On Tuesday April 12th at 10:42 A.M. EDT this powerful and empathic aspect comes to fruition. This has been one of the underlying themes of the past few months as its energy moved towards this completion. Neptune has a strong desire to help unconditionally, while Jupiter expands the process without a sense of boundaries or limitations. These are the two rulers of Pisces (the modern and the ancient). And while we think of this sign as spiritual, in fact at times it is very much a matter of mundane or material actions that will define its purpose. We have seen its effects in many areas of our lives. Some are more obvious than others. The war in Ukraine has brought out a great collective sense of compassion and unity, as much of the world comes together to aid in this great humanitarian crisis. The efforts to help a beleaguered people have been truly remarkable. But it still isn’t sufficient as long as the aggressor continues to rain terror and death upon a nation. Humanity has a lot to learn about karma. Unfortunately the clock is running down.
Because Neptune rules infectious diseases and Jupiter expands whatever it comes in contact with, there is a new surge of the Covid virus that the world is contending with. Hopefully this conjunct may mean the peak, and we will see a decline in severe cases soon. While that isn’t a given, I have hope that it will be the case.
It’s not just on the world stage that this energy is projected. In our personal lives many people are reaching out for help or a deeper understanding. The past few years have taken their toll on us all. Do what you can to aid them. You don’t have to subjugate your ego or ignore your own needs. There are many forms of charity. It can come in the form of a smile or a compassionate phone call. Money isn’t the only way to give of oneself. It’s a time to reach out in the ways that are conducive to your abilities. This is a chance for us all to come to some conclusions about our values and to experience the ethereal and spiritual side of life. People all around the world are asking some very difficult questions of themselves, their governments, and their fellow humans. How we answer those questions will have a powerful effect on the direction the world takes in the coming years. And this conjunct is a bit of a watershed moment. It isn’t the invention of the printing press, or the invasion of Poland, but we are at a crossroads and which path we choose collectively and individually will be felt for some time. Choose wisely, grasshopper. 🙏❤️♓️