On Tuesday December 20th at 9:32 A.M. EST until May 16th at 1:20 P.M. EDT Jupiter reenters Aries and begins its journey around the zodiac anew. It had poked its head into this sign from May – October 2022, and then retrograded back into Pisces. Now it comes back to this fire sign. This is a terrific transit that will give us a year of growth and renewed interest in new ideas and projects. It’s the start of a new 12 year cycle, and I believe it implies a resurgence of the stock markets, and the strengthening of the economies of the world. It won’t suddenly solve all of the problems, of course. There are some economies that are in very bad shape. England, Turkey, Venezuela, and it will take some time before they stabilize. But many nations are on the verge of resurgence, including the U.S., many European countries, Japan, and some other markets. While inflation will continue for some time, if it has in fact peaked we will see the markets respond to that news and consumer confidence reemerge, sending the stocks up quite a bit. Is this a new bull market? I don’t know. Probably not quite yet. Although it does seem that the markets have put in a bottom, and, as I predicted in my financial webinars this past summer, inflation and the bear market are a temporary problem and will be begin to be resolved in 2023. So as I said in those webinars, I see this as a buying opportunity in the stocks for the long run. It might take some time to see big returns on your investments, but I’m optimistic that we are sitting on a strong economy, not just in America, but in many other nations, and that the expansion that is one of Jupiter’s strong points will manifest in the equities. It’s a time for optimism and growth. Not everything will be honky dory, and there are obviously going to be some issues that will require close attention. But for the most part I’m looking at this aspect as positive and enthusiastic.

Because Aries is ruled by Mars, the god of war, and Jupiter tends to expand whatever it comes in contact with, we might see an escalation in some ongoing conflicts throughout the world. This certainly implies more difficulty for Ukraine, but also in other skirmishes around the globe. We rarely have a period of all great news, and I don’t expect that now. But it’s a chance to shake off the dust of Covid (cautiously) and to look for new and innovative ways of dealing with our problems.