The New Moon falls on Monday May 30th at 7:30 A.M. EDT at 9 degrees Gemini 03 minutes. And so, the summer officially begins. I’m speaking, of course, culturally, not astrologically. We know that summer actually begins on June 21st, when the Sun enters Cancer. But this is the beginning of the season in resorts, vacations and even in fashion. In my years as a professional piano player, many of them working the summers in the Hamptons for more 20 years, the locals referred to the 16 weekends as the time they had to earn the majority of their income for the year. Any time it rained on the weekend cost them a large chunk of their resources. Mine as well, as I relied on my tip cup to supplement my salary. Oh, how I miss those times; making a good living doing what I loved to an enthusiastic and adoring audience, that often included politicians, writers, and stars of the highest order. Days on the pristine Southampton Beaches, nights singing at the Post House, and hanging out with vacationers and townspeople alike, including my late friend Bobby Van, a wonderful piano player and local saloon keeper.

This is my favorite time of year, as my readers know. I’ve spoken often of the ocean and the waves and the sand and the freedom of childhood rambling through the few short months when all dreams are possible. It rarely lives up to the hype, and I am usually disappointed when autumn arrives, not having engaged in the marvelous adventures my imagination had hoped for. Still, I always greet June with the expectation and excitement of the child within. Maybe this year I will find some of the escapades I dream of. I’ll let you know.

This is a year unlike most. We have all been locked down and stifled for so long it seems as though we have forgotten how to have fun. There is much trepidation in the air. Covid, inflation, economic worry, political unrest, war and an upcoming mid-term election that will most certainly point the direction of our culture for a long time to come; all weigh heavily upon our collective consciousness. We must rise above and greet summer with all of the enthusiasm we have been forced to repress these past few years.

Because this New Moon is in Gemini, the next month will be all about communication and relationships. This sign has a need to express itself anyway that it can, and we can expect to hear a lot. Pay attention to what’s being said. People will be speaking from a deep and potent place, where we have stored our feelings and our dreams for too long. Open your heart and let the child within run a little wild. It will do your soul so much good; and those around you will cherish those moments of free expression and, perhaps, finally let out their inner self as well. This is the time for laughter and sharing, for love and friendship, and for drifting off on a cloud on a sunny beach with no thoughts beyond what adventures await. The world will go on, as it always does, and there is much to consider and battles that must be fought. But for a little while, let us all remember what it was like to be young and unconcerned as we hope for the joy of an infatuation or a weekend on the run with our friends. The body ages, but the soul remains forever young. ♊️❤️😎