On Tuesday May 24th at 7:17 P.M. EDT until July 5th at 2:04 A.M. EDT the God of war enters the first sign, that of its rulership, and begins anew the journey through the zodiac. With Mars about to conjunct expansive Jupiter later this week on the Dark of the Moon, we can expect certain results, some very positive and others disconcerting. This is a time to look for innovative and optimistic plans. You may be able to institute something new and potentially growth oriented, and you should use this force to look ahead with faith and optimism. But caution is called for.

Mars can be a harsh and unyielding energy, and at times it will run roughshod over anyone or anything that stands in its way. As it gets situated in Aries, we can expect some boisterous and overly aggressive actions. The conjunct to Jupiter will exacerbate the hotspots in the world. There may be an escalation in Ukraine over the coming weeks. There will also be a strenuous push in our nation’s politics, as the primary season gets underway. But, with so many planets changing signs, you may also see some surprising changes in the polls. We are still more than 5 months away from Election Day, and anything can happen. In your personal life, don’t be afraid to assert yourself. That’s what this ingress wants. Just try not to be overly pushy or vicious. You could create a reversal that will play out against your plans. That is what I see possibly happening in American politics, and in the world. Too much arrogance can turn people off, even if they believe what you’re saying.

Since I wrote the above paragraphs a few weeks ago we have seen some terrible events play out. Today there was another in an endless stream of mass shootings. This time it was at an elementary school in Texas, where at least 14 children, innocent babies barely taking their first steps on life’s path who will never go home to their loving parents, will never know the life they could have experienced, are the latest victims. Yes, Mars rules guns and the violence they create, and it’s tempting for astrologers to look at an aspect and say: “That’s why this happened,” with a smug ego-fueled superiority. “It’s America’s Pluto Return! Or it’s the nature of our birth chart with Mars in square to Neptune! Maybe it’s the Aquarian Moon!” Hogwash. But unfortunately today’s event and last week’s slaughter in Buffalo, New York are indicative of a much bigger and more pervasive truth than can be blamed on any aspect, no matter how harsh or deep.

America is broken. It has a psychosis, a self-destructive illness that will not be fixed until the wound becomes so horrific, so severe that there will be no alternative but to finally seek a solution. And that won’t happen until the violence becomes so pervasive and so overwhelming – and that means war. Do you think it would have mattered if the mob that attacked the Capitol on January 6 was fully armed and actually murdered half of our government? I don’t. Politicians would just say – we need more guns so we can protect ourselves, shrugged and moved onto business as usual. Oh lord, why can’t they see the foolishness and the destruction we instill upon ourselves? Again, I offer my prayers and blessings to the families of the victims, to the community, and to those of us who have become more afraid to leave our homes, not matter where you live in this nation. No other country has this epidemic. Only America, the Wild West, with shootouts in the streets. This is 2022, not 1822. Where have all the flowers gone? When will they ever learn?

Today’s tragic events, and yes, the many others this year, tear at the very fabric and soul of our great nation and our world. I fear that until there is a total change in our governments, those who we, the people, entrust to guide our countries, and that they are no longer in a position where by they are in collusion with the merchants and corporations of death, and are being fueled by the need for greed and power, these types of events, will, unfortunately and sadly, will continue to happen. We, the people of our world, need to begin to take the necessary first steps, however, hard and difficult they may be, and to endure the hardships that could result, to change this world for a better future. I know that right now this is a dream, but dreams can be where building the future starts.

It’s rather unnerving that you post a rigid point of view and do not invite a dialogue.