This month lunar peak occurs on Sunday February 5th at 1:29 P.M. EST at 16 degrees Leo 41 minutes. Leo rules the stage. It’s the ham of the zodiac, always looking for an audience and wanting to play a role, sometimes because it’s easier for the lion to act as someone else than to show their true colors. I love Leos. And I love the energy, friendship and honesty of this sign. This Full Moon may display all of those. Expect others to be theatrical and showy. Also, because friendships are so very important to this fixed fire sign, you may find someone gives you an unexpected hug, or just tells you how much they love you, in a friendship sort of way. Leo does rule the 5th house of romance, and it’s possible that if this hits your chart just so you may discover a new ardor. But in any case, this is a time to mingle with others, be sociable and be with a group, however big that group may be. It’s also a great day to see a show, a concert, and any live performance. The players will be exceptional with the energy of the Leo Full Moon on them, and you may enjoy yourself a great deal. This is a good day to reach out to friends you may have lost touch with for some time.

There will certainly be theatrics over the next few weeks as this begins to wane. Some events will play out on the world stage, and there may be a few very explosive moments, so be prepared. It’s a very excitable and social Full Moon, so expect to spend time in groups. Mostly it will be very pleasant, and adventurous. But there is the possibility of something getting blown out of proportion in your personal life or in the world. Keep your eyes and ears open. And try to avoid any situation that can become funky. Often this Full Moon coincides with a weather event. I remember a number of huge snowstorms under this energy, and the North East if about to go through an insanely cold spell. Be careful. Dress properly or stay home.