There are no other words except “Wow and Thank you.”
November 2022
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
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If you follow me on Facebook or on my website blog you will see that I update these transits as they come close. I suggest that you do so to keep up with the added information I am posting on each. This newsletter is a template for the coming month.
My recent webinar: “America’s Nervous Breakdown” – An astrological analysis of current events is now available for purchase .
In it I discuss the current situation we are facing politically and financially as we head into the 2022 mid-term elections. We examined the astrology charts of America, Biden, Trump, the NYSE, Bitcoin and other pertinent topics. The price is: $35.00.
If you are interested please email me and I will set up a Paypal request and forward you the link to view the webinar.
My Financial Webinar is now available at Please click here to purchase the webinar. It is a 2 hour video with a follow-up Q&A of 2 1/2 hours.
If ever there was a month that requires our attention, this is it. We will be dealing with some very serious and potentially explosive energy that may have a powerful and long-term effect on our society and our personal lives. This is an eclipse season, and we have these intense aspects in the fixed signs of Scorpio & Taurus, two unyielding and stubborn signs. While I wouldn’t normally be concerned about eclipses, especially partial ones, the Full Moon Lunar eclipse falls on Election Day, and has Uranus conjunct the Moon, Saturn in square to the Sun and Moon, and Mars in square to Neptune. This combination can create an unstable and confusing atmosphere that may have a larger than life effect on our personal and collective experiences. I go into detail in this newsletter as each aspect completes, but for an overview I would just like to say that you must pay attention to what’s going on around you, and try your best not to allow events to misdirect you or put you into a place where you can’t act in a logical or calm manner. The Mars – Neptune square has the ability to create a fog around things, and to dissipate our normal energy and ability to react in a timely and sensible way. Find a place within you that is settled and secure.
The New Moon falls on Tuesday October 25th at 6:49 A.M. EDT at 2 degrees Scorpio 00 minutes and it is a Solar Eclipse. This New Moon begins the Eclipse season that could well define the direction of our nation, and the world for years to come. Eclipses are powerful, and they often are harbingers of radical changes in our lives. This Solar Eclipse is setting up a number of events that will play out on the Lunar Eclipse on November 8th, which happens to be Election Day. I will discuss that at more length later in this newsletter. But let’s begin with this Solar Eclipse.
This is an opportunity to redirect the energy we are experiencing. Scorpio wants us to dig deeply into the issues, and to seek out new information that will help us make important choices. In your personal lives this is a moment to examine what you’ve been doing and to recognize any areas that aren’t working out for you. It’s a chance to change direction and to alter your path so it will better define what you wish to accomplish. Remember that Scorpio energy does tend to be rather black-or-white about things, and it would be a good idea to find a blend between the two. If something isn’t working out in your life, that doesn’t mean that you have to throw out the entire concept. There may be some parts of the plan that still make sense but need to be tweaked a bit. In many instances there is a solution that can help keep the wheels on track without completely destroying the status quo. That is the best way to use this energy. Yes, eclipses do create a severe and at times contentious atmosphere. And in the long run you may decide that something you’ve been working on for some time really isn’t worth the effort. But you can make that choice in the coming weeks. You don’t have to act on it immediately.
This is truly an opportunity to make some deep and important changes in your attitude and your direction. You should never be afraid of any astrological aspect. Astrology isn’t there to hurt you, or to disrupt your life more than is necessary. We all do tend to be a bit stubborn – it’s a species trait. And at times we must be shaken up or we won’t be open-minded sufficiently to allow the changes that can lead us to a new path. Embrace this energy and have some faith that there is a purpose for whatever the universe throws at us. It is only through history that we can see what the ultimate reasons were as we understand in time what has been altered. We won’t know the results, reasons or purpose to what’s happening now until enough time has passed to assimilate the knowledge. You must act on your beliefs and have faith that there really is an underlying reason for what it. Be true to your ideals, but open-minded enough to see that you may not have all the information required to make a final decision.
This New Moon echoes America’s Pluto Return, which is in full swing and will continue to influence our society for the next year. Once Pluto enters Aquarius there will be a major shift in force and power in our world. More on this later. But for now, be prepared to see the effects of Pluto as it demands that anything worn-out or no longer valid be regenerated, refurbished, or removed. That includes anything on the physical, psychological and spiritual plane.
On Wednesday October 26th at 11:37 P.M. EDT our minds will be sharp and active, and because this is a positive trine, if you use it to your advantage you can accomplish much while expressing yourself clearly and with force. This is a good time for important conversations and for looking at your plans in an honest and direct manner. People will say what’s on their minds and you shouldn’t be afraid of confrontations. This is a gentler aspect than the Mercury square Pluto that comes along tomorrow. So if you can, get on the phone and discuss what’s been on your mind. You may be surprised by the positive reaction of the other person.
On Thursday October 27th at 9:09 A.M. EDT this contentious square follows yesterday’s trine and the energy will be quite different. This is a difficult day when it will be much easier to get into an argument, and you should pay attention not only to what you’re saying, but the attitude behind your words. As I said earlier, nothing in astrology is there to hurt you. But there are times when you need to be pushed or you won’t make any changes. This is such a day. Arguments can be expected. But if you stand your ground without being too stubborn you may find that there is commonality and a place where you and the other person can agree, or at least recognize that some issues will not be resolved, but can be set aside. If you go into a situation with little regard for compromise you will most likely encounter resistance and a bull-headed opposition. That probably won’t do either of you any good. Mercury will enter Pluto-ruled Scorpio in two days, so consider this a prelude to what we can expect for the coming three weeks or so.
On Friday October 28th at 1:10 A.M. EDT until December 21st at 9:32 A.M. EST Jupiter reenters this last sign of the zodiac in its retrograde motion. This is a chance to complete some issues that you’ve been working on for the past year or so. As Jupiter gets settled once and for all into Aries in December, we will all be looking forward and seeking new ways of asserting our agendas and projecting the desire for expansion into innovative new beginnings. But now with Jupiter back into Pisces it’s an opportunity to clean up some unfinished business and to aim the energy towards the more spiritual side of things. Aries isn’t all that interested in ethereal matters, and that Mars-ruled sign wants action. But Pisces is less concerned with the material and looks for ways to heal and soothe the savage breast. That is why Mars-Neptune aspects can be extremely difficult. Their energies are quite different and can seem incompatible. I will be discussing that combination a number of times in this newsletter, as we will be seeing the square between Mars & Neptune near Election Day this coming November. For now try to connect with your inner voice and look for ways to increase your largesse, both financially and personally. Sometimes the most charitable thing you can give is a smile or a caring ear. There are many ways of generosity that don’t involve money.
Because we are at a crossroads in American and world politics, the changing of signs of Jupiter will have a profound influence on many issues that will direct our world for the coming years. Once Jupiter settles into Aries, we will begin a new 12 year cycle that will mark the changing atmosphere. But while it is returned back into Pisces, issues of faith, religion, and growth, both personally and collectively, will become far more important. None of these questions are easily answered. They will weigh heavily on our minds and souls. But it is through questioning and seeking those answers that we hopefully will find the path that can lead us to a more spiritual and settled world.
On Saturday October 29th at 3:22 P.M. EDT until November 17th at 3:42 A.M. EST Mercury will travel through this fixed water sign. Scorpio is known for digging deeply into any subject it encounters, and that is a well-earned reputation. The matters at hand in our society are so profound and will have such long-lasting effects that it’s important that we delve into them without reservation. There is little that is superficial going on. It feels as though every decision, every discussion, and every little thing that comes up has a serious and deep underbelly. Many of us, me included, feel the weight of this period so severely that it can feel like the old joke: Two psychiatrist meet. One says to the other: “Good morning.” The other one says to himself: “I wonder what he meant by that?” Even in this time of sharp divide and contentious interactions, we must find some joy and peace. If you are prepared for the deep level of communication you may encounter, you will be better prepared and able to make use of the productive and rejuvenating Scorpio energy. It’s a time to clean out anything buried, and to rebuild and rework your ideas and your relationships. Use it in that manner and it will serve you well.
On Sunday October 30th at 9:26 A.M. EDT until January 12th 2023 at 4:57 P.M. EST this most important and serious aspect will direct the energies of our lives for the next 2 ½ months. Mars represents our physical and psychological force. It is the chi that moves all things in life. Yes, it is called the God of War, because of its pugnacious attitude and its unyielding efforts. Throughout history when it is in retrograde, the aggressor almost always loses. This has proven try as far back as the Greeks, and in wars throughout the past centuries. But you can’t always easily decide which the aggressor is in a particular skirmish. While Russia is most certainly the agitator in this on-going war in Ukraine, what is the Ukrainians begin an offensive while Mars is in retrograde? Would that imply that they will lose because they are asserting an active military agenda? Or will they win because the war itself was begun by Russia? We can’t really assume the answer to that. But with Mars Rx, it is most likely that the war itself will wind down for some period. While that would only be a temporary reprieve, it might make things a little easier for the besieged Ukrainians as winter sets in and they battle not only the Russian forces, but the horrific combination of cold weather, food shortages, and the destruction to their infrastructure that has been escalating.
In our personal lives it would behooves us all to seek a more passive response to any aggression we may encounter. This isn’t the best time to be antagonistic. Mars rules the ego, and this is a time when that part of our personalities belongs in the backseat, not controlling our actions. Mars isn’t by nature a receptive force. It prefers to be in control, direct, and even aggressive to achieve its end. But, as I said above, history has shown that this attitude can be counter-productive at times. This is one of those periods, so choose your actions with care.
On Saturday November 5th at 6:22 P.M. EST expect some excitement in your life and your relationships. This can be a very energetic day when we are all looking for something different. This is a time to try the untired, explore the unexplored, or take the road less traveled upon. Expect some upsetting events in personal relationships. There is an explosive nature to Uranus aspects, and while Venus isn’t usually forceful or aggressive, it isn’t really passive either. It will get what it wants one way or another, usually through indirect means. If you allow this opposition to do its work, you may find that there is a more interesting or even useful approach that can create growth and shake off that which has become stale. Just be ready to hear what the other person has to say, and don’t assume you are under attack. Maybe it’s just time to try a different way.
On Monday November 7th at 2:34 A.M. EST the other half of this pair of transits completes. Because we are experiencing the last pass of the Saturn-Uranus square Venus will aspect both. Yesterday was all about experimentation and stepping outside your comfort zone. Today we will be more sedate and restrictive, and it’s a good day to look over your plans, your budget, and see if you’re on the right path. This is a more realistic day when you will be apt to view things in a genuine and accurate way. If something isn’t going well in a relationship, business plan, or other area, be open to looking at it truthfully and just maybe you can avoid some difficulties that your more unrealistic self would be more apt to accept.
This month lunar peak occurs on Tuesday November 8th at 6:02 A.M. EDT at 16 degrees Taurus 01 minutes. Well, what can I say? This is a day that will live in infamy. No matter how the mid-terms turn out, this is a chart that is the most explosive and (if you’ll pardon my saying) unpredictable moment in recent history. Not only do we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, but Uranus conjuncts that Moon, while Saturn squares it. We are also dealing with the Mars-Neptune square, with Mars sitting on America’s Mars, and Neptune in opposition to America’s Neptune while in square to our Mars. To say this is a holy mess of mass confusion, conflict, agitation, and disturbing energy is an understatement. This will be a defining moment in our history and a time that will be studied and revisited repeatedly in books, podcasts, etc. Nothing short of our future is at stake. No matter how these elections go, you can expect some challenges, anger, and possibly violence. Now, I consider myself an optimist and rarely go to extremes in my predictions or interpretations. But the handwriting is on the wall, and there are so many contentious contests in this nation that to assume that this will be your run-of-the-mill election day is simply unrealistic.
You should be very careful for a few days. Even if you’re even-keeled and not very upset by whatever happens, the atmosphere is heated and electric, and anything can occur. You may be able to sidestep the complexities of what’s going on, but someone in your life may not be as complacent. No matter how the elections turn out there will be many who are upset, angry and possibly feel alienated by the results. But the elections aside, this intense and potentially explosive energy can affect us in other ways. There may be something personal going on in your life that demands your attention. Remember to breath, and to take things one step at a time. The effects of eclipses can last weeks, or even months and you will not know the results of many issues for some time. Have patience. The truth will bear out in time.
On Tuesday November 8th at 11:42 A.M. EST this common aspect completes. But this year there is nothing common about it. Because of the energy I mentioned above, Mercury & the Sun will oppose Uranus over the next day and the explosive energy in the air could easily ignite serious issues. We can expect some challenges to election results, also potentially some violence, but that was implied already.
On Tuesday November 8th at 9:40 P.M. EST & Wednesday November 9th at 3:26 A.M. EST the explosive energy of the elections will continue to spew out into the general population. This entire day is loaded with potential problems. Hopefully they won’t get out of hand. I have some hope that despite the tremendous rift in our culture, common sense will prevail and things will settle down. But probably not until Saturn’s energy kicks in on Thursday. No matter what the results of this election, you can expect a major change in the direction of our nation. There’s no way that we could have an election with these aspects without some discord. And even if things aren’t too explosive (I pray) the resulting changes will have an impact for a long time to come. This is what eclipses can do. They set the stage for events that may last for week, or months, or even years. We usually don’t have an obvious set of events to judge the effects, but this time we most likely do.
On Thursday November 10th at 2:52 A.M. EST Saturn will do its bidding and we will see some of the results of the election that weren’t available on Tuesday. While this might begin to settle things down, I doubt that it will do enough to restrain the anger and frustration that at least one half of the nation will feel. The chart of this election will be contentious and will stir up feelings and frustration in most of us. There is no easy or short-term solution for the problems we face. But at least the Saturn influence in this and the Sun square mentioned below will have some calming effect. Just what did you think was going to happen in this election? The issues we are dealing with will take a generation to resolve, not a month.
On Friday November 11th at 3:04 A.M. EST Saturn continues its push towards settled things. This is true in result in our personal lives and in the collective. Because this follows the most-likely contentious mid-terms, Saturn will do its best to calm things down and find an acceptable reaction. Will it work? I don’t know. A lot depends on just who has declared victory and how the other party will respond. This is a day to be sober, sedate and focused. It’s not a day for over-reactions or for aggressive behavior. Try to find that middle-ground and look for compromise. You may not be able to totally achieve it, but certainly you will create a more unstable situation if you don’t use this most stable of planets to your advantage.
On Tuesday November 15th at 4:36 A.M. EST this gentle and calming trine may begin to help mitigate the effects of our recent eclipse. It isn’t a very powerful aspect, and it’s quite short-lived, but sometimes a brief respite from our woes can have a very healing effect. This is a good day to socialize and enjoy the pleasures of life. Get together with your close peeps, have a nice dinner, see a show. Let the world’s problems fend for themselves. Enjoy yourself today.
On Wednesday November 16th at 1:09 A.M. EST until December 9th at 10:54 P.M. EST Venus travels through this Jupiter ruled sign. This is a month when it is easy to overdo things. Venus is very well suited for this sign on some levels. It is the lesser benefic traveling through the sign ruled by the greater benefic. If this journey affects your chart just so, you may experience some luck. It might manifest as a financial gain, advancement in work, or the opportunity for a new or expansive relationship. Any of those are possible, and if you keep your eyes open and take advantage of any prospect you may benefit from this transit. It is important, however, to remember that Venus loves stuff- food, drink, physical pleasures, etc. without too much restraint, and Sagittarius has no concept of boundaries or limitations. This combination can lead to over-indulgence and result in some problematic issues. You could spend too much, eat or drink too much, or just wear yourself out trying to absorb all of life that you possible can.
On Thursday November 17th at 3:42 A.M. EST until December 6th at 5:08 P.M. EST we will all be rather chatty and have a great deal to say. For the next three weeks it’s important that you think before you speak. Sagittarius doesn’t have a great sense of boundaries, and those born with this placement need to learn to limit what they say, and to make certain of their facts before they go off half-cocked. This is a very gregarious placement and there is a wonderfully social and outgoing air about it. It’s very talkative and will examine any issue that you bring up, often with an open mind. But it is also without limitations and must be aimed in a laser-like manner or its mental energy will dissipate and be of little use.
On Saturday November 19th at 10:43 A.M. EST this complicated and stressful aspect comes along. Although this completes today, its effects have been in play for weeks. America has this square in its natal chart, and when that is set off we tend to lose our collective sense of stability and focus. This aspect sits right on top of America’s chart. Transiting Mars is conjunct our Mars, and transiting Neptune is in opposition to our nation’s Neptune, and in square to our Mars. Mars is in retrograde now, and will be a bit upsetting for weeks. But that doesn’t mean that you have to give in to its contentious attitude. The real difficulty with this square is that Mars and Neptune view things from as different a perspective as any two planetary forces in astrology. Mars is about power, force, activity and accomplishments in the material world. Neptune couldn’t care less about any of that. It is amorphic, without form or substance, and its focus in on the spiritual and ethereal plane. As such it can dissipate the power that Mars is used to, and that can make us all somewhat confused or undirected in our actions. Use some caution for a few days as this completes and defuses. If you try to be overly assertive, you may find that you just don’t have the power to follow through, and you might find yourself on the short end of things.
On Sunday November 20th at 11:07 P.M. EST this terrific aspect will give us a day or two of optimism, expansion, and a desire for new and exciting input. This is a great moment for healing, and to expand your view of things. We’ve been through a rough few weeks, and the dust is just starting to settle. If you can, get on the road and enjoy the last autumn. Take a drive upstate, experience nature, and relax. We often forget to breath, and this is a time to mediate and explore the world. It’s a very social aspect, so you shouldn’t sit in a room by yourself. Share this energy with friends and have a little fun. Lord knows we all need and deserve it, so go ahead and find something that you really enjoy.
On Tuesday November 22nd at 3:20 A.M. EDT we enter the mutable fire sign right before the New Moon. This is the holiday season, when we eat and drink, and shop and enjoy the company of those closest to us. Sagittarius is perhaps the most spirited of the signs, its ruler, Jupiter, is the jovial and expansive energy we all need as we look into the future. As I have mentioned in past years, I always find it quite fascinating that while the religious holiday Christmas falls in Capricorn, the lead up to it, including most of the festivities and partying, take place in this sign. I love Sag energy. It’s optimistic, resilient, far-sighted, and loves new and exciting things. It rules foreigners and distant lands, and it needs to constantly grow. It can also be overly brusque, too honest, and at times, demeaning, although it rarely means to be and often isn’t even aware of the effect it has on others. America has a Sagittarius Ascendant (yes, I use the Sibley chart, and I won’t get into the silly arguments about it). We are a nation of foreigners, built by the immigration from all over the world. We are a somewhat philosophical country, although our sense of intellectual expansion can be a source of disagreement. We created the cowboy, horses are ruled by Jupiter, and we love to interfere with the actions and opinions of others.
The next New Moon falls on Wednesday November 23rd at 5:57 P.M. EDT at 1 degrees Sagittarius 38 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:
October 27th 12:27 A.M. – 6:55 A.M.
October 29th 9:10 A.M. – 9:21 A.M.
October 31st 11:14 A.M. – 11:43 A.M.
November 2nd 7:08 A.M. – 2:46 P.M.*** Moon is void 8 hours
November 4th 6:05 P.M. – 7:07 P.M.
November 6th 5:30 P.M. – November 7th 12:15 A.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours
November 9th 7:00 A.M. – 8:37 A.M.
November 11th 5:28 P.M. – 7:55 P.M.
November 14th 5:41 A.M. – 7:48 A.M.
November 16th 6:55 P.M. – 8:04 P.M.
November 19th 3:47 A.M. – 5:58 A.M.
November 21st 6:14 A.M. – 12:16 P.M. ***Moon is void 6 hours
November 23rd 1:16 P.M. – 3:16 P.M.
November 25th 2:22 P.M. – 4:18 P.M.
November 27th 3:11 P.M. – 5:07 P.M.
November 29th 1:53 A.M. – 7:15 P.M. *** Moon is void 17 hours
October 2022
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There are no other words except “Wow and Thank you.”
I read your newsletter twice. Please tell us how all the Scorpio energy during this time will effect President Biden who has a tellum of Scorpio planets in the twelfth house. Thanks, Cam