The New Moon falls on Saturday August 27th at 4:17 A.M. EDT at 4 degrees Virgo 04 minutes. It’s time to look at the situations in our lives with a critical eye, and to examine the details carefully. This is an intellectual sign, it is ruled by Mercury, and its talents include taking things apart to see how they function. This is something we need to do periodically in our personal lives, and this is an opportunity to double check our plans and make sure we have added up the number correctly. The devil is in the details, as the old saying goes, and if you make mistakes in the small things, they will come back to haunt you further down the line. Pay attention to what you’re doing and try to make sure you are on the right path. One thing at a time – that’s how Virgos do it. Finish one task and then move on to the next. It’s quite like writing a novel, which I have done many times. You face a blank page, and then you write CHAPTER ONE. After that it’s just a matter of filling in about 300 pages. Easy sleazy, except that it takes about a year or two of everyday work. But you don’t think about that. You only concentrate on the next paragraph, and the next page, and the next chapter. Then one day you have a book. Each time I do it, it’s the hardest job I’ve ever taken on. But I only realize it once it’s finished. Focus on the here and now and worry about the bigger picture later. Thank you, Virgo.

At the moment we are doing the same thing in our collective, as we rapidly head towards the all-important mid-term elections and all that entails. I’m not going to get into the political fray, except to point out a few items. As we can see, things aren’t going the way most had predicted only a few months ago. In my webinar last February; “America’s Nervous Breakdown” I predicted that these mid-terms wouldn’t be the bloodbath many Democrats feared, and Republicans were rooting for. Now we see the numbers turning quite radically in the opposite direction. Will this mean a blue wave? Probably not. But I think the Democrats will win some Senate seats, and though they may lose the House, it won’t be by the majority most had expected. How did the Virgo energy play a role in that? Through the details. The more information that is revealed about the ongoing issues our nation faces, including abortion rights, the Jan 6th committee, and the fact that once you dig into the economy, things don’t look so bad, have all had an influence on public opinion. And that’s what Virgo does best. With this New Moon and the Sun in this sign to be joined by Mercury and Venus over the coming weeks, it is just the kind of prospect one would expect when Virgo does its job.

We are going to pull off the binders and see just what’s been going on, and how best to repair the damage that has been inflicted on our collective consciousness. That way when we enter the Libra season in a month, we will be better able to find the balance and compromise that Libra so craves, and that we simply must find in order to repair the chasm that has been created. Without first going through the nit-picky examination of Virgo, it would be most difficult to come to that place. There is a very logical reason for the order of the zodiac, as we who study it know all so well. And the Greeks, that most logical of empires, put down the foundation of modern western astrology and instilled in it the focus and lucidity that makes it function so well. And so it goes, and so it goes…♍️

It is so refreshing to see Biden grab the public dialogue. Fair Media chooses to give equal time to both parties. And up to most recent past, no one was grabbing time to publicly refute the GQP.