I just want to wish you all a very happy holiday. With Easter, Passover and Ramadan all coinciding within days of each other we have a chance to recognize our similarities, rather than our differences. All people want virtually the same things; Family, love, sharing time together, security and peace. No matter what religion you worship, what beliefs and goals, our values are so very much akin that separating ourselves because of a background that can stretch back thousands of years is so unnecessary. Do we really need to find reasons to disagree, or hate? Wouldn’t it be better to find reasons to share our commonality and recognize that we are so much the same it actually takes an effort to find distance. Happy holidays to you all, no matter which you choose to celebrate. I hope you are surrounded by family and friends, good food, and all of the joy, trauma, and angst that goes along with it. It’s a part of the human experience in all cultures. Much love, Mitch.