The New Moon falls on Tuesday October 25th at 6:49 A.M. EDT at 2 degrees Scorpio 00 minutes and it is a Solar Eclipse. This New Moon begins the Eclipse season that could well define the direction of our nation, and the world for years to come. Eclipses are powerful, and they often are harbingers of radical changes in our lives. This Solar Eclipse is setting up a number of events that will play out on the Lunar Eclipse on November 8th, which happens to be Election Day. I will discuss that at more length later in this newsletter. But let’s begin with this Solar Eclipse.

This is an opportunity to redirect the energy we are experiencing. Scorpio wants us to dig deeply into the issues, and to seek out new information that will help us make important choices. In your personal lives this is a moment to examine what you’ve been doing and to recognize any areas that aren’t working out for you. It’s a chance to change direction and to alter your path so it will better define what you wish to accomplish. Remember that Scorpio energy does tend to be rather black-or-white about things, and it would be a good idea to find a blend between the two. If something isn’t working out in your life, that doesn’t mean that you have to throw out the entire concept. There may be some parts of the plan that still make sense but need to be tweaked a bit. In many instances there is a solution that can help keep the wheels on track without completely destroying the status quo. That is the best way to use this energy. Yes, eclipses do create a severe and at times contentious atmosphere. And in the long run you may decide that something you’ve been working on for some time really isn’t worth the effort. But you can make that choice in the coming weeks. You don’t have to act on it immediately.

This is truly an opportunity to make some deep and important changes in your attitude and your direction. You should never be afraid of any astrological aspect. Astrology isn’t there to hurt you, or to disrupt your life more than is necessary. We all do tend to be a bit stubborn – it’s a species trait. And at times we must be shaken up or we won’t be open-minded sufficiently to allow the changes that can lead us to a new path. Embrace this energy and have some faith that there is a purpose for whatever the universe throws at us. It is only through history that we can see what the ultimate reasons were as we understand in time what has been altered. We won’t know the results, reasons or purpose to what’s happening now until enough time has passed to assimilate the knowledge. You must act on your beliefs and have faith that there really is an underlying reason for what it. Be true to your ideals, but open-minded enough to see that you may not have all the information required to make a final decision.

This New Moon echoes America’s Pluto Return, which is in full swing and will continue to influence our society for the next year. Once Pluto enters Aquarius there will be a major shift in force and power in our world. More on this later. But for now, be prepared to see the effects of Pluto as it demands that anything worn-out or no longer valid be regenerated, refurbished, or removed. That includes anything on the physical, psychological and spiritual plane.

Thank you for these insights. I will take heed of your advice. I needed a broader perspective which you have given me.