Author: Mitchell Lewis

Lecture Tour:

MY CURRENT LECTURE TOUR:   I am in the middle of a lecture tour of the east coast: Philadelphia, Hudson Valley, Boston, New York, New Jersey, etc. I next will be at The Astrological {…}

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Mars Enters Scorpio:

MARS ENTERS SCORPIO: On Tuesday November 19th at 2:41 A.M. EST until January 3rd at 4:37 A.M. EST Mars will be traveling through the sign of its ancient rulership. I still give it co-rulership {…}

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Venus Squares Neptune:

VENUS SQUARES NEPTUNE: On Thursday November 14th at 12:07 P.M. EST romance will be much more of an illusion for a few days. In astrology Venus is the lower octave while Neptune is the {…}

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Full Moon in Taurus:

FULL MOON: This month’s lunar peak occurs on Tuesday November 12th at 8:34 A.M. EST at 19 degrees Taurus 52 minutes. Taurus rules the 2nd house of money and values. I expect some news {…}

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MY RECENT LECTURE AT BOSTON NCGR: I want to thank the Boston Chapter of the NCGR for hosting my lecture last Saturday. It’s always a great pleasure to present in that wonderful city. The {…}

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Saturn Sextiles Neptune:

SATURN SEXTILES NEPTUNE: On Friday November 8th at 9:51 P.M. EST this important aspect will complete. Saturn is the planet of responsibility and foundation, while Neptune is more about the ethereal and spiritual side {…}

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Mercury Retrogrades in Scorpio:

MERCURY RETROGRADES: On Thursday October 31st at 11:42 A.M. EDT until Wednesday November 20th at 2:12 P.M. EST our favorite trouble maker begins its backward journey. As with all retrograde Mercury periods this comes {…}

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Newsletter: November 2019

MONTHLY SINCE 1999 ISSUE # 244 November 2019 Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker {…}

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The Sun Opposes Uranus:

THE SUN OPPOSES URANUS: On Monday October 28th at 4:14 A.M. this radical and potentially explosive energy will create the atmosphere for this month. This is an accident or a confrontation waiting to happen. {…}

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New Moon in Scorpio:

NEW MOON IN SCORPIO: The New Moon falls on Sunday October 27th at 11:38 P.M. EDT at 4 degrees Scorpio 25 minutes. Scorpio is the sign that most represents our ability to transform ourselves {…}

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