Newsletter: September 2022

Newsletter: September 2022

ISSUE # 278

 September 2022

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

If you’re interested in a personal reading please click here

My recent webinar:

“America’s Nervous Breakdown” – An astrological analysis of current events is now available for purchase through my website

In it I discuss the current situation we are facing politically and financially as we head into the 2022 mid-term elections. We examined the astrology charts of America, Biden, Harris, Trump, the NYSE, Bitcoin and other pertinent topics. It was a 2 hour webinar with Q&A towards the end. The price is: $35.00.

If you are interested please email me and I will set up a Paypal request and forward you the link to view the webinar.


We are still in a bear market. The recent run-up was what they call a bear-market rally. While it was quite exhilarating, with the S&P moving up about 17%, it is always dangerous to assume that a bear market has ended, just because of such a rally. This is in line with most historic data. A market gets over-sold, or it appears that things are improving. Even if they are, it can take much longer for a new bull market to materialize. Although inflation seems to be settling down, and I don’t believe we are seeing anything resembling the 1970s inflation that lasted about 10 years and peaked at 18%, inflation is still with us, and it will take several more months of intervention by the FEDS to cool it off. Chairman Powell recently agreed and said that he will continue to raise interest rates for another few months. This isn’t good news for the housing market, but it can be good news for anyone wishing to buy a home. After the insanity of the past few years, when houses would go on sale and people would bid 25% or more above the asking price, we are seeing home sales and new home starts shrinking appreciatively. This is lowering the cost of lumber, but also removing some equity from home builders, such as the Toll Brothers. It is also lowering the equity in many homes, so those wishing to refinance may discover that there isn’t as much leeway as they thought. Also, with interest rates rising, many will find that if they have a variable mortgage rate they are paying more each month. With a fixed rate you pay the rate that you got the mortgage at with no change.

In my recent financial webinar I addressed many of these issues, including the history of the stocks, housing, interest rates and inflation, all with an eye on the astrological energy. I believe there is a good chance that the markets will see a bottom shortly after the coming mid-term election when the last pass of the Saturn-Uranus square completes. As I’ve said before, the markets do not like unsureness. If the election results are uncontested, no matter which party wins, the stocks will most likely rise. If there is a long period of legal problems, violence, demonstrations, or a lack of a clear winner, the markets will take that as instability and could drop down testing the recent bottom once again. We will know much more in early November. For now, just play defensive ball and make sure your investments are secured. If your 401K has been dropping (as most have), and you panic, you could make a big mistake and cause yourself great pains. If you have patience, the stock markets always come back. And we will see bull market once again. Exactly when that will happen I don’t know. But I do not see a very long deteriorating situation. The economy is strong; the dollar is strong, maybe too strong for exports. But we do not have the fundamentals that point towards a crash or a long recession.


The New Moon falls on Saturday August 27th at 4:17 A.M. EDT at 4 degrees Virgo 04 minutes. It’s time to look at the situations in our lives with a critical eye, and to examine the details carefully. This is an intellectual sign, it is ruled by Mercury, and its talents include taking things apart to see how they function. This is something we need to do periodically in our personal lives, and this is an opportunity to double check our plans and make sure we have added up the number correctly. The devil is in the details, as the old saying goes, and if you make mistakes in the small things, they will come back to haunt you further down the line. Pay attention to what you’re doing and try to make sure you are on the right path. One thing at a time – that’s how Virgos do it. Finish one task and then move on to the next. It’s quite like writing a novel, which I have done many times. You face a blank page, and then you write CHAPTER ONE. After that it’s just a matter of filling in about 300 pages. Easy sleazy, except that it takes about a year or two of everyday work. But you don’t think about that. You only concentrate on the next paragraph, and the next page, and the next chapter. Then one day you have a book. Each time I do it, it’s the hardest job I’ve ever taken on. But I only realize it once it’s finished. Focus on the here and now and worry about the bigger picture later. Thank you, Virgo.

At the moment we are doing the same thing in our collective, as we rapidly head towards the all-important mid-term elections and all that entails. I’m not going to get into the political fray, except to point out a few items. As we can see, things aren’t going the way most had predicted only a few months ago. In my webinar last February; “America’s Nervous Breakdown” I predicted that these mid-terms wouldn’t be the bloodbath many Democrats feared, and Republicans were rooting for. Now we see the numbers turning quite radically in the opposite direction. Will this mean a blue wave? Probably not. But I think the Democrats will win some Senate seats, and though they may lose the House, it won’t be by the majority most had expected. How did the Virgo energy play a role in that? Through the details. The more information that is revealed about the ongoing issues our nation faces, including abortion rights, the Jan 6th committee, and the fact that once you dig into the economy, things don’t look so bad, have all had an influence on public opinion. And that’s what Virgo does best. With this New Moon and the Sun in this sign to be joined by Mercury and Venus over the coming weeks, it is just the kind of prospect one would expect when Virgo does its job.

We are going to pull off the binders and see just what’s been going on, and how best to repair the damage that has been inflicted on our collective consciousness. That way when we enter the Libra season in a month, we will be better able to find the balance and compromise that Libra so craves, and that we simply must find in order to repair the chasm that has been created. Without first going through the nit-picky examination of Virgo, it would be most difficult to come to that place. There is a very logical reason for the order of the zodiac, as we who study it know all so well. And the Greeks, that most logical of empires, put down the foundation of modern western astrology and instilled in it the focus and lucidity that makes it function so well. And so it goes, and so it goes…



On Sunday August 28th at 2:27 P.M. EDT reality will reign in relationships and financial matters. This is a day to have that important discussion with your significant other. Just don’t fall into the saturnine trap of only seeing the negative side of things. There’s a way to express your needs, and to review closeness without threatening the intimacy. At times Saturn can be a harsh task-master, and demand that we dig deeply into all issues that are concerning. But if we do that without filters we can easily push someone away. It would be better to find your footing and reach across in search of compromise. If something is really bothering you and you need to make some changes, it’s still best to do so with a gentle open hand than with a closed fist. We will all be somewhat sensitive to our financial matters. Things have been troubling of late, with inflation, a rocky stock market, and the fear that accompanies it, and you should be reviewing your budgets and plans to ensure that your money is safe. But don’t allow that fear to push you into decisions that don’t suit your needs.


On Thursday September 1st at 7:52 A.M. EDT we will all be a bit more outspoken, as egos run rampant. This is a very positive aspect, and if used properly can help you accomplish a great deal. Just don’t be over-bearing or too egocentric. Find that balance between your need to project your ideas and a good sense of humor. When said with the right tone of voice, you can make your point without upsetting someone. This is a very active and sociable transit, and you should make use of it. Have a nice dinner with friends; take in an event, such as a play, movie, concert, etc. Or take a chance on that first date you’ve been avoiding. You will feel more outgoing and enthusiastic, and that is a very good attitude to approach the unknown. What’s the worst that could happen? You might fall in love? I know, that’s a frightening possibility under the best of circumstances. But isn’t it really what you are secretly hoping for?


On Friday September 2nd at 9:49 P.M. EDT we will all be very chatty and could speak without thinking. Jupiter has no sense of boundaries or limitations. Mercury wants to talk. This combination can be quite positive if you aim this energy into constructive projects or an open conversation. But it’s also possible to be over-bearing. And with Mars in sextile to Jupiter yesterday, we are in a few day period when it can be easy to overstate your case or act in an arrogant and opinionated manner. With a little care this will be a very positive and useful few days.


On Monday September 5th at 12:05 A.M. EDT until September 29th at 3:49 A.M. EDT the god of love and money will be in this critical sign. This can be a very supportive placement. There is a powerful healing quality to Virgo, and Venus wants to help. But there is also that overly picky side that could come to the forefront. Be aware of what you’re saying and how you’re saying it. If you have something to criticize, make sure you do it in a calm and understanding way. Otherwise you could push the situation to the breaking point. There’s no reason for that.

Because Virgo rules nursing, and is a very detail-oriented sign, your most intimate relationships can be healing to you both, if you allow it. Yes, this can be a hard placement for Venus. It prefers the next sign of its rulership, Libra. But as with all astrological movement, there is purpose to this, and lessons to be learned. Sometimes we can be too easy going in a relationship and allow it to deteriorate because of complacency. A bit of examination and honest debate may help keep thing on an even keel. Of course, if you’re too picky and demanding you may do damage to the connection. But with a little restraint you may fix something before it decays beyond repair.



On Friday September 9th at 11:38 P.M. EDT until Sunday October 2nd at 5:07 A.M. EDT our mischievous winged god begins its backward trek. Because this will take place in Libra, and in Virgo, there will be changes within changes as this month progresses. While Mercury is retrograding through Libra, we will all be concerned with ferreting out the truth within our relationships. This will be a time when secrets and surprises will be revealed, and you may discover some aspect of a close connection that you hadn’t realized or truly understood before. Try to listen to what the other person is saying. Without keeping an open mind you could easily miss some important information, or a possible solution to a long standing problem.

When Mercury moves into Virgo and continues in its backward trek, it will be the details and the intellectual pursuits that will dominate our consciousness. With this aspect happening in 2 very different signs, it’s an opportunity to view our situations, relationships, and problems from different points of view. It can be a very revealing and educational period. Try to make the most of it.


This month lunar peak occurs on Saturday September 10th at 5:59 A.M. EDT at 17 degrees Pisces 41 minutes. This is a very subtle lunar placement, but no less powerful and influential than any lunar peak. We need to heal; on a personal and a societal level. The long lockdown the world has experienced has left its mark, just as the pandemic of 1917-20 did. The similarities are quite fascinating. I will address it in a webinar soon. There’s just too much to talk about here. But suffice to say, back then there were riots about masks and social distancing. Huge mask burnings too place. Laws were passed in some locales – it was against the law to leave your house without a mask. Funerals were kept to 10 minutes. Theatres shut down, concerts were cancelled, and the economy took a huge hit. Also, following the First World War, supply chains collapsed, inflation was rampant, and there was a 2 year depression.

Today we need to sooth the pains, fears, and anger that has become so pervasive. Pisces rules medicine, healing, music, film, art. Its power is in the receptivity of human nature, and as such we know that you can move mountains with a song, or a film, sometimes more profoundly than with an army. I’m no Pollyanna, nor am I a doomsday prophet. We need to find common ground and balance through an open conversation and a strong sense of compassion, or we face a very uncertain future. No single aspect will create such a powerful change in society. A combination of ongoing outer planets, along with the inner planets working as triggers can make a profound difference. So don’t expect this Full Moon to suddenly find people holding hands and singing Kumbaya. But in little ways we can make some important changes in our personal lives, and as we explore the more difficult and expansive issues our nation and the world are facing, perhaps an open-minded conversation and some subtle prodding can help us find that common ground. In any case, this is a few weeks until the next New Moon when we can be more compassionate and at least try to get in touch with our empathetic humanity and recognize that we are all feeling the stress of living on such a volatile planet. Give a helping hand whenever you can and the universe will applaud you for your efforts.


On Sunday September 11th at 9:09 A.M. EDT we have a day or so when innovative thoughts and projects can find room for expression. This is a moment to think outside the box and to seek out new life and new civilizations (sorry for the commercial). Everything gets stale and boring after a while. The only way to ensure that it remains exciting is to stimulate the situation. Look for adventure and explore the world. You don’t have to fly to Tibet. You can do it in your own neighborhood. Take a different path, try a new restaurant, or go into that museum you haven’t visited in years. You may be pleasantly surprised at what you discover. “Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”



On Friday September 16th at 2:49 P.M. EDT the male and female planets are in conflict. While this doesn’t necessitate a battle of the sexes, for a day or two there may be a bit of an edge in the interaction. While this can be a pain in the butt, it can also bring some issues to the surface that might need clarity or understanding. If someone is being edgy, perhaps a calm discussion can smooth over that issue before it festers into something more difficult.



On Friday September 16th at 6:21 P.M. EDT we shall all feel a bit under the weight of uncertainty. This can be a confusing and low energy day when we just don’t have our usual oomph. Take that into consideration when making your plans. Don’t proposal an exhausting project. Go for something less demanding. This isn’t a terribly dangerous or debilitating aspect, but if it hits your chart just so, you may feel tired, or even be bogged down with allergies or a minor ailment. Most of the time it just implies a bit of lethargy or the need for a nap, when it isn’t usually your style. If there is something seriously wrong in your body, and this is placed just so, you may find that it comes to the surface. But this by itself will not do permanent or serious damage. Remember, astrology doesn’t make you sick. It may bring to the forefront any issues that lay dormant or buried. This can often be a very bad day for the stocks.



On Sunday September 18th at 6:34 A.M. EDT this aspect returns. We had this on September 2nd (see above) and because of the retrograde motion of Mercury it had some back. This is a very positive and expressive transit. There is an optimistic and rather chatty side to it, and you may find that conversations are lively and stimulating. This favors travel, and if possible take a drive, or even a long walk. The motion will open your mind to possibilities you might otherwise miss if you’re sitting in from of your computer. Stay alert. Information will come at you at very quick pace.



On Tuesday September 20th at 12:44 A.M. EDT we will all seek new and adventurous input. Take the blinders off and see what the universe has to offer. If you stay open-minded you may discover something unique and exciting. Go somewhere undiscovered, at least by you. You have the desire and the ability to grasp a new and interesting concept. Look for new input, different people, art, and ideas. This is a good chance to more your relationships into a new phase. But only if you use this. Trines and sextiles can be quite passive and pass without much notice. But if you use them, they will work well with your conscious mind and allow you to move on to a new level of understanding.



On Thursday September 22nd at 9:04 P.M. EDT we officially enter autumn. Goodbye summer. I wish you a nice trip down to the bottom of our planet, as I long for your return. But for now we must embrace what is before us. This is a month when we begin to honker down and begin the slow preparation for the coming winter. We don’t live in caves any longer (with a few exceptions) so we aren’t off killing game and storing wood for the fire. But internally we have species memory of having done just that for countless centuries. And the internal process still has some of that hangover. We just do it differently now. Libra is all about relationships, and back in those days people often mated for the companionship and warmth necessary for the coming cold season. In some ways I believe we still do. Many of my long-term relationships actually began just around this time of year. Well, if you’re in the market for a mate, the store is open and you may have some good choices.


On Friday September 23rd at 8:04 A.M. EDT Mercury reenters Virgo on its retrograde path. Now the ideas and plans that you may have made over the past few weeks will be looked over in a careful and detail oriented way, as is Virgo’s style. The flip flop between Virgo and Libra over these few months is actually a very good ongoing period as it will allow us to plan, then think, then plan once again. The issues our society and many of us individually are dealing with can be quite difficult to fathom. So we will try to be Libra-like for a while, and seek compromise. Then with Mercury back in Virgo, we will scrutinize those ideas and see if they fit into our intellectual concepts. Once Mercury returns to Libra, we will once again seek balance. But by then we will have had the opportunity to reexamine our earlier concepts and make changes. Try not to be too harsh in your judgments. Allow others to express their ideas and feelings. That is easier when Mercury is in Libra, and remember, it will return there October 10th at 7:51 PM EDT, so you don’t want to create walls now that will be hard to circumvent next month.


On Saturday September 24th at 4:51 A.M. EDT this difficult and distracting opposition will make it hard to express your feelings clearly. While this can be a very spiritual and caring day it can be difficult to say what’s on your mind. It might be better to just let your feelings out and emote what you wish to say. Certainly many of us will be more empathetic and you may reach an understanding that you wouldn’t otherwise grasp. In your most personal relationships try to keep that compassionate attitude. But make sure you understand what you, and the other person, is saying. It will be easy to misinterpret things, so don’t be afraid to double check things or to repeat a question until you fully understand what is being said.


The next New Moon falls on Sunday September 25th at 5:55 A.M. EDT at 2 degrees Libra 49 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak. 

For information regarding personal readings please contact me at:

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:

August 28th  11:08 P.M. – August 29th 5:45 A.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

August 31st 6:43 A.M. – 1:11 P.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

September 2nd 1:22 P.M. – 6:39 P.M.

September 4th 9:51 P.M. – 10:03 P.M.

September 6th 5:43 P.M. – 11:41 P.M.

September 8th  8:34 A.M. –  September 9th 12:42 A.M. ***Moon is void 16 hours

September 10th 8:29 P.M. – September 11th 2:47 A.M. ***Moon is void 6 hours

September 13th 12:53 A.M. – 7:39 A.M.

September 15th 8:59 A.M. – 4:16 P.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

September 17th 5:52 P.M. – September 18th 3:59 A.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours

September 20th 11:57 A.M. – 4:38 P.M.

September 22nd 7:07 A.M. – September 23rd 3:53 A.M. ***Moon is void 21 hours

September 25th 8:49 A.M. – 12:43 P.M.

September 27th 12:21 P.M. – 7:15 P.M.

September 29th 5:20 P.M. – September 30th 12:03 A.M.

October 1st 5:46 P.M. – October 2nd 3:38 A.M.

August 2022

New York City

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