On Friday September 16th at 6:21 P.M. EDT we shall all feel a bit under the weight of uncertainty. This can be a confusing and low energy day when we just don’t have our usual oomph. Take that into consideration when making your plans. Don’t propose an exhausting project. Go for something less demanding. This isn’t a terribly dangerous or debilitating aspect, but if it hits your chart just so, you may feel tired, or even be bogged down with allergies or a minor ailment. Most of the time it just implies a bit of lethargy or the need for a nap, when it isn’t usually your style. If there is something seriously wrong in your body, and this is placed just so, you may find that it comes to the surface. But this by itself will not do permanent or serious damage. Remember, astrology doesn’t make you sick. It may bring to the forefront any issues that lay dormant or buried. This can often be a very bad day for the stocks. But there are some positive aspects early next week, so even if the equities take another hit today, they may reverse direction on Monday or Tuesday.

As with all transits, this one may have several different results. The purpose of Neptune transits is to cloud up our normal viewing screen so that a different perspective can come through. This planet is interested in the spiritual side of things, often at the cost of the material. While this can be confusing, and at times discomforting, if you give in to the energy it entails you may be able to reach a deeper and more enlightened viewpoint. A lot has to do with how you approach it, and how open you are to seeing another point of view. We use astrology to learn our lessons and to accept that which may be difficult to embrace. If you understand what that lesson is it will be easier to employ the knowledge it offers. That’s up to you. Wil you fight against the stream and struggle to accomplish only financial and ego rewards, or will you go with the flow and perhaps gain a more comprehensive understanding of where you are in life and what you can achieve on the different levels of consciousness?