The New Moon falls on Thursday April 20th at 12:13 A.M. EDT at 29 degrees Aries 50 minutes, & it’s a Solar Eclipse. This will be a funky New Moon. It’s the 2nd New Moon in a row in Aries. The last one on March 21st was a zero degrees Aries 50 minutes. This one is at the very last few minutes of the sign, and offers us a chance to complete some issues that may still be lingering. Look over your projects, relationships and goals and see which are realistic, and which aren’t. You can change direction more easily than usual, and with the energy of Aries supporting you, you should be able to redirect your force where it can do you the most good.

Because this is a Solar Eclipse it will have the power to confuse, misdirect, and take things down an unexpected path. Eclipses block out the light, both physically and spiritually, and you need to pay close attention to what you’re doing. It’s easy to be led astray in the shadow of the solar-lunar energy. You can’t completely trust what you see and hear. There could be false signals in your personal life, the markets, and on the world stage. I wouldn’t be surprised by a sudden event throwing us all for a loop. Politics is, as usual, rearing its ugly head and we may see some surprises on that front as well. Don’t rush to judgment. Take your time and look things over carefully. When the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse completes on Friday May 5th at 14 degrees Scorpio 58 minutes, we will be better able to see where the energy is heading. But because the Full Moon is not in the sign opposite the New Moon, there will be even more surprises the second half of the month.

Today we will also see the Sun enter Taurus, and square Pluto. This is a day of changes, some subtle and some obvious.  It certainly implies the ending of many things, and with endings there are always new beginnings. Be optimistic and hopeful. Not everything will go as you planned, but that’s the fun of life. Even if you don’t know what to expect, around the next corner could be something fabulous that hadn’t even crossed your mind. Eclipses force us to do things we may not wish to do. Assuming you know the outcome is arrogant and a fool’s errand. Open your consciousness to what might be, not what you think will be.