On Tuesday March 7th at 8:35 A.M. EST Saturn finally leaves Aquarius and enters the last sign of the zodiac. This is a major shift in our collective karma, and one that will have many repercussions, some very positive and some difficult. Saturn rules banks and the housing industry. Does that mean that we can expect weakness in these sectors? Maybe. We’re already seeing some pullback in the overheated housing market, and I expect that it will continue to show weakness. But the housing market today isn’t an organic entity that runs on its own fundamentals or the ebb and flow of the public demand for new houses. Over the past number of years it’s become a manipulated market with corporations and hedge funds buying up enormous numbers of houses, condos and properties as long term investments and “securities”. This has shrunk the existing number of properties available and artificially raised prices beyond the capabilities of many potential home owners. It’s another example of the inequities in our society making it more difficult for people to rise above their economic status. The rise in interest rates due to inflation has also cut deeply into the ability for first time buyers to purchase their “starter homes” and has put enormous pressure on the public. As such we have seen a slowdown in new housing, and in the movement of existing houses. Saturn’s shift into Pisces will most likely result in a continuation of that slowdown. But there could be a reaction with a glut of unsold properties on the market, which will eventually result in a rush once interest rates drop – which they will towards the end of 2023. But the underlying issue of the manipulation in housing will not disappear as long as the uber-rich and investment organizations continue to try and control it. We are seeing a major change in how properties are valued and just who can afford them. And that, sadly, will change the underlying definition of the American Dream.


Some people have written that they feel this aspect will result in another pandemic. I don’t. Saturn has the restrictive force that will not only withhold Neptune’s infectious efforts, but may also begin a few years of lessening in hurricanes, tornados, and other severe weather patterns, as it has when this transit has occurred in the past. But with climate change on a rampage I don’t expect things to settle down too much. This winter has been a doozy in many parts of the world. As is often the case, when an outer planet changes signs it can give us all one last kick in the ass to remind us of what that ending transit is all about. No matter what, if we don’t address climate concerns with a lot more oomph in the near future, we will all pay the price.


With Saturn leaving Aquarius, ruler of all technology, we are seeing the tech stocks begin to recover after a few years of severe downturn. Tesla lost about 60% of its value. Google, Facebook and Apple have also lost a huge percentage. Now with Saturn leaving this sign we are already seeing resurgence in the more stable of those stocks. I believe it’s a buying opportunity for some undervalued equities.


Saturn’s ingress from one sign into another is perhaps one of the most pronounced and important shifts we feel in our society. While we call the outer luminaries of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto the generational planets, as they do define each group of the collective, it is the 2 ½ year cycle with Saturn in the various signs that defines the values of each segment of the bigger group. While Pluto will spend 20 years or more in some signs, and certainly the entire generation that experiences that placement will share certain goals and drives, it is the segments within that period that are in some ways more clearly defined by the placement of Saturn. I am lucky enough to be called upon by clients to do their children’s and grandchildren’s charts, and often the age differences between siblings or cousins will place Saturn in different segments. Their charts are very different, their values and purpose in life will be sufficiently altered that they truly are of a different sub-generation, and they will respond to their environment and challenges from much varied perspectives. So now we will be entering a new slice of this youngest generation and we will see some serious moves in directions that may seem alien for a while, until we get used to the energy it implies. Saturn and Pisces (Neptune) can seem quite incongruous, but in fact when they are used together successfully the potential is endless. Remember, Pisces are the 2nd most billionaires in the world. The foundation of Saturn can create the platform upon which the creativity, spirituality, and depth of understanding of Neptune can enlighten the world. Great art can be created with this combination used properly. I’m hoping that is the case, although it may not be embraced easily at first by the general population.