ISSUE # 287

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If you follow me on Facebook or on my website blog you will see that I update and expand my interpretation of these transits as they come close. I suggest that you do so to keep up with the added information I am posting on each. This newsletter is a template for the coming month.
I am doing a series of podcasts and webinars for Astrology Hub covering 2023. The first was released in January. The second was released in March and is available. The third quarter will be released in early July. You can purchase them at as well as the webinar from last year. It is a 2 hour video with a follow-up Q&A of 2 1/2 hours.
JUNE 2023
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
The New Moon falls on Friday May 19th at 11:53 A.M. EDT at 28 degrees Taurus 25 minutes. Taurus is the fixed earth sign. It tends to be rather stubborn and unyielding, just like the bull that represents it, but it is also a very loyal and sensuous sign. When Taurus makes up its mind it’s very difficult to change it, which can be a frustrating or wonderful trait depending on what the situation demands. It rules the 2nd house, often called the “money house” in astrology, but that’s a short sighted view. The 2nd house has to do with what we put our faith in. This can be financial, certainly, but it’s really about your perception in life. What do you value most? Is it money and possessions, relationships, health, success? That’s the question you will be asking yourself this month. With Mercury and Uranus also in this sign you can expect some intense discussions regarding your long range plans, as well as an underlying tenacious attitude in general. This is a time to test your decisions and you may find that others will question your choices. The more open and honest you are about what you find most valuable the easier it will be to make the changes that are required to head in a new direction. Yes, we will all be somewhat obstinate and fixed in our ideas. But being a bull in a wide open field is different than in a china shop. Open your consciousness and see what the possibilities are. You may be surprised at what you can accomplish.
This New Moon is often very good for the markets. The equities like the Taurus energy, and even the commodities especially the Agricultures, like wheat, soy beans and cotton, do quite well when there us a lot of Taurus power. Let’s see if that is true this month. I expect some upward motion in the stocks. We are not close to a bull market yet, and the volatility will continue with hundred point moves up and down, but there certainly has been a bottom put in. There are still wild cards in the game, and the most wild of them all is the debt ceiling fight. I seriously doubt that America will default on its debt. Neither party wants that. It would be nothing short of suicide to our economy, status in the world, and for the political party deemed responsible if that were to happen. I’m cherry picking stocks and investing in those companies that have a strong bottom line, are well run, and serve a purpose that we have come to rely upon. For example, two months ago in my financial webinar available on Astrology hub, I showed some transits in the chart of Uber that I felt were very bullish. The stock was trading at $24. It is now trading at $38. Hmm, I guess astrology works. LOL
On Saturday May 20th at 11:31 A.M. EDT until July 10th at 7:40 A.M. EDT the planet of ego enters this Sun ruled sign. We will feel the urge to express our sense of individuality; the lion will feel the need to roar. This is a good placement for Mars as long as you don’t overdo it. It rules a fire sign (Aries) and feels at home in all of the fire signs. It brings a surge of energy, which if used in proactive ways can create a very positive atmosphere. People will be ambitious and forceful in their approach. Don’t take their assertiveness as negative. It’s only pushing against the restrictions that seem out of place to this transit. Mars doesn’t like restrictions and will tend to be a bit forceful against any situation that is limiting its actions. Expect an atmosphere of assertiveness and even some aggression. If you approach this consciously with your eyes open you’ll find it easier to avoid any unnecessary confrontations. If used properly this can be a period of great accomplishment. Be aware of the amount of force behind what we say and do, and this will be a month of expansion and success. But if you get too distracted you may overreact to what is only a life-force looking for a place to act. It’s not a time for passivity or avoidance. It’s a chance to confront your projects, relationships and goals in a proactive and direct way. Try to take advantage of it and you will look back on this as a very positive period. With Mars about to oppose Pluto this will begin with a bang, so be prepared.
On Saturday May 20th at 11:12 P.M. EDT this intense aspect will converge. These are the two planets that rule Scorpio, they are considered the lower and higher octave of this energy, and when they are in conflict it’s easy to engage in disputes and misunderstandings. Use some caution for a few days. Don’t take the bait every time someone wants to argue. Remember, this is just energy, and how it is directed will decide whether the results are positive or not.
The Sun will set off this opposition creating a T-Square in a day, so I suggest that you avoid any confrontations that you can. People will be feisty and some are looking for a battle. There’s no reason you should be involved unless are also looking to fight. This opposition begins the travels of Mars through Leo, and it may represent what we can expect this coming month. But as I said above in that aspect, it’s up to you whether this is a positive or difficult period. Use the energy it entails. Stay busy, keep your eye on the goals you set, and work the body. Mars rules the muscles, so use them or you may feel edgy and frustrated.
On Sunday May 21st at 3:09 A.M. EDT we enter the mutable part of spring when it begins to feel a bit unsettled with days that seem like early summer followed by cooler temps with an unshakable chill in the air. All of the mutable signs represent a time of flux, when we are edging from one season into the next. It’s a time to adjust. What jacket should you wear when the morning is in the 50s, but by late afternoon it could be 70? This is a period of communication as all Mercury energy. It’s a time to communicate your inner feelings and open up. And that feeling of flux is also present in our relationships, as we try to figure out what we need from the people in our lives. Mercury is one of the most prominent planets it ongoing relationship charts, either by composite or synchronicity, the other prominent planet is Saturn. Our deepest connections are about communication, and about longevity – structure – stability. If you have both you have a very strong bond with someone. The rest is coloring. However you prefer to communicate, either in person, on the phone, texting, or writing this is a time to express yourself and let others know how you feel.
On Tuesday May 23rd at 1:13 A.M. EDT the ego will be somewhat out of control. It’s a short lived transit, although I find that Mars transits can act like a giant rock thrown into a lake. The splash is over quickly, but the wake can last for some time. Be careful how you act and what you say. If you allow that ego to run free you could get into some trouble. Stay focused, and aim this energy where you need it most. That way you will be able to accomplish much and move your projects forward. Just remember that some people will be overly aggressive. If you can figure out just what they need and what they are trying to express you can ease through this aspect. But you will also be overly assertive, and may not be able to quell your own desire to make a big noise. Keep things in perspective and this will be a good moment. Overdo things and it could lead to all sorts of problems. Free will astrology, that’s what I practice.
On Sunday May 28th at 6:46 A.M. EDT we hit a snag in the road. This isn’t a aspect if approached properly. It is a restrictive and someone limiting one. It’s not a time for overdoing. Rather it’s a good moment to examine what you’re involved in and seeing which of your goals and projects truly serve you, and which are frivolous. Saturn wants you to lay down a strong, solid foundation beneath everything. If you do, this will be a productive time. Working through Saturn transits is all about accepting those limitations and getting your tasks done. It will be a low energy few days, so don’t expect to conquer the world. But if you deal with this correctly you can put down a solid bottom upon which you can build for the future.
This month lunar peak occurs on Saturday June 3rd at 11:42 P.M. EDT at 13 degrees Sagittarius 18 minutes. This could be an exciting few days when the energy expands beyond its usual limitations. Sag doesn’t care for restrictions and will tend to break down any walls or boundaries that interfere with its desire to expand without limitations. That can be wonderful or dangerous, depending on how you approach it. This is a time to see the bigger picture and look for ways to enlarge your perspective. It favors travel and new things, so if you can, get away for the weekend. Don’t limit your point of view or sit in front of a computer. Get out and see the world. Look for adventures, go somewhere new and stimulating. You may be surprised at what you find. But, as with all Sagittarian activities, you must use a little caution. It’s easy to overdo things or take on more than you can handle. If you pay heed to this advice you can experience something exhilarating.
Because there are few boundaries with this energy we may see some situations blown out of proportion. This can be in your personal life or on the world stage. We could see something get very out of hand. But don’t let those fears prevent you from trying something new or going on a quest. Assume some issues will come to a head now, and possibly in very unexpected ways. Mercury will conjunct Uranus tomorrow, so you must pay attention to what you’re doing. Accidents are possible, and with this combination anything is likely. But that can be positive or negative. It’s up to you.
On Sunday June 4th at 3:49 A.M. EDT this exciting and explosive energy comes on the heels of the Full Moon. People will be very chatty, and you might hear some news that is surprising. Travel is a good idea as long as you are prepared and don’t get distracted. Disagreements and accidents are quite possible, but they will result from a lack of focus. Just use common sense and keep your eyes open. Take a moment before you react to something or you might find that your words are preceding your thoughts. If you are traveling, take time to make sure you know where you’re going. Is your GPS working? Do you know the route you’re taking? And are you prepared with enough fuel, water, food, etc. As long as you take precautions this will be an exciting weekend.
On Monday June 5th at 12:05 P.M. EDT we will all be looking for deeper answers, especially in relationships. People want to dig deeply into subjects and some issues that are usually hidden may come to the surface. Don’t be shocked if someone wants to discuss an idea, plan or emotion that has been buried for a long time. Some uncomfortable discussions will occur. The best way to deal with them is to bring them into the light. Be as honest and open as you can so you can finally clean out what’s been festering. If you don’t, you risk the chance of it coming out any way, only not in your control.
On Sunday June 11th at 5:47 A.M. EDT Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn. For the next year it will drift from this sing into Aquarius and back again. This is a period when we need to get used to this transitional aspect. The ingress into Aquarius will last a long time, and will have a profound effect on our society. Try to recognize the difference as this distant planet wanders in and out of the signs. Each time it reenters Aquarius it will be a little more intense, until its final pass from this earth sign into the fixed air sign.
On Sunday June 11th at 6:27 A.M. EDT until Monday June 26th at 8:42 P.M. EDT Mercury will be in the sig it rules. This is a time to express your true thoughts and to discuss things in an open and honest fashion. Relationships will take a different path this month as people say what’s really on their minds. Don’t be afraid of the truth. Sometimes it’s the only way to get on the right path. Listen to what people are telling you and act accordingly. This can be a time when secrets are revealed, and
On Sunday June 11th at 11:40 A.M. EDT we will experience this very nice transit. These two planets are known as the lesser and greater benefics. They are called the “money or lucky” planets. When they are working in tandem you may experience some good fortune, if they are hitting your chart just right. This is a sociable and outgoing energy, and you should plan on some sort of activity involving others. But there is also a tendency to overindulge or do too much. Be careful about your consumption of food, drink, or other worldly pleasures. If you don’t overdo things you should have a very pleasant day or two.
On Thursday June 15th at 12:09 P.M. EDT this rather dour transit demands that we pay attention to our responsibilities and get our work done. With Saturn about to retrograde in a few days, this will be a period of hard work as we all try to catch up on the obligations we’ve made. If there is unfinished work or a project that requires your close attention you won’t be able to push it aside. Circumstances will demand that you tackle the job and ensure it’s on the right track. This isn’t a very sociable aspect, but it is a good time to have any important conversation. Just don’t expect to be able to slip anything past someone. We will all be on the lookout for truth, justice, and the American way! (Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…Sorry, I couldn’t resist).
On Saturday June 17th at 1:27 P.M. EDT this karmic planet reverses direction and begins its yearly trek backwards. Many issues of importance may be delayed for a short while as we get used to the Rx energy. You might find that there are delays in business matters, and that deal you thought was set in stone seems to fall apart. Give it a little time before you fret. It may just be stalled and will come to fruition shortly. Some astrologers believe that this is a bad time to start a business or deal with important issues. I don’t agree. There are many very successful corporations that have this Rx in their natal chart. Life goes on under retrograde planets, and they shouldn’t stop you from moving forward. Just respect the energy and don’t rush things. There’s a reason for everything in the universe. It’s up to us to understand just what that reason is and to work within the limits it entails. You need to double check things and make certain that you know what you’re doing and just what you’re agreeing to. This is especially true in professional issues.
The next New Moon falls on Sunday June 18th at 12:37 A.M. EDT at 26 degrees Gemini 43 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course EDT and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:
May 19th at 1:51 A.M. – 2:48 P.M. ***Moon is void 13 hours
May 21st 6:12 P.M. – 11:28 P.M.
May 24th 5:152A.M. – 10:35 A.M.
May 26th 2:38 A.M. – 11:05 P.M. ***Moon is void 21 hours
May 29th 5:46 A.M. – 10:51 A.M.
May 31st 10:53 A.M. – 7:45 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours
June 2nd 8:51 P.M. – June 3rd 1:03 A.M.
June 4th 11:24 P.M. – June 5th 3:31 A.M.
June 7th 12:40 A.M. – 4:42 A.M.
June 9th 12:24 A.M. – 6:14 A.M.
June 11th 9:20 A.M. – 9:21 A.M.
June 13th 2:27 P.M. – 2:31 P.M.
June 15th 12:09 P.M. – 9:46 P.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours
June 18th 2:24 A.M. – 6:58 A.M.
June 20th 5:43 P.M. – 6:04 P.M.
June 22nd 1:01 P.M. – June 23rd 6:35 A.M. ***Moon is void 16 hours
May 2023
New York City
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