On Wednesday December 21st at 4:48 P.M. EST the Sun joins Mercury, Venus and Pluto in this sign. Capricorn is a very misunderstood energy. The sign is in opposition to Cancer, and as such represents the balance, the yin-yang of parenting, family and stability. Capricorn rules the structure of the home, the house itself and the land it is built upon. Cancer rules the inside of the house – the fireplace, the furniture, the pictures and personal things that make a house a home. Oppositions; or polarities in astrology show the similarities between those signs that are in opposition. You really can’t have one without the other. And where Capricorn can at times be a bit stogy and seem distant and businesslike, it has a deep attachment to the past, to childhood and family. It isn’t as emotional as Cancer, and can be overly dogmatic, but that is the balance that our species seeks. You must have yin and yang, compassion and sternness, mother and father (however that is defined by circumstances). These are the two signs most connected and obsessed with the past. It’s important to keep that in mind when trying to decide how best to use this energy. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, has a somewhat negative perception by many. It can be a terrible taskmaster, but in the long run it is often your best friend, teaching you right from wrong, common sense from foolish exuberance, and I have found this sign to often be one of the most generous and understanding in the zodiac.

We are entering a brief “Capricorn season” that will have a large and meaningful influence over our society for the next month. It’s a momentary period when we all need to be more realistic and seek stability and security. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t expand or find growth in our investments, both financially and personally. Relationships will also seek a foundation upon which they can expand, but growth of all sorts flourish best in a well-tended garden. We need nutrition in the soul of our lives in order to allow for new development and life. Find that security and put down a solid bed in which the seeds of your ideas, relationships and finances can grow.