Author: Mitchell Lewis

Jupiter in Capricorn Part 2:

JUPITER IN CAPRICORN PART 2: So Jupiter has been in this Saturn ruled sign for 2 days and the DOW has dropped almost 500 points already. As I said a few days ago, this {…}

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Jupiter Enters Capricorn:

JUPITER ENTERS CAPRICORN: On Monday December 2nd at 1:20 P.M. EST this powerful transit begins. This occurs once every 12 years and lasts about a year. This will be a period when things seem {…}

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Newsletter: December 2019

MONTHLY SINCE 1999 ISSUE # 245 December 2019 Following my talks in New York, Boston, Connecticut, Philadelphia, Upstate NY, etc., I’m taking a break from my lecture tour until after the New Year. I haven’t {…}

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Happy Thanksgiving:

Wishing you all a Healthy, Happy, love-filled Thanksgiving. May you stay strong on your path towards understanding. Peace. Mitch.

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Neptune Goes Direct:

NEPTUNE GOES DIRECT: On Wednesday November 27th at 7:33 A.M. EST Neptune turns around and beings its forward motion. There will be a change in energy when many issues that have been foggy or {…}

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New Moon in Sagittarius

NEW MOON: The New Moon falls on Tuesday November 26th at 10:06 A.M. EST at 4 degrees Sagittarius 03 minutes. We are entering the period of the year most associated with overindulgence. No, I {…}

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Venus Enters Capricorn:

VENUS ENTERS CAPRICORN: On Monday November 25th at 7:29 P.M. EST until December 20th at 1:42 A.M. EST Venus travel through this Saturn ruled sign. While this isn’t the most easy-going of aspects and {…}

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Holiday Sale for Reading:

To thank my loyal readers I will be having an annual holiday sale. If you book a session between now and January 1st the price will be $200 for a 90 minute reading.   {…}

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DAILY BEAST INTERVIEW:   Here is a reprint of a phone interview with the Daily Beast NOVEMBER 19. I want to thank the reporter, Alaina Demopoulus who was very kind and open-minded. “Mitch Lewis, {…}

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Mercury Goes Direct:

MERCURY GOES DIRECT: On Wednesday November 20th at 2:12 P.M. EST the winged god finally turns around and begins its forward motion. As always, when Mercury changes direction you can expect some secrets to {…}

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