Once again these two holidays overlap, as sometimes happens. When it does, it reminds us of what we share, what connects us, rather than what makes us different. I wish you all the healthiest and happiest Easter and Passover. It’s most important this year under our current circumstances to remember that these two holidays, connected through our common history, both represent the renewal of hope and faith; Passover, through the restoration of freedom and optimism of the Hebrews in their exodus from slavery, and Easter, through the resurrection of Jesus that created a new religion, eventually leading also to an exodus of sorts from the shackles of the Roman Empire. I hope for the salvation of the Ukrainian nation and it’s own exodus from tyranny and tragedy. 
I pray for your safety and good fortune. And I hope that our present day crises may lead us all to our own exodus; to a new and better “promised land” where equality and justice will serve us all alike, no matter your race, background, political party, economics, or what religion you choose. These holidays are about family, friends and good food we share in our celebration of life. Peace, health and love to you all. Mitch. ❤️🙏🐥