The New Moon falls on Sunday February 20th at 2:56 A.M. EST at 1 degree Pisces 22 minutes. The next few New Moons fall at the first degree of the sign. This implies that this is a time of new beginnings, a chance to reset some priorities and aim our attention towards fresh starts, even more than the energy a New Moon offers. Because this is a Pisces New Moon, the last sign of the zodiac we are actually seeking ways to initiate completions. While that may seem to be a contradiction, remember that before we can begin anew we must complete that which is unfinished. Otherwise we will bring the left over karma into the next phase of life. At times it’s more difficult to bring something to a satisfactory conclusion than to start a new venture. That’s much of what Pisces is about. There’s a theory that those born under the sign of the fish, or have a great deal of Piscean energy in their charts, are in a final phase of incarnation. I don’t know if that’s true, and I think it’s quite difficult to prove. But the concept makes sense. Whether or not someone is at the end of the karmic wheel, the force that this sign generates is spiritual and deep. It’s not material in its conception. Still, as I’ve mentioned before, the number of Pisces billionaires is second only to Libra. This seems hard to fathom when you think of this sign, but remember, money is only a tool, and it is neither positive nor negative. It’s what you do with it that creates its effects on the world. I know several people who are immensely wealthy and have Saturn conjunct Neptune in their natal charts. Astrologers are often confused by this. But it makes sense. Why? Well, Neptune creates illusion and an unreality. Saturn is just the opposite – it sets down a foundation for whatever the individual wants to produce. In this case, Saturn puts down the structure for the fantasy of great wealth to materialize. It’s also true of a number of famous artists who use the structure of Saturn to formulate their place in the creative world.


With Neptune still traveling through Pisces, and Saturn about to enter the mutable water sign where they will conjunct in 2025, there is a challenge to us all to keep an eye on the ball and not be distracted by illusion. We live in a time of tremendous misdirection, when the truth isn’t the truth, and many wish to amplify that. If we allow ourselves to fall into the conflicting realm of what is real and what is fantasy we risk the potential of losing our equilibrium and allowing the distortion of facts to grow to a point of no return. Instead, let’s learn the lesson of the Saturn-Neptune combination, of those Pisceans who can have one foot in the ethereal and one in the material plane, and find the balance that can produce the best results. If you handle this combination well, you can accomplish great things and be a force of healing and teaching. Strive for that and you cannot fail.