The New Moon falls on Sunday September 25th at 5:55 P.M. EDT at 2 degrees Libra 49 minutes. This is the autumn equinox New Moon, and it is the Jewish New Year. Because they use a lunar calendar, many Jewish holidays fall on New Moons and Full Moons. Happy New Year to all of my Jewish friends and any who would celebrate this new beginning, and all the hope it offers.

Of all the New Moons this one has perhaps the most profound sense of starts and endings, the circular cycle of life, the unending succession of the seasons. Each equinox represents balance of the most obvious manner. Day and night are each 12 hours long, and the shift begins to slowly move us into the next half year. Libra being the sign of the scales implies balance and equilibrium, and that is exactly what this time of year means. While the Sun has been in Libra for a few days, and thus the equinox actually already occurred, this New Moon represents a fresh start and a movement into the time in the northern hemisphere when we slowly sink into winter, as the southern half of the world rises into summer. I know, I’m using what appear to be positive and negative connotations to denote the season, perhaps because of my personal prejudice against the cold. But I mean it more in a poetic fashion, so forgive me if you happen to be a winter person who thinks of summer as sitting on the devil’s porch.

While I do hate to say goodbye to summer, many of you know it is my favorite time of year, there is a charm and delight in the calmer weather and the sense of receptivity that this season offers. It’s cooler, and while a sweater or light jacket is a good idea, it isn’t gloves, and scarves, and heavy overcoats – not yet. So there’s much to enjoy about the fall. As I wrote in last month’s newsletter, “Autumn in New York” by Vernon Duke is one of my favorite songs. And it is one of the most beautiful times of the year in this overwhelming city.

This is the time to examine our lives in a more thoughtful way. Are you happy with your relationships? Do they give you what you need and help you through your difficulties, or are they a burden that should be viewed in a different perspective? Only you can answer that question. It isn’t an easy one. Often a relationship will be several things at once. It can be supportive and productive, while still being a heavy load. There will be times when your partner is enlightened and gentle, catching you when you begin to fall. And sometimes they can be overbearing and selfish. Well, that’s just what Libra is all about – recognizing the differences and the commonality between you, and deciding which is the more powerful side of the scales.

Enjoy the cool nights and the pleasant days. Have dinner outside while it’s still doable. And, if you live in the city, take a trip to the country; pick apples, walk through the leaves, and share in the cha-cha-cha-changes that nature offers to help us keep track of the progress of our lives. ♎️❤️

What a lovely night looking at Jupiter and Saturn last night. I used my binoculars and iPhone for better viewing. On the photos Jupiter, I could see the many moons around it, just beautiful. For Saturn I could see extra white area for the rings and a dark shadow. Thanks Mitchell for the reminder to go outside and look up for this great event.