Newsletter: August 2022

Newsletter: August 2022

ISSUE # 277

August 2022

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

 If you’re interested in a personal reading, click here or contact me directly at

My recent webinar: “America’s Nervous Breakdown” – An astrological analysis of current events is now available for purchase.

In it I discuss the current situation we are facing politically and financially as we head into the 2022 mid-term elections. We examined the astrology charts of America, Biden, Harris, Trump, the NYSE, Bitcoin and other pertinent topics. It was a 2 hour webinar with Q&A towards the end.

The price is: $35.00.
If interested, please email me and I will set up a Paypal request and forward you the link to view the webinar.


This month will be an interesting one. With the New Moon in Leo joining the Sun & Mercury in that fixed fire sign, and Jupiter retrograding in mutable fire, Sagittarius there will be a lot of energy out there. This is a month to play, be romantic, and creative. Certainly there are underlying problems, but when aren’t there? We all need to pay attention to the bigger issues, but if you don’t relax and spend a little time enjoying the pleasures of life, you could lose the motivation to do anything.

Speaking of retrograding – Jupiter reverses direction right after the New Moon on July 28th. Uranus will also join the backwards dance August 24th, at which point we will have all of the outer planets in retrograde: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, & Pluto. This has been happening of late, because they are all in the same section of the sky. A planet is retrograde when it is on the opposite side of the zodiac from the Sun. The exceptions are Mercury and Venus. This plethora of Rx planets implies that the world and humanity are facing some very difficult and important decisions about the future. There is a severe internalization of energy and a need for inner examination. This is taking place on a global level, with issues that will have a powerful effect on our continued stance as a dominant species on Earth. These include climate change, economic decisions, financial equality, and the ongoing concerns about war. With North Korea once again rattling its sabers, Russia’s continued war in Ukraine, China’s advances toward Taiwan, problems in Africa, and essentially difficulties in virtually every corner of the globe. We are a stubborn species, with our own petty agendas that often make it impossible to find compromise. But these retrograde planets are showing us that something had better be done, and soon, or we may find ourselves on a collision course with history that will not allow us to put the train back on its tracks once it veers off.

We exist on two planes at once – the personal and the collective. So as I said above, you should try to enjoy yourself this month, while still paying attention to the world’s problems. You can’t fix them by yourself, but when enough voices demand change, the gods pay attention. Be compassionate and try to understand what the other guy is going through. Even if you don’t agree on many things, underneath it we are all looking for the same joy of life. I hope you find it, at least for a little while, so you can recharge your batteries and work towards a lasting resolution to our ills. Much summer love to you all. Mitch.


The New Moon falls on Thursday July 28th at 1:55 P.M. EDT at 5 degrees Leo 39 minutes. There’s something so charming and seductive about Leo energy. It’s playful, less emotional than Cancer, and yes, a bit stubborn. Leo rules the 5th house of creativity, romance, children and games. And this sign does love to express itself, sometimes in a rather dramatic, over-the-top fashion. Leo does rule acting and the stage, after all. And this will be a month when we will all wish to show our creative and theatrical side. With the Sun & Mercury in this sign at the moment, and Jupiter in supportive fire sign, Aries, there will be a lot of dynamism and vigor in our day-to-day actions. Be creative and expressive. Don’t be afraid to step out on stage. The world needs performers, and now we can all take our turn. As Bill S. once said: ”All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players…” Show us what you can do.

Because this sign and the 5th house also rules children and child-like activities, this is a time for playing and letting that inner child out. Those who follow my writings know that I am a summer baby in all ways. I was born in July, but more than that, I consider this the best and most exciting season. Not everyone agrees with me, which is fine. It leaves more free hotel rooms and space on the beach for my blanket, as those who prefer winter await their time. But it is the creativity in August that Leos engage in that stimulates me more than anything. I love actors, musicians, film makers etc. So let’s dance the dance of life and creation, and stir up the air with that explosive need to be expressive and outgoing. It will be autumn soon enough and then the long dreary winter. This is a chance to frolic in the sunshine. Make the most of it.

Mercury will be in square to Uranus, and Jupiter retrogrades today as well. There is a lot of energy in the air, and staying alert is paramount. This is a new beginning, as all New Moons are, and the aspects that accompany a New Moon set the atmosphere for the coming weeks. Jupiter is turning around, and that implies some important changes coming to us personally and collectively. Mercury in square to Uranus shows the potential for sudden, erratic and unexpected communications and actions. Stay alert, be vigilant, and think before your act. But use all of this to push your agenda forward and to start a new cycle. You can accomplish so much when this many transits complete over a few hours.



On Thursday July 28th at 4:37 P.M. EDT the biggest planet in the solar system begins its backward motion right on this Leo New Moon. It goes direct November 23rd at 6:02 P.M. right after the New Moon in Sagittarius.Historically the reversal of Jupiter has often been a reversal in the markets, usually expressed as a slowdown in financial growth. But there are times when this aspect simply implies a change in direction of the equities and underlying economic data. Since the markets have been going down for some time, this could represent a reversal with the equities moving upward. Will that be the case this time, or will it exacerbate the recent downward spiraling we have been experiencing? While it’s tempting to assume that this will mean a recession in both financial and personal issues, and there is a good reason to think that way, it might also imply that the inflation numbers will begin to improve. Remember, Jupiter rules all things that are expansive, and that is exactly what inflation means. With it retrograding, there is a strong possibility that we will see inflation subside over the coming months. The expansion of prices and the increase in demand are what we have seen over the past year. Now with the planet of expansion reversing direction we may see the price of certain commodities, including oil food, clothing, etc. begin to settle down. Well, let’s see what the coming weeks show us.

On a personal level, this is a time to consolidate your energy and your resources. If you’re involved in a project that requires a big push, you would be wise to ensure that not only do you have the necessary assets to make that move, but also be certain that it is what you want and need for the long-term. It will be difficult to curb your enthusiasm (apologies to Larry David), but that might be just what you should do, at least until we get used to this energy. I don’t believe that anyone should sit out half a year of a retrograding outer planet before moving forward. That would imply that nothing can be accomplished 50% of the time. That’s not how astrology works. But it does take some time to assimilate that meaning of the aspect and to redesign your boundaries and your objectives. Take a few weeks to examine your ongoing projects and goals and make certain that they still are valid. If so, then you may wish to reevaluate just what you want from the venture and slow down its growth to compensate for the actions you are taking, and for any limitation that you may incur.


On Thursday July 28th at 5:16 P.M. EDT this potentially explosive and accident prone transit will demand our attention. This can be a very argumentative day when people will not have their usual filters in place. It’s a moment when we will speak without thinking, and that can lead to all sorts of problems. This is also a potentially accident prone transit, so please pay attention to what you’re doing. Mercury rules cars and other forms of travel, including walking. Stay alert to your environment and take a moment before jumping off the curb.


 On Sunday July 31st at 2:05 A.M. & 6:36 P.M. EDT these two transits complete. The Mercury-Saturn combination will produce a dour and reserved atmosphere for a while. This is a serious minded few hours when we will be concerned with important issues. That’s fine, and it’s a good time for vital and significant conversations and thoughts. Just don’t take things too seriously. Under Saturn’s influence it’s easy to get bogged down in a heavy mood and not enjoy what’s going on around you. The Sun will trine Jupiter this evening, a wonderfully social and outgoing energy, and if you’ve allowed your mood to sour because of this Mercury Saturn connection you might miss the chance for a light-hearted evening. Do your serious thinking early in the day and finish any work that has been bothering you. Then leave all of that behind and go out and have some fun.



On Monday August 1st at 7:53 P.M. EDT this rather dangerous and explosive combination will create an electric spark that can either be exhilarating and exciting, or volatile and potentially perilous. How we deal with this energy will decide its outcome. Some things are out of our control, and with this coupling there is always the chance that you could be perfectly serene and focused, and still walk into a situation that you have no power to prevent. The few days leading up to this require clarity and attention to your environment. Avoid direct confrontations and don’t let someone pull you into an argument that offers you little to gain and much to lose. Accidents and even violence is common, and if this sets off your chart, you could be in for a difficult time. Stay alert and vigilant and you should be able to sidestep most problems. This will be followed in a few days by Mars in square to Saturn, a much different energy. Deal with each transit separately and based on what they represent. But it will be hard to completely disconnect between this conjunct and the following square, as Mars will exemplify what the Saturn-Uranus square in the sky is telling us. We are seeing the economy pull back, as I expected. When Saturn and Uranus are in hard aspect to each other that is most commonly the financial reality. But for now, Mars is clearly expressing what this implies. Once these two aspects pass, we may see the economy settle down a bit. Or, if this is the trigger for a bigger recessionary move, it might herald the recession many fear. I have my doubts that we are entering a long drawn-out downturn some expect. I think this is a result of the long period of Covid, followed by the inflation that has taken hold. If we can navigate the changes needed, we can avoid any serious repercussions. Time will tell.


On Tuesday August 2nd at 8:25 A.M. & 10:00 PM EDT there will continue to be some excitement in the air, although it will be gentler than under the Mars-Uranus conjunct we had yesterday. This is a day to seek our new life, and new civilizations. To boldly go where… well, you get the point. Look for something adventurous to do. Go someplace you’ve never been before, try a new cuisine or take the ferry to that island you’ve been meaning to visit for year but never found the right time. Introduce yourself to a new person, a new writer’s work, a movie that may be outside of your normal taste. Whatever you do, you should do it with gusto. There still will be a bit of a hangover from yesterday, and you should still us some caution, but don’t let that stop you from exploring. Just continue to avoid conflicts or dangerous areas.



On Thursday August 4th at 2:58 A.M. EDT until August 25th at 9:03 P.M. EDT Mercury travels through one of the signs it rules. This is a great transit for paying attention to minutiae, and you can examine paperwork, plans, or anything that needs to be reviewed. There is a tendency to get caught up in small details and lose sight of the bigger picture. Try to keep a close eye on things, but at the same time see how those details fit into your larger scheme. This can be a little nit-picky as well, so try not to be annoyingly over bearing or try for perfection in every little thing. This is a very intelligent sign, and quite healing in its way. Virgo rules nursing and all that entails. Clean up your work, have deep conversations, and express your intellect. But light up if you find that you, or someone else, is digging in too much.


On Sunday August 7th at 3:57 P.M. EDT this repressive energy might make it difficult to express your ego in an uninhibited manner. Because of the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square in the sky, the inner planets will aspect each within a short time. This is quite different from the recent Mars-Uranus conjunct, and it should be approached with a different attitude. This is a period to pace yourself and to take your time making decisions. Where Uranus demands instant action, Saturn wants you to weigh the situation and make choices based on all the information available. Mars’ energy is sparking both Uranus and Saturn, and it will highlight the underlying force we are all experiencing. As I mentioned a few days ago, the Saturn-Uranus square indicates a strong argument that we may, in fact, be entering a period of recession. How bad or how long that will last is the question. I think it will be a short lived downturn. For now, use this square to your advantage. Take your time making important decisions. You do not need to rush to judgment, and Saturn doesn’t want you to. Egos will be fragile, so don’t act too arrogantly or be inappropriately pushy. Give people and ideas time to examine what is, and be kind. This isn’t the easiest energy for many people, and some will be easily hurt.



On Tuesday August 9th at 1:18 A.M. EDT we will all be delving deeply into our personal relationships. This is a hard aspect for close connections. It’s not a time for frivolous conversations. Many people will wish to dig into what is happening and expose the undercurrent, no matter how difficult that might be, or what truths may be revealed. Show some compassion, even in the midst of a powerful and uncomfortable encounter. Remember, you aren’t the only one feeling this. The person sitting across from you is also experiencing this energy and may be quite vulnerable.



On Thursday August 11th at 8:53 A.M. EDT we are faced with another harsh and unbending transit. This will once again bring up any issues that were raised around August 1st when Mars was conjunct Uranus. Stay alert and avoid unnecessary confrontations. It’s easy to step into something you hadn’t expected, and to be drawn into a disagreement or explosive situation. Accidents are common, so keep your eyes open. We will probably see some more intense and vicious events in the world. There’s nothing we as individuals can do to prevent all of them, but you can decide whether to get involved or walk away.



On Thursday August 11th at 2:30 P.M. EDT until September 5th at 12:05 A.M. EDT the planet of love and money will travel through this fixed fire sign. I love Leos. They are fun loving and childlike, and they always want to emote. Expect to see some histrionics in your personal relationships. Hey, as the line in the wonderful song “People” says: “We’re children, needing other children, and yet letting our grown up pride, hide all the need inside. Acting more like children, than children.” I’ve always loved that lyric, and find it to be so very true in love and friendship. Go out and play. Fall in love, but try not to hurt each other. And enjoy the summer. That’s what it’s there for.

Click here if you’re interested in a personal reading



This month lunar peak occurs on Thursday August 11th at 9:36 P.M. EDT at 19 degrees Aquarius 21 minutes. Aquarius is considered the most radical of signs, and in many ways that definition is very accurate. While it is the energy associated with genius, and with the unusual or most experimental, it can also be a bit askew in its methods. This may, in fact, be one of the definitions of genius. It’s often those who are willing to take a different path or attempt things in a radically untested manner that reach a new conclusion. And it is Aquarius, and its ruler, Uranus, that often represent explosive and unsettling times. So while you may seek out some interesting and different ways of approaching a problem or a situation, it would be wise to keep one foot on solid ground so you don’t slip into the quicksand.

This can be a very disruptive moment. There may be some unexpected events that are simply unpredictable (a word astrologers hate lol), so keep an open mind and watch where you’re going. The world is quite unbalanced at the moment, and any of a number of hot spots might erupt. Sidestep any potentially violent or disruptive situations. Be prepared for whatever might come along, and don’t be shocked by what you may hear. Sometimes we need to shake the monkey to get him to move. And with the war in Ukraine continuing, the many potentially unstable circumstances around the globe, our political upheaval and an underlying anger and tension, it wouldn’t take much to set off an unpleasant event.

I am hopeful that this, and other ongoing aspects, can lead to some important changes. We are seeing a few legislative bills gaining support in a bipartisan manner that might be a first step in addressing ongoing problems we are facing. That would be the more positive results of this Full Moon. I’m hoping that will be the case, and I am always optimistic that humanity, despite its seemingly Lemming-like attitude, will find a way to avoid the abyss.



On Sunday August 14th at 1:11 P.M. EDT the Sun now opposes Saturn only a few days after it squared Uranus. This is the second half of this complicated transit. This is a day to focus on your responsibilities and to get your work done. It’s not a day for frivolity. This can be a low-energy time when you may not have a lot of left over oomph. It’s important to deal with your obligations first so you accomplish what you need to get done. By this evening the energy should lift and you will feel much lighter. But this afternoon clean up your desk, make those important phone calls, and hustle. Saturn is a harsh task-master and will not be happy if you waste this opportunity to do some good work.



On Tuesday August 16th at 1:46 P.M. EDT our minds will be working in overtime. This is a very stimulating aspect that will allow us all to make decisions quickly, and while that often isn’t the smartest thing to do, under the energy of this trine you will find that your cognitive talents are in sync and you can examine complicated issues with a keen eye and a good focus. This will aid us in conversations and reasoning. If it has been difficult for you to come to a conclusion about an issue, perhaps you should revisit it while this is in orb. Of course this won’t make you a genius, and you still need to be vigilant about your choices, you won’t be blocked by the normal restrictions we place on our thought process. This is a good day for travel and you will find that your consciousness is open and ready for new and exciting input. Whatever you do, you should certainly go out and experience the world. Look for new and adventurous ideas, people, and places.



On Thursday August 18th at 4:03 A.M. EDT this wonderful aspect will give us all a day or so when we feel expansive and willing to try new things. Because this completes early in the morning, we will feel its effects more the night before. Don’t be surprised if you have some exciting and pleasant dreams. Some might experience this as difficulty sleeping, but that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong. Rather it implies that you are excited and you are looking for ways to express it. This is a very sociable transit, so plan something for Wednesday night.



On Saturday August 20th at 8:35 A.M. EDT until March 25th, 2023 at 8:27 A.M. EDT the god of war will enter the sign that rules communication, thoughts and short journeys. Yes, you read that correctly. Mars will retrograde twice while traveling through Gemini, and it will stay in this sign for a very long time. For the next 7 months we will be dealing with this placement. There will be an added level of energy and power to our thoughts, speech and plans. People will tend to be rather assertive, and possibly brusque in their conversations. This doesn’t mean that there will be one long argument, or that we can’t find compromise. Just that we will all be apt to say what’s on our minds and to demand openness from others. However, because there is a chance for some direct and aggressive communications, it would be wise to think before you speak and to hold back your ego. Otherwise you might get into some rough conflicts. In world events and political situations this could either lead to an opening of dialogue between differing sides, or at times, to a combative stubbornness. As we rapidly approach the upcoming mid-term elections you will find that the rhetoric could take on an even harsher tone. Because this continues straight through until March, the aftermath of this election will undoubtedly lead to more bickering and finger-pointing.

While there are some warnings that come along with this placement akin to a Mars-Mercury aspect, it is an opportunity to clear the air and to say what’s been held back for some time. Mars has little patience, and it will put its ideas out front. Mercury rules communication, so that is where many of those ideas will be expressed. Under the best of circumstances, this can force the two sides of an issue to hear what the other is saying.



On Sunday August 21st at 3:40 A.M. EDT confusion will abound. This can be a very distorted day or so when you just don’t seem to be thinking as clearly as usual. That’s okay as long as you are aware of it and don’t push your ideas too strongly. This can be a time when many are uncomfortable stating their point of view, and if so, just let sleeping dogs lie for the moment. There will be plenty of opportunities to express your opinion while Mars continues to transit Gemini. You don’t have to jump the gun.



On Monday August 22nd at 11:16 P.M. EDT we enter the mutable third of summer. In some ways I find this the most difficult period of any season, as we are slowly saying goodbye to that time of year, but have not yet entered the next. Virgo is a Mercury-ruled sign and is quite intellectual. It’s interesting that the school year begins under Virgo energy. But that makes sense. This sign is all about details and careful planning. It’s a very organized sign, and this is the time when kids get their new notebooks, pens, computers, and set themselves up for the coming school year. Adults do the same, though it’s not perhaps as obvious. The summer is fading, and many have had their vacations. Now it’s time to return to the office or to make plans to further their careers.



On Wednesday August 24th at 9:54 A.M. EDT this rather intense outer planet begins its yearly backward tread. Innovations will continue to occur, though many will be developed more internally than in the outside world. This will be a period when we might be able to get a hold on some explosive situations. While I don’t want to predict there will be a sudden resolution to the world’s problems, the war in Ukraine, or the political divide that is tearing apart America, there might be some light in the darkness. I believe that all thinking people realize that the world is on edge now, and any attempt at a solution should be embraced with open arms. You may have a struggle in your own life that you could possible begin to heal. This is the most innovative of planets, and when it is moving backwards that energy will be internalized. That doesn’t mean the event can’t take place in the outside world. Just the opposite. If you can be inventive and creative in your thinking and inner conversation, then just maybe you can express that to someone in a way that will bring enlightenment. One can only hope.


On Thursday August 25th at 9:03 P.M. EDT we will all be interested in discussing our relationships and trying to figure out how best to express ourselves to those we are close with. Libra wants balance, and Mercury wants to communicate whatever you are feeling. If you can find the voice of reason and look for a way to compromise and avoid direct conflict that would be a very positive and productive way of using this transit. Any important conversation that you’ve been putting off might be productive now.


On Saturday August 27th at 1:27 A.M. EDT tempers are hot and heavy, and egos will not be easily swayed. Take care, and tread lightly. Many people will be looking for an argument. It’s up to you as to whether or not you wish to engage in them. This completes early in the morning, so be especially careful Friday night. If there is something unsaid that is bothering you or the other person, it may very well be brought out into the light now. Try to breathe before you answer. If you take your time and listen to what the other person is really saying, you can direct your thoughts more clearly and avoid conflicts. Some disagreements will be inevitable, but you don’t have to give into every little spat that comes your way. If something is important enough fight about, then you will most likely do so. But that can be a good thing as long as you use caution. Somethings if something has been held inside for too long, it can fester and cause much more damage. By periodically clearing the air you can expunge the dark energy and move on. This is a moment when that will happen whether you like it or not. Just pick and choose your battles carefully, and don’t allow others to draw you into useless disagreements.


The next New Moon falls on Saturday August 27th at 4:17 A.M. EDT at 4 degrees Virgo 04 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:

July 30th  12:29 A.M. – 2:11 P.M. ***Moon is void 14 hours

August 1st 6:29 P.M. – August 2nd 12:06 A.M. ***Moon is void 6 hours

August 4th 2:20 A.M. – 7:47 A.M.

August 6th 7:24 A.M. – 12:39 P.M.

August 8th 6:30 A.M. – 2:39 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours

August 10th  12:39 P.M. –  2:45 P.M.

August 12th 7:07 A.M. – 2:44 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours

August 14th 11:11 A.M. – 4:43 P.M.

August 16th 4:18 P.M. – 10:22 P.M.

August 19th 7:06 A.M. – 8:06 A.M.

August 21st 6:06 P.M. – 8:29 P.M.

August 24th 5:40 A.M. – 9:09 A.M.

August 26th 2:55 A.M. – 8:25 P.M. *** Moon is void 17 hours

August 28th 11:08 P.M. – August 29th 5:45 A.M.

August 31st 6:43 A.M. – 1:11 P.M.

September 2nd 1:22 P.M. – 6:39 P.M.

July 2022

New York City

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All Rights Reserved

i loved your talk on Astrology Hub. I’m now attending your Financial Webinar. I so appreciate what i sense is a older, wiser cultural sensibility that i’ve paid attention to since i was a kid, that i notice when i come across, often missing in the educated. Hope your waiting list isn’t too long. Need wise perspective to help make serious decisions. Blessings & gratitude…