On Saturday February 18th at 5:34 P.M. EST we enter the last sign of the astrological year. It’s a time of endings and preparation for the New Year on the first day of spring. Pisces is a spiritual sign, but so much more. It can be compassionate and unearthly at times, and quite infuriating to those too attached to the material world. But don’t think that all Pisces spend their lives doing is preaching or looking for the downtrodden to try and save a soul. There are many who use the rich sources of our capitalist society in many ways. Some to help others, some to help themselves. There is balance in all things in life and astrology, and some may seem incongruous, like a rich priest or a beggar with a million dollars hidden in his hovel. It isn’t the ownership of riches that makes a person’s spirit, but how they treat others, animals, and the world they inhabit. By one count there are 29 Pisces billionaires in the world, the second highest number among the signs. But money is just a tool. It’s what we do with it that makes it good or evil. Because Pisces is a mutable sign, symbolized by two fish attached, one swimming upstream and one swimming downstream, that gives it the illusion of immobility. For how can an entity move at all if it’s always at odds with its other half? That is often the conflict of this sign. How can we be spiritual while living in a material world? For the Pisces that is the challenge and the ultimate goal, whether or not they know it. This is a sign that is motivated by what is going on inside more than in the outside world. But because we all must live on this plane, the fish can at times seem out of place and seemingly unattached. But like I said, there are many Pisces who achieve great financial or worldly success in business, the arts, and politics. They may think they are motivated by ego or will, but in truth it is the spiritual quest they are on that is driving them, and many do not ever know it until very late in life.

This is a month for us all to be in touch with the inner qualities we possess. It doesn’t imply that we can’t continue to strive for success, only that there is another voice we should adhere to, the quieter, subtler whisper that seems to call out us from the wind. Follow me, I am your true savior. Stop by that homeless person and give them a dollar, if you can, or just a smile. Either will be welcome and may warm them just a wee bit. And don’t forget your friends who may be just as lonely, dealing with a health issue or insecurity. They need a smile too. And Pisces teaches us all how to share the wealth of our being with those less fortunate.