On Tuesday December 6th at 5:08 P.M. EST until February 11th at 6:22 A.M. EST Mercury enters this Saturn ruled sign. Because of Mercury’s upcoming retrograde motion, it will stay in this sign for more than 2 months. This will be a period when most of us will be more cautious in our communications. It will be a very good period for putting your thoughts in order, writing anything that requires a clear and focused attitude, and for reviewing things in a realistic manner. This isn’t a time to go off halfcocked, and if that is your nature, I suggest you try to calm your mind and allow it to move more slowly. Even if it isn’t how you do things, with a little restraint you can avoid many problems that might arise if you work against the energy of this transit. The best way to use astrology is to try and grasp an understanding of what the universe is offering you. You can study astrology, but that is a very long and exhaustive process. You can read what good astrologers have to say about the transits and progressions. And you can learn to mediate and open your consciousness to the higher mind and intuit how best to approach a topic or problem. We never stop learning. That is humankind’s greatest gift and harshest challenge. Keep an open mind. I know that Capricorn has a reputation of at times being a little close-minded or limiting. That can be true, but its ultimate purpose is to put down a strong and secure foundation upon which you can expand your ideas. There’s a reason why Sagittarius and Capricorn are next to each other. Although I have often thought that the proper order should have been Capricorn first, to put down the stabilizing structure, and then Sagittarius, so it can expand upon that foundation. But I didn’t organize the universe. Hell, I can hardly organize my desk. So there must be a higher purpose to things that transcend my meager intellect. In any case, one the expansiveness of Sag has begun, it’s the job of Capricorn to refine, restrict, and put order in place so the larger ideas will find a secure and stable home. While Mercury is transiting this earth sign, build that structure and put your thoughts, ideas, projects and wishes into a succinct and useable order, and you will achieve great success.

How perfect! This month, my focus is to create a new clear foundation for my classes and programs. It was exquisite to know Mercury is traveling with my friend Capricorn -Saturn-Neptune to assist.
I am a 23 Sag rising with the entire first house in Capricorn, including my moon and Chiron. I have made peace with Capricorn and see its unique qualities to get things done. Hooray.
Thanks for the uplighting post. Happy December.

Thank you Mitch.

Like you, I can’t organise my desk. Actually, I am a hoarder of information that I save for reading later but never seem to organise these into any sort of order.