On Saturday December 3rd at 7:15 P.M. EST this most complicated of planetary energy will reverse direction. Neptune rules spirituality, religious dogma, ethereal issues, and the fine arts. While it was in retrograde many of us found it difficult to express our inner artist to the outside world. Now it will be easier to present your ideas and your creative projects. In the creative arts this is a time to present your work to the world. Whatever you have been working on behind the scenes will now have a place to showcase the work, whether it’s a completed project or a work in progress.

Religious issues will continue to come to the surface and demand our collective attention. As we are in the midst of a rather complex and thorny struggle involved the purpose, place and influence that religion should have in society, this change of direction and the aspects that involve Neptune (including the ongoing square to Mars) will have an oversized manifestation in our collective discussion. Because religion has become an integral part of our political discourse in ways not considered for many years, it is imperative that we examine the potential effects this may have on our society. This isn’t a time to shrug and think that everything is normal. It isn’t. With Neptune changing direction these issues will come to the forefront in prominent ways and must be addressed in discourse and thought. There are questions that will come up in the courts and in the court of public opinion that demand our attention. We must recognize them, bring them out of the shadows, and confront their meaning

This is a time when our spiritual inner voice will become more prominent. As the reversal of direction takes place there is a stronger connection between the reflective and the active. For the next few weeks you should listen closely to what your spirit is telling you. There are some valuable lessons being offered that could change your attitude in a profound way. All forms of meditation will serve you well. Sit in that quiet place and let the inner healing wash over you. This isn’t a material energy, but a more passive and deeper one linking our spiritual and worldly sides. But it isn’t any less affective and the results can be powerful. We all carry stress and worry within. It’s human nature and a result of a highly toxic world we have created. If you don’t release that stress it will damage your body, your spirit and soul. There are times when we have a chance to respond to this silent trauma and advance the healing process. This is one of those opportunities and you should try to take advantage of it. This is a moment of healing and sometimes resolution to long-term problems involving the body and the spirit.

Thank you for these emails you send out on current transits. They are full of incite and real information that is useful in daily life. You are a good “explainer”, unlike some astrologers that use too much astrological language and not enough practical info.
Janis ♌️ ☀️, ♎️ Asc, ♐️ 🌙

m part of a group and within the last few days a riff has occured. Someone posted an event on the I didn’t see the post but the cost was 1666. Someone in the group said this was evil witchcraft etc. The post about the event had been removed by the time I checked. There ended up being a heated discussion about what we are free to post and what offended some. It degraded to name calling. People left the group and now someone who is spiritual but not religious created a side group. I see this as shadow side of Sagitarius, Mercury and then Venus opposite retograd Mars and square Neptune.