On Thursday March 16th at 3:59 P.M. EDT there will be compulsiveness in relationships. You may find it difficult to calmly express your feelings, and there could be some tension. But as with all transits, there’s purpose. Sometimes we settle into comfortable situations when we don’t push the boundaries, or continue to grow. Stagnation sets in and we just accept what is. But when the harsher transits come along they test us. Are you just accepting the status quo and not trying to change? Those are the times we are forced to look at things from a different angle. This is such a day. Venus is about to leave Mars ruled Aries and enter Taurus, one of the signs it rules. This won’t be an earth shattering change, but on a personal level it will be significant. The energy will shift and there will be a softer, more receptive atmosphere in our closest connections. This square will push us to view whatever needs to be examined and prepare to make some much needed changes. Try to keep in mind that it can be easy to overdo things when Pluto is involved, and if something difficult must be discussed, do it with compassion and empathy. Tomorrow many things will look a little different and you don’t want to cut ties that aren’t ready to be severed.


On Thursday March 16th at 6:34 P.M. EDT until April 11th at 12:47 A.M. EDT Venus travels through one of the signs it rules. This is often a good time for the markets. There is a feeling of balance that this transit can produce in our personal relationships as well as in financial matters. For the next few weeks it will be easier to express yourself in your most intimate relationships. While Taurus can be stubborn and unyielding, it is a caring and loyal sign, and Venus feels right at home. It’s a good time to stabilize your connections and to discuss long term plans. If you used Venus square Pluto to your advantage you should have been able to let go of some feelings that may have been holding you back from making personal choices. Now it’s time to put those decisions into action. In your financial matters this is a great period for laying out a budget and planning your financial future. It’s also a good time to redecorate, make some important purchases, and generally taking care of yourself, your environment, and your relationships.