The New Moon falls on Friday May 19th at 11:53 A.M. EDT at 28 degrees Taurus 25 minutes. Taurus is the fixed earth sign. It tends to be rather stubborn and unyielding, just like the bull that represents it, but it is also a very loyal and sensuous sign. When Taurus makes up its mind it’s very difficult to change it, which can be a frustrating or wonderful trait depending on what the situation demands. It rules the 2nd house, often called the “money house” in astrology, but that’s a short sighted view. The 2nd house has to do with what we put our faith in. This can be financial, certainly, but it’s really about your perception in life. What do you value most? Is it money and possessions, relationships, health, success? That’s the question you will be asking yourself this month. With Mercury and Uranus also in this sign you can expect some intense discussions regarding your long range plans, as well as an underlying tenacious attitude in general. This is a time to test your decisions and you may find that others will question your choices. The more open and honest you are about what you find most valuable the easier it will be to make the changes that are required to head in a new direction. Yes, we will all be somewhat obstinate and fixed in our ideas. But being a bull in a wide open field is different than in a china shop. Open your consciousness and see what the possibilities are. You may be surprised at what you can accomplish.

This New Moon is often very good for the markets. The equities like the Taurus energy, and even the commodities especially the Agricultures, like wheat, soy beans and cotton, do quite well when there us a lot of Taurus power. Let’s see if that is true this month. I expect some upward motion in the stocks. We are not close to a bull market yet, and the volatility will continue with hundred point moves up and down, but there certainly has been a bottom put in. There are still wild cards in the game, and the most wild of them all is the debt ceiling fight. I seriously doubt that America will default on its debt. Neither party wants that. It would be nothing short of suicide to our economy, status in the world, and for the political party deemed responsible if that were to happen. I’m cherry picking stocks and investing in those companies that have a strong bottom line, are well run, and serve a purpose that we have come to rely upon. For example, two months ago in my financial webinar available on Astrology hub, I showed some transits in the chart of Uber that I felt were very bullish. The stock was trading at $24. It is now trading at $38. Hmm, I guess astrology works. LOL