On Sunday August 21st at 3:40 A.M. EDT confusion will abound. This can be a very distorted day or so, when you just don’t seem to be thinking as clearly as usual. That’s okay as long as you are aware of it and don’t push your ideas too strongly. This can be a time when many are uncomfortable stating their point of view, and if so, just let sleeping dogs lie for the moment. There will be plenty of opportunities to express your opinion while Mars continues to transit Gemini. You don’t have to jump the gun. And don’t try to make final decisions about important and vital subjects. You can mull things over, but this isn’t a good time to come to a conclusion. You will be much sharper in your decisions in a few days. And there is a very long period with Mars in Gemini to allow your mind and ego to work together.

While this can be a difficult day for communication and reasoning, the combination of these two energies can also be very spiritual and help us reach a deeper place of understanding and compassion. If you can put your intellect in the backseat and allow your intuition to come forth, you may just gain a greater sense of what you are here for, and how best to help yourself while serving others. These are not incompatible concepts. In fact, I believe that it is through service that we often find out own identity, and can choose the path best suited for our personal and spiritual success.