On Tuesday April 19th at 10:24 P.M. EDT we enter the fixed earth sign. Taurus is known for its stubborn, unyielding attitude. While this is a well-earned definition it’s also one of the most loyal and steadfast of the signs. It can take Taurus a long time to make up its mind, but once it has decided on something it tends to be steadfast. This is a month to settle in and think things through carefully. Mercury is in Taurus until the 29th, so there is a lot of this calm, slow moving energy to help us consider our actions. Don’t rush to judgment. Take your time and examine all your options. This sign rules the 2nd house of money and values, and financial matters will be a priority for many of us. Plan your investments carefully and consider all possible outcomes when making your choices. People will tend to be less likely to make impetuous decisions, and if something has been weighing on your mind, you may not be able to change the situation too easily. Use this month to think it through. When the planets enter Gemini in May it will be easier to move forward with your options.

Because this sign rules money, this is often a good month for the stocks and the economy. With the war, inflation and an uncertain future, there is erratic and unpredictable energy around us. The equities will continue to be volatile. We aren’t going to see a bull market any time soon. We are in a bear market. But bear market rallies can be vicious and extreme, with stocks moving up thousands of points in a few days, and I think we will see several this month. The war in Ukraine is entering the next phase, and I’m afraid it will prove to be a very bloody chapter. The Ukrainians are hunkering down in anticipation of a long siege, and the Russians are building up their forces as they attempt to take control of the eastern part of that beleaguered nation. These are two very Taurus-like choices, and they show just how long and difficult this battle will be, as both sides steadfastly refuse to submit. I pray for the people of Ukraine and for some solution to this mess. I hope I’m wrong, but I doubt one will be found in the near future.

Try to use this energy to your advantage, and plan for your future. The steadiness of Taurus can help you put a foundation down that will serve you for a long time to come.