This month lunar peak occurs on Friday January 6th at 6:08 P.M. EST at 16 degrees Cancer 22 minutes. Expect people to be a bit overly emotional for a few days. Try not to get into a situation that could draw you in on a very personal level. Arguments, or any emotional situation may become too much to deal with, so tread lightly and don’t take everything too seriously. Cancer is the sign of the home, mother, family, memories, and the past. It’s a very caring sign, although at times it can be a little overwhelming in its need to express its feelings. This Full Moon often brings up issues from the past that haven’t been resolved. Don’t be afraid of your ghosts. They’re here to teach you, not to harm you, as Scrooge learned. Embrace your yesterdays and try to build upon them to ensure a more secure, stable and emotionally balanced future. This is the sign that rules the home, the hearth, and all the tchotchkes we collect through a lifetime. The memories they hold can be more powerful than we imagine. How many times I have come across a forgotten picture, card, or memento only to be brought to tears as the past floods over me like a raging river of joy and sadness. In the end it’s only the memories that matter. So make some wonderful new ones as you move on.

It’s a few days later, Jan. 10, and as Mercury and Chiron form their square right after this Full Moon in Cancer, the book my 86-year-old mother wrote about her life arrived in the mail today. Haven’t even read it yet but I’m crying already! I also wanted to tell you how much I love and appreciate your work. You are such a gifted writer and astrologer–thank you for all you do.