On Sunday May 22nd at 9:15 P.M. EDT Mercury retrogrades back into Taurus until Monday June 13th at 11:27 A.M. EDT. With Mercury in retrograde backing up into Taurus, many of the issues we thought we had dealt with will come back for a second look. Try not to give in to the stubborn nature of Taurus. Keep an open mind, and look for different solutions to your issues. This is true in our personal lives, and in the world, where so many situations require a close scrutiny. Take, for example, the recounts in the recent primaries, the battle over Roe V Wade, and the decisions that have been made over the past month or so in the war in Ukraine. This aspect will also affect the stock markets rather intensely, probably with a market rally, although I still caution that the stocks are very, very volatile and will remain so for some time. With the eclipses falling in Taurus and Scorpio, this month is all about values, money, possessions and how we relate to the material world. Now as Mercury joins that Taurus energy, conversations will have a profound effect on our monetary policies, both as individuals, and in the collective. We will also see some changes in the FEDS strategy for dealing with inflation, oil prices, and the overall outlook. Will the stock markets continue to deteriorate, or will they bottom out and make a rebound? While I would love to be more optimistic, I’m afraid that while we will see some powerful bear market rallies, that is exactly what they will be. The next bull market is many months away. Continue to trade defensively until the fall. I’m readying my financial webinar for early June and will announce it this week.