On Saturday August 20th at 8:35 A.M. EDT until March 25th, 2023 at 8:27 A.M. EDT the god of war will enter the sign that rules communication, thoughts and short journeys. Yes, you read that correctly. Mars will retrograde while traveling through Gemini and it will stay in this sign for a very long time. For the next 7 months we will be dealing with this placement. There will be an added level of energy and power to our thoughts, speech and plans. People will tend to be rather assertive, and possibly brusque in their conversations. This doesn’t mean that there will be one long argument, or that we can’t find compromise. Just that we will all be apt to say what’s on our minds and to demand openness from others. However, because there is a chance for some direct and aggressive communications, it would be wise to think before you speak and to hold back your ego. Otherwise you might get into some rough conflicts. In world events and political situations this could either lead to an opening of dialogue between differing sides, (one can only hope) or at times, to a combative stubbornness. As we rapidly approach the upcoming mid-term elections you will find that the rhetoric could take on an even harsher tone. Because this continues straight through until March, the aftermath of this election will undoubtedly lead to more bickering and finger-pointing.

While there are some warnings that come along with this placement akin to a Mars-Mercury aspect, it is an opportunity to clear the air and to say what’s been held back for some time. Mars has little patience, and it will put its ideas out front. Mercury rules communication, so that is where many of those ideas will be expressed. Under the best of circumstances, this can force the two sides of an issue to hear what the other is saying. Because Mars is the god of war, I have some hope that over the next 7 months there could be a diplomatic resolution to some conflicts in the world, or at least, an attempt at opening a conversation. In your personal life, try to use this to express your deepest thoughts. It can be a very productive period if you keep an open mind.