The New Moon falls on Friday December 23rd at 5:17 A.M. EST at 1 degree Capricorn 33 minutes. In many ways this is the most down to earth New Moon of the year. Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn, have a well-earned reputation of being realistic and balanced. Yes, it can be a bit restrained, and it doesn’t often express the exuberance of the preceding sign of Sagittarius, but there is this solid, lasting sense that gives us the security and foundation upon which we can build for the future. With 2023 looming on the horizon and so many of us hoping it will bring a more settled and balanced year than the past few, this is the time for optimism and faith. Not blind faith, hoping for divine intervention that will suddenly bring us everything we ever dreamed of, but a human driven opportunity to make the kind of changes we need to ensure a better future. That’s how Capricorn thinks. As we enter this new lunar cycle many will find that the past is very prominent. Memories, dreams and reflections (with apologies to Carl Jung) will tie us to what was. Like Scrooge’s journey with the three spirits, our path is directly connected to what was, what is, and what might be. They are all part of who you are and cannot be separated. Be hopeful and enthusiastic, embrace who you were when the world was a much younger place, and have faith that you are heading towards a better tomorrow. The world can be a harsh and challenging place. And it seems to get more so as the years go by. But remember, what we give up in youth we gain in experience. The glow of optimism will light your road and nothing in the shadows can harm you.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, a joyous Kwanza, a festive Festivus, or whatever holiday you choose to celebrate, and a deeper understanding of what we need to make a better world. Stay warm and safe, and find love where it may be. Even in the memories of those who have left us there is joy and caring. You will find that there are miracles aplenty, not just on 34th Street, but everywhere your heart allows. So be happy and pet an animal. Their spirit is the purest on the planet. Much love. Mitch

So eloquent, insightful and inspiring. A beautiful peace to start the day. Onward and upward to 2023. ” When the going gets tough, one gets tougher.” Joyous hollyday, whatever one’s choice. Much gratitude.