On Saturday March 25th at 7:45 A.M. EDT until May 20th at 11:31 A.M. EDT Mars enters one of its more difficult placements in the zodiac. This is very sensitive sign. It deals with family, feelings, intuition and the past, and brings up concepts that can be alien to the god of war. Mars is all about ego and power. It prefers to act in an uninhibited and forceful manner, and resents anything that can cloud the issue. But Cancer is about the unconscious and the need to learn how to mother. This isn’t a concept that Mars easily grasps. Those born with this placement are often overly emotional, and have difficulty letting go issues and relationships that may have outlived their usefulness in our lives. It creates a tug-of-war between our assertive and receptive sides. When used to our advantage it creates a forceful, but caring atmosphere that can build a strong bond capable of withstanding much tension and outside interference. There is a powerful desire to hold on to the status quo, and even an ability to fight for what is connecting you to the past. That bond can last a lifetime, and many people with this configuration in their natal charts are very loyal and capable of keeping relationships going for a lifetime. But if this creates a struggle, it can just a readily break those bonds and leave the person untethered and lonely. This is a time to examine your closest connections and see which ones are valid and which are just an echo of times gone by. Be careful to respond honestly and with compassion or you may find that you have let go of something very dear to you; a lifeline that you may reach out for in the future, only to find that it is no longer there.


On the world stage this can represent a period of overly emotional and irrational reactions to events. This will be a time when people will respond from that uncontrolled inner space where rationality and common sense have little pull, and the intellect takes a backseat to feelings, often illogical. Expect some highly emotionally charged events to take place. In your personal life try to keep an even keel and don’t get drawn into situations that have no rational undercurrent. It will be difficult, but those with this aspect in their natal chart spend a lifetime learning to balance their emotions with their ego. When they do so successfully, it is a powerful tool that can be quite healing. In fact, many with this placement go into medicine or therapy and can do great work helping others.