On Thursday March 23rd at 8:13 A.M. EDT Pluto will finally exit Capricorn and enter Aquarius where it will remain for about 20 years. This profound and radical transit begins now, but it will be a while before we see the results we are expecting. We’ve all been waiting for this for a long time, whether you study astrology or not. There is an underlying energy in the collective that has been cognizant of a huge change about to unfold. This won’t suddenly alter our universe. Because this is an outer planet, it will have certain immediate reactions in our consciousness. But the bigger changes, especially on the material plane will take some time to install. This planet moves with a slow, deliberate approach as it tears down the old and begins the process of renovation. The Infrastructure Bill that was passed months ago will begin to be implemented in the coming months, an external example of what this energy is all about. Pluto wants renovation, change, deep rooted reconstruction. And that’s exactly what America, and the world, has needed for a very long time. While Pluto was in Capricorn the past 14 years it was restricted from making the type of alterations it would normally pursue. There was a limitation to the collective’s ability to redefine long term changes. Now that restriction is being released and we will see some serious moves.

Remember that Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn two more times and this transit will not begin in earnest until November 2024. But the next two years will give us a good indicator of what to expect. Because this is such a long transit, don’t be impatient. Some issues will take years to complete. But Pluto will be doing its job throughout; creating power struggles that are necessary to work through some deep, important problems that have plagued humankind for centuries. Pluto rules all things held jointly by people. This includes the collective wealth, the environment, and the very planet we share. Who owns the land? There is an old saying that you don’t own the land, the land owns you. Native American’s understood this concept and lived in harmony with their environment. Modern man believes that the rich shall inherit the earth with barely a scrap for the rest of the population. That concept is as old as cave dwellers, when the biggest took the best caves and the weakest lived where they could; from the first empires created in history from the Mesopotamians, to the Babylonians, the Greeks, Romans, British empire, right up to Silicon Valley. Oh we’ve made some strides in equality, such as Social Security, European universal health care (a concept that seems to be alien to America,) and some small concessions. But each is won only after a long drawn out battle, and most are continuously challenged. Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius may just bring some of that fight more obviously into the public.


But of course, humans are fighting for much more than financial or cultural freedom. We are fighting for our very existence in a rapidly changing world where food and water shortages and potential chaos are exacerbated by climate change. All of this is the concern of Pluto. We will see some frightening events take place, as nations shift their alliances and the natural resources and economies require a reset. But there will also be some amazing innovations and discoveries in medicine, energy, agriculture and economics. No one planet rules our collective struggle and it should not be seen as such. They work in tandem and their transits and progressions force us to make decisions on a grand scale. But when the outer planets change signs it indicates a major shift in the undercurrent, and the beginning of a new generation who always face a revolution of some sort. Those born with Pluto in Aquarius may seem alien in some ways to those born with it in other signs. And that challenge is our best hope for evolution. As Mike and the Mechanics once sang: “Every generation blames the one before…” Profound words in a pop song. Not unusual to my generation. We had songsmiths who worked hard to make a statement. I would love to see that happen again. Stay the course, but look for ways to change and heal and renew what is. That’s what Pluto wants. You will see its influence throughout our culture, and if you have farsightedness you may understand where it’s heading in the long run. Peace to you all, my friends. Mitch