Newsletter: January 2023

Newsletter: January 2023

ISSUE # 282

January 2023

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

If you’re interested in a personal reading please CLICK HERE  or contact me directly through email at

I am preparing a series of podcast and webinar for 2023. I expect the first to be released in January. I will, of course, announce them as they approach.
My recent Financial Webinar from August 2022 is now available at Please go to their website to purchase the webinar. It is a 2 hour video with a follow-up Q&A of 2 1/2 hours.


This time of year brings out emotions, memories, hopes and wishes long dormant and suppressed. Do we still believe in Santa Clause? It’s funny. When you’re 3 or 4 you do. By the time you reach about 6 or 7, you don’t. But as the years go by and the circle seems to complete, there are times when I do believe again. Not in the fat guy in a badly fitting red suit shoving stuff down the chimney (who in New York still has a chimney?) but in the concept, the illusion and the dreams we have lost through the decades of struggle, bad relationships, sadness and fear. Every year I watch Miracle on 34th Street, It’s a Wonderful Life, and Allister Simms; A Christmas Carol. I need to regroup, and reestablish my wishes, my inner child, still hoping for the magic that will make life better. It’s not a matter of religion. I’m an American hi-bred Jew with just enough Irish blood to spice it all up, raised by secular parents, with a small menorah in the kitchen and a huge Christmas tree in the living room. Christmas Day was a very big deal in my family. My mother threw the best parties, inviting all the Jewish relatives, with no other place where they could feel welcome and part of the celebration. My friends of all faiths would come by to exchange gifts and enjoy the magnificent spread my mother spent the day putting together. We weren’t celebrating a religion, although many of my friends did, we celebrated life and the sharing, the love and the giving, and the forgiving.

When I was bartending on the Upper Eastside of Manhattan many years ago, I clearly remember one year when a waiter, who was of Arab descent, came over to the service bar, stuck out his hand, and solemnly wished me a sincere and heartfelt “Merry Christmas.” And I thought to myself “A Muslim wishing a Jew a very Merry Christmas. That’s what America means to me. The inclusion, the sharing, the celebration.” Now I wonder how we have lost so much of that. I celebrate all holidays (hey, it’s a great time to presents, cookies and good food). But it’s also the time to open your heart to everyone you care about, and to join in the joy that each religion, group, and tribe of humanity seeks.

So Merry Christmas America, I hope you never lose that child within and can always get some pleasure when Santa Clause is saved by the postal service and found sane. And to the world, for those readers who live in another country, I haven’t forgotten you. I do tend to see the world through the eyes of my upbringing and lifestyle. It’s a human trait. But I have friends from India, the Middle East, Europe, and even New Jersey with hearts bigger than Jupiter. And I wish you all the most love, peace, and understanding that you can handle. Mitch.


The New Moon falls on Friday December 23rd at 5:17 A.M. EST at 1 degree Capricorn 33 minutes.In many ways this is the most down to earth New Moon of the year. Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn, have a well-earned reputation of being realistic and balanced. Yes, it can be a bit restrained, and it doesn’t often express the exuberance of the preceding sign of Sagittarius, but there is this solid, lasting sense that gives us the security and foundation upon which we can build for the future. With 2023 looming on the horizon and so many of us hoping it will bring a more settled and balanced year than the past few, this is the time for optimism and faith. Not blind faith, hoping for divine intervention that will suddenly bring us everything we ever dreamed of, but a human driven opportunity to make the kind of changes we need to ensure a better future. That’s how Capricorn thinks. As we enter this new lunar cycle many will find that the past is very prominent. Memories, dreams and reflections (with apologies to Carl Jung) will tie us to what was. Like Scrooge’s journey with the three spirits, our path is directly connected to what was, what is, and what might be. They are all part of who you are and cannot be separated. Be hopeful and enthusiastic, embrace who you were when the world was a much younger place, and have faith that you are heading towards a better tomorrow. The world can be a harsh and challenging place. And it seems to get more so as the years go by. But remember, what we give up in youth we gain in experience. The glow of optimism will light your road and nothing in the shadows can harm you.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, a joyous Kwanza, a festive Festivus, or whatever holiday you choose to celebrate, and a deeper understanding of what we need to make a better world. Stay warm and safe, and find love where it may be. Even in the memories of those who have left us there is joy and caring. You will find that there are miracles aplenty, not just on 34th Street, but everywhere your heart allows. So be happy and pet an animal. Their spirit is the purest on the planet. Much love. Mitch


On Thursday December 29th at 4:32 A.M. EST until January 18th at 8:12 A.M. EST the little imp will be running backwards. I don’t believe that any transit is there to hurt us, only to teach us the lessons we need to learn. But in recent years, the retrograde Mercury has taken on a mythical form that implies difficulties, problems and mass confusion. I don’t see it that way. For one thing, many people do quite well under this aspect. Those with a prominently placed or retrograde Mercury in their natal charts seem to embrace this energy and deal with it just fine. It’s often those who lack patience or tend to leap before they look that are befuddled and make mistakes. With a clear attitude and a calm awareness it’s easy to avoid most problems.


On Sunday January 1st at 12:25 A.M. EST some intensity in our personal relationships will demand that we look at things in a clear and light. This can be a powerful moment when you may uncover the truth about someone, or finally recognize their feelings towards you. This can be a wonderfully enlightening event or a difficult one, depending on whether you share their feelings or not. In any case, approach this with an open mind and heart. This is New Year’s Day, a time when we often look for changes and new or renewed expression of hope, faith, love and sincerity. Pluto is very honest in its desires, sometimes too much so. But it prefers to bring things to light and offer us an honest examination that needs to be dealt with. While sometimes this can be difficult, or even embarrassing, in the long run tis best to see the truth and be done with it.



On Monday January 2nd at 9:09 P.M. EST until January 26th at 9:33 P.M. EST Venus will travel through unpredictable Aquarius. The need to express whatever is out there is very much a characteristic of this sign, and with Venus ruling love and money we can expect some revelations in those two areas of life. There will be even more volatility in the equity markets of the coming weeks as we begin the 1stquarter of 2023. The tech stocks, which have taken a major hit this past year, may show some signs of recovery, although I don’t think they are ready for a serious rebound. That may happen once Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces in March.

In your personal life you should be very aware of what you want and need from your relationships, and try your best to express it in an open and honest manner. Hiding the truth because you think it may upset someone will only prolong you discomfort and allow your feelings to fester to the point where they may become explosive (another characteristic of Aquarius). It’s best to bring things out into the light and discuss them in a clear and balanced way. With Venus in this sign flirtations and unstable connections are common. You may meet someone and fall head over heels (I’ve never done that, but I like the expression) only to find out that the person isn’t at all who you thought he or she was. So use some common sense, and allow some time to pass before making a decision. It’s one thing to flirt, it’s quite another to commit. Ending the first can be accomplished by paying the bar tab and leaving. The second often entails a much more complicated process.


On Wednesday January 4tht at 4:08 A.M. EST this lovely aspect will complete early in the morning. Its effects will be felt more the night before, unless you happen to be an all-nighter. It isn’t a powerful or life-changing transit, but it will give us all a few hours of pleasant indulgence. Enjoy.


On Thursday January 5th at 11:43 A.M. EST this trine will complete. For a few days we will all be a little more experimental and adventurous. This is a great transit for trying new things, or seeking a new solution to an old problem. The trines do not force themselves upon us like the conjuncts, oppositions and squares to. You must use them in a proactive manner to get the best results. Try something new. A new type of food, a trip somewhere you’ve never been before, a day with people unlike your usual clan, or a visit to a jazz club, a new museum, or any other exciting input. It may open your eyes, ears, and brain to something unusual and stimulating.


This month lunar peak occurs on Friday January 6th at 6:08 P.M. EST at 16 degrees Cancer 22 minutes. Expect people to be a bit overly emotional for a few days. Cancer is the sign of the home, mother, family, memories, and the past. It’s a very caring sign, although at times it can be a little overwhelming in its need to express its feelings. This Full Moon often brings up issues from the past that haven’t been resolved. Don’t be afraid of your ghosts. They’re here to teach you, not to harm you, as Scrooge learned. Embrace your yesterdays and try to build upon them to ensure a more secure, stable and emotionally balanced future. This is the sign that rules the home, the hearth, and all the tchotchkes we collect through a lifetime. The memories they hold can be more powerful than we imagine. How many times I have come across a forgotten picture, card, or memento of my past only to be brought to tears as the past floods over me like a raging river of joy and sadness. In the end it’s only the memories that matter.



On Saturday January 7th at 7:57 A.M. EST the intellectual energy of the individual and the collective will be directly connected to the will. That ensures a brief period of some stubbornness and a strong desire to express your ideas, sometimes in an unbending manner. If you can use this energy well, you can get a lot said and done. Communications will be honest and direct, which is a very positive thing. Just don’t let your ego get in the way. Keep an open mind and listen to what others have to say. If you do, you will learn something very valuable.



On Sunday January 8th at 6:26 P.M. EST we have a day or two when ideas will flow fast and without resistance. This is a time to expand your perception and look at things from a different point of view. Have I been close-minded or obstinate? If there a better way to resolve a disagreement? Is this ongoing problem a result of my continued stubbornness, and is there a different path that could lead to a solution? These are the questions we should be asking now. But we should also examine the potential for new plans and directions. How can I open the door to opportunities that are available to me? This is a time to think outside the box and take the path less traveled upon. Use it to your advantage and you may just arrive at a better solution.



On Monday January 9th at 10:22 A.M. EST a balance between the male and female energy will allow us all to find commonality. This is a good day to interact with the opposite sex and to reach an understanding. It won’t solve all of your problems, and the deeper issues within a relationship will still be there, but it is a moment when you may be able to let things go and just enjoy each other’s company. You may discover something you share the you just hadn’t noticed before.



On Thursday January 12th at 2:58 P.M. EST Mars finally turns around after 2 ½ months in retrograde. This has been a rather interesting and at times difficult aspect. Mars rules the ego, the energy within the body, the muscles and the “maleness” within us all. We are all made up of yin & yang, the assertive and the receptive, and the balance between the two, both personally and collectively helps us keep an even keel. When Mars or Venus is in retrograde, that balance can become unsteady. And so it was since late October. Many found it hard to project the strength necessary to accomplish our tasks and fell behind in obligations and projects. And some just felt tired or wary of acting too aggressively, so they stood on the sidelines. But now our footing should be sturdier and we can approach our challenges directly. Some health issues that have been bothersome and relentless will begin to heal. And in our relationships there will be more consistency and you can approach them in an honest and assertive manner without fear of rejection or misunderstanding.

Mars is the god of war, and when it is in retrograde the aggressor will usually be the one who fails. History has proven this so many times. That certainly seems to be the case in Ukraine. Russian forces, the aggressor in this conflict, have had a series of severe setbacks over the past months, leading many to believe that the Ukrainian army can push the invaders back to their pre-war borders. That may be true, however with Mars going direct there will also most likely be an escalation in the fighting, with Russia once again throwing new troops and weaponry into the battle. It’s a time when we say: Push comes to shove, unfortunately a very good analogy. The world is watching with bated breath, as the outcome of this conflict could very well determine the future of warfare, and mankind. Sometimes I wish humanity had never developed opposable thumbs. As God says: “Boy, you make one little mistake”…


On Saturday January 14th at 8:22 P.M. EST this erratic and potentially exciting transit will complete. This is a chance to experiment and try some new things. But be careful. The squares can be very tricky and you could veer off into some unexpected or even dark place. Make certain you know where you’re going and with whom. But with a little caution this can be quite adventurous. It isn’t a time to stick to your usual routine. Take a chance and step outside the box. Just do it in a smart and secure manner.



On Wednesday January 18th at 8:12 A.M. EST it’s finally safe to go back into the waters of life. Mercury retrogrades three times a year, and we can make too much of it, the same way that some areas freak out when it snows a little. In New England it can drop a foot of the white stuff and most people shrug, get into their cars, and head out to do errands. In Washington D.C. or Atlanta and inch or two is a calamity. Now that Mercury is going forward again we can catch up on things that have lagged. Because this retrograde took place in Capricorn this is a moment to examine what you’re doing and just what your goals are. If you feel you’re on the right path, then full speed ahead. But if you’re not sure and want a little time to look things over, that’s just what this aspect is all about. Take the time to reexamine your priorities and make certain that you are heading on the right path. When Mercury changes direction it’s a chance to shift gears or take another road. We will all be concerned with our stability, finances and long-term plans. Of course the credit card will be begin to arrive soon – that sobering moment when you realize just how much you spent over the holidays. Take it in stride and don’t freak out.



On Wednesday January 18th at 9:44 A.M. EST we will all feel compulsive and find it hard to let things go. Try your best to sidestep any unnecessary arguments and don’t let your stubborn side take control. This is a time to dig deeply into any subject, and it’s a good time to uncover that which is hidden. And if you look at this from that perspective, you can take an argument and turn it into a life lesson.



On Friday January 20th at 3:30 A.M. EST we enter the fixed part of winter. As those of you who follow my work know, I am not a fan of this season. While it’s nice to cozy up with a warm blanket, warm body, fireplace, and hot chocolate, it’s also pleasant to sit on a beach in the Bahamas with a warm breeze and a Pina Colada. If I had to choose… But we are where we are. The hardest part about this time of year is that it is relentless. The holidays have passed, there is no spring on the horizon, and we all know that winter will be here for a long time to come. That’s what the fixed part of any season is like. But use this time to your advantage, whether you’re in the chilly Northeast, the bitter Midwest, or you’re lucky enough to be sitting in the warm sun somewhere. Aquarius wants new and exciting input. It is looking for something different – an adventure or a project that will be stimulating to the heart and mind. You can’t just get caught up in the endless dark and cold. You must find the light and spirit within you and find positive ways to project it. I’ve done some of my best writing in January & February. In part because I couldn’t do much outside, also because I was forced to find outlets that challenged me, and in doing so I found the impetus to explore new worlds in my mind and on paper.


The next New Moon falls on Saturday January 20th at 3:53 P.M. EDT at 1 degree Aquarius 33 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

For information regarding personal readings please contact me at:

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:

December 24th  10:01 P.M. – December 25th 2:14 A.M.

December 26th 1:19 P.M. – December 27th 2:34 A.M. ***Moon is void 14 hours

December 29th 1:21 A.M. – 5:36 A.M.

December 31st 7:44 A.M. – 12:08 P.M.

January 2nd 5:16 P.M. – 9:44 P.M.

January 4th 7:08 P.M. –  January 5th 9:15 A.M.

January 7th 5:23 P.M. – 9:40 P.M.

January 9th 8:52 P.M. – January 10th 10:15 A.M. ***Moon is void 14 hours

January 12th 6:06 P.M. – 9:56 P.M.

January 15th 3:40 A.M. – 7:08 A.M.

January 17th 9:27 A.M. – 12:33 P.M.

January 19th 5:09 A.M. – 2:11 P.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours

January 21st 10:52 A.M. – 1:29 P.M.

January 23rd 5:19 A.M. – 12:36 P.M.

January 25th 11:12 A.M. – 1:48 P.M.

January 27th 4:01 P.M. – 6:42 P.M.

December 2022

New York City

Copyright 2022

All Rights Reserved

Thank you for all good wishes and positive insights. I feel 2023 will be a year of change, for the better, although it may not be obvious at first.

Excellent newsletter Mr. Lewis. Thank you. I’ve printed it and it hangs next to my calendar making for a great reference.

Thanks again, wishing you a Happy Holidaze! and a fortuitous, joyful new year.

Hello Mitch,

Your newsletters are always so accurate and inspiring. Enjoy them so much.

Best regards to you and wonderful wishes for many years to come.

Thank you.
