The New Moon falls on Saturday April 30th at 4:28 P.M. EDT at 10 degrees Taurus 28 minutes, and it’s a Solar Eclipse. Eclipses, eclipses, what do they want from us? We’ve all been inundated with astrology in the past number of years. It’s become so popular because of the internet, there’s even a Taco Bell commercial based on astrology. My clients are more educated, and there are thousands of websites on the subject. I won’t go into what I think of many of them, but suffice to say it takes many years to become a good astrologer and to be able to use the knowledge herein to your advantage. Most people know their birth sign, many know their ascendant and Moon placement. And some aspects have become commonplace in our speech, such as Mercury Retrograde.
Eclipses are one of the better known aspects we encounter, at least superficially. Few understand their force, purpose and influence. Ancient civilizations were able to map out future eclipses for hundreds of years in advance. Their knowledge of the heavens is still startling to current astronomers and the more we study Stonehenge, the Egyptian and Mayan Pyramids and countless artifacts from the ancients, the more we realize how very in tune many of them were with the cosmos. So when we enter an Eclipse season, such as now, we can readily see the influence it has over our imaginations. But more that than, it has a physical and psychological effect that creates an atmosphere that requires our close scrutiny. Eclipse cycles can be viewed from different perspectives. They are effective for months, from one point of view, and from years or even decades from another. I won’t spend the time here trying to explain it all. I just want you to see that while we are all mostly concerned with our short-term problems, projects and potential, because of our short attention span, there is a much longer lasting impact that is at play. When one studies mundane astrology and tries to grasp the bigger meaning, the events of the moment can take on a much more pertinent position, while also becoming less important. One of the many incongruous truths about life.
This Solar Eclipse falls in Taurus, the sign of finances and values. These are the issues we are all dealing with. You can say that we are always confronting this, no matter the circumstances or the astrology, and you would be right on some levels. But there are moments when our collective attention is aimed in one direction more than usual, and the symbols have a profound meaning. This is a time when we all are being asked: “What do you believe in? What do you want from your life, your nation, your world?” How we answer that question will decide the direction our species goes for the coming years. Ukraine, and in fact the world is facing a challenge unseen in half a century. The West has decided that economics is the first salvo to be fired at Russia, and through sanctions and the disruption of trade with Moscow we are using that powerful tool to inflict pain without (hopefully) threatening a world war. And this eclipse season in Taurus (our possessions) and Scorpio (those held jointly) clearly shows the power of the purse. Russia is beginning to feel the effects of these sanctions and will feel them much more in the near future. So what’s more important to the Kremlin, financial stability and growth, or ego saber rattling? That is very much a Taurus – Scorpio issue. Europe is also feeling the effects, as fossil fuel prices continue to soar. The disruption to our global economy and the supply chain issues will have a long-lasting influence over how we do business.
In America we are heading towards an all-important mid-term election that holds a much more vital place in our history than the usual mid-term conflicts. Again, the same questions hold for this nation. What’s more important, securing our stability, financial and spiritual growth, and continuity, or pushing through a conspiracy theory, fear-driven agenda (think DeSantis and Goofy – a redundancy?) On October 25th we will have a Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio, and a Lunar Eclipse on November 8th (yes, Election Day!!!) at 16 degrees Taurus, each in the opposite sign of the current eclipses. What takes place now will in some ways be resolved exactly on Election Day. The importance of this heavenly event cannot be overstated. Our nation and the world could be profoundly changed this year as values and resources are confronted in a new way. Such is the power of eclipses and the timing of the universe. One of my favorite quotes, often attributed to Voltaire: “God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.” Another old saying I enjoy is: “Man plans. God laughs.” It is most important now that we take this all very seriously and work hard to create the world we want; But that we also try our very best to get the joke and continue to find humor in our lives. For without it, this all feels like a movie by Ingmar Bergman, when it should be one by Mel Brooks. 🙏❤️♉️