATURN: On Friday September 6th at 5:56 P.M. EDT a very realistic attitude will prevail. This isn’t a time to try and pull the wool over someone’s eyes. It’s about completions {…}

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Mercury Squares Jupiter:

MERCURY SQUARES JUPITER: On Friday September 6th at 3:11 A.M. EDT this very chatty aspect will complete. Because this occurs very early in the morning its effects will be felt most strongly the night {…}

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