On Sunday January 22nd at 5:59 P.M. EST Uranus finally turns around. With the New Moon in Uranus-ruled Aquarius we are entering a new period that will prove to be upsetting to some, and enlightening to others. The word most astrologers hate is “unpredictable”. After all, we are often hired to make predictions. But this planet doesn’t really care about our personal issues. Actually none of the planets care about anything. They’re just big rocks or gas floating in space. But the humanist influence is what we’re talking about. Uranus wants new input, ideas and untested experiments. If you are able to open y our consciousness to the unknown, this will be a good time for you. If not, it may be troubling. But in either case, the purpose is to find something adventurous, so try to keep an open mind and heart and you may be surprised by what you encounter.

On the world stage this planet has to do with explosive and upsetting events as well. We already see some ways that it may manifest. The war in Ukraine is escalating, as I predicted when Mars went direct. The European nations are sending tanks to the Ukrainians for the first time, which will increase their defensive powers. The Russian are increasing their rocket attacks and preparing another group of fresh troops to invade. It’s going to be a messy winter into spring. And Uranus, which rules all explosive devises, is going to have its day. In our domestic ongoing and seemingly unsolvable political battle we are seeing the results of the mid-term elections play out in the House of Representatives, where the ruling party is drawing its line in the sand. This includes the seating of several controversial people on committees, the beginning of investigations, and the threat of not increasing the debt ceiling, which would have a devastating effect on America’s economic and political standing in the world. We would not be able to pay our bills for the first time in our history. In exchange for raising the ceiling the Republicans are demanding severe cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social security, the very foundation of the safety net that many Americans rely on for a modicum of support. Without those services tens of millions from both parties would be unable to survive. These are all the kinds of issues Uranus is apt to bring up. Not all wars are fought on the battle field. Some are conducted in a courtroom or in Congress. Who will blink first?