On Thursday January 12th at 2:58 P.M. EST Mars finally turns around after 2 ½ months in retrograde. This is a major shift in our collective energy. For the past few months there has been a restrictive and often frustrating underlying feeling that many people experienced. On the world stage power struggles have gone on relentlessly. Think of the House of Representatives, the political upheaval in Brazil, to name just a few. This has been a rather interesting and at times difficult aspect. Mars rules the ego, the energy within the body, the muscles and the “maleness” within us all. We are all made up of yin & yang, the assertive and the receptive, and the balance between the two, both personally and collectively helps us keep an even keel. When Mars or Venus is in retrograde, that balance can become unsteady. And so it was since late October. Many found it hard to project the strength necessary to accomplish our tasks and fell behind in obligations and projects. And some just felt tired or wary of acting too aggressively, so they stood on the sidelines. But now our footing should be sturdier and we can approach our challenges directly. Some health issues that have been bothersome and relentless will begin to heal. And in our relationships there will be more consistency and you can approach them in an honest and assertive manner without fear of rejection or misunderstanding.

Mars is the god of war, and when it is in retrograde the aggressor will usually be the one who fails. History has proven this so many times. That certainly seems to be the case in Ukraine. Russian forces, the aggressor in this conflict, have had a series of severe setbacks over the past months, leading many to believe that the Ukrainian army can push the invaders back to their pre-war borders. That may be true, however with Mars going direct there will also most likely be an escalation in the fighting, with Russia once again throwing new troops and weaponry into the battle. It’s a time when we say: Push comes to shove, unfortunately a very good analogy. The world is watching with bated breath, as the outcome of this conflict could very well determine the future of warfare, and mankind. Sometimes I wish humanity had never developed opposable thumbs. As God says: “Boy, you make one little mistake”…