April 2022
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
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My recent webinar: “America’s Nervous Breakdown” – An astrological analysis of current events is now available for purchase.
In it I discuss the current situation we are facing politically and financially as we head into the 2022 mid-term elections. We examined the astrology charts of America, Biden, Harris, Trump, the NYSE, Bitcoin and other pertinent topics. It was a 2 hour webinar with Q&A towards the end.
The price is: $35.00.
If you are interested please email me and I will set up a Paypal request and forward you the link to view the webinar.
Stocks, housing markets, bonds, Bitcoin, Gold; where oh where do I put my money?
For those who have been following me, I have been clear for a long time that there would be rising interest rates and that this, plus an overbought market will take its toll on the housing market. We may see a serious tipping to the downside. With the rising interest rates, many people will not be able to get a mortgage. That will begin to wear on the personal housing. With inflation, the war in Ukraine and a potential recession on the horizon commercial real estate is also looking very shaky at the moment. This isn’t like the 2005 housing collapse that led to the 2008 stock market crash and the ensuing Great Recession. The fundamentals are much different. Remember, there was a gigantic con game going on in the early 2000’s when a person making $35,000 a year could get a $750,000 mortgage – insane and totally unsecured. Those mortgages were then repackaged and sold as “securities”. When the Ponzi scheme collapsed, more than a dozen nations saw their currency collapse as well. That’s not where we are now. But this is an overblown real estate market that can no longer sustain the kind of growth we have seen in the past few years. I have warned my clients and friends who invested in houses for income or growth potential to think about selling at this premium price. Many did. Some didn’t. I can only make my recommendations. But it will shortly look like good advice. Rents, however, may continue to climb, especially in certain areas. Housing shortages are a serious problem in this country, and until a long-term solution is realized it will remain an issue.
We are sitting in an unusual situation. The economy is actually quite strong. Unemployment is very low, corporate profits are high, and there is a boom of manufacturing rebirth happening in America. But when people go to the supermarket or the gas station and have to pay more for everything, it looks like doomsday, and they overreact in an emotional way. This could have a strong effect on the midterm elections unless inflation settles down. And even then, it is often about perception, not reality. Try to have some foresight when making your plans or examining your personal situation. It takes time for events to unfold. Recessions do not start over a weekend, nor do resolutions to our collective problems. They take time, and they take patience, something that many people lack.
The war in Ukraine is far from over, I’m sad to say. Putin will not concede defeat easily, and his propaganda machine seems to be turning many Russians to his support. His goals are much bigger than Ukraine. He wants to cut the world in half, like a schoolyard kickball game, with half on his side and half opposed. How this ends up will have long lasting effects on the world. Globalization, which has become the driving force in our collective economy, is in serious trouble. Without food, resources and materials needed for continued growth there will be more sputters and delays. This could eventually bring down the entire supply chain. We have all recently seen what happens when that is disrupted, even on a small scale. Imagine what it would look like if it was a long-term worldwide event. The lead up to the First World War, considered the first era of globalization by many economists, collapsed because of the war. This helped lead us into a severe 2 year depression in 1920-22. While there are certainly problems with the way the world has been run over the past few decades, a deep recession or depression isn’t what we need. I’m praying that common sense prevails. But – common sense is not that common, as the old saying goes. On this New Moon my wish is for peace, health and prosperity for the world.
The New Moon falls on Thursday April 1st at 2:24 A.M. EDT at 11 degrees Aries 31 minutes. Well, Happy April Fool’s Day and Happy New Moon.
The Aries New Moon is a time of origination, a moment when we should all look ahead at our possibilities and wishes. The New Year has just begun, and this is the first New Moon. Look at your projects, hopes and dreams. What have you left unfinished from the past year? And what do you hope to accomplish in the next 12 months? Put your efforts where you can make a difference; push with all of your might to make a reality out of your fantasies. Astrologically the wind is at your back and if you take the initiative you can move projects forward with a strong possibility of success. Astrology doesn’t guarantee that things will go your way, but using it to time your approach and decisions makes it a very valuable tool.
We are finally in spring and the sense of renewal and rebirth is all around us. Embrace that feeling and look ahead at what is possible. After a long, dreary, and, for many, lonely winter it’s time to reach out to the world with hope and optimism. Certainly things are difficult. There’s a war in Ukraine, and a cultural war here at home. The economy seems shaky, even though it’s actually in very good shape. Unemployment is very low, corporate profits are very high, and while inflation is troubling, it isn’t the boogeyman we are afraid will return us to the 1970s (although the music and art was pretty freaking good back then, if you ask me). Still, many are feeling unsure and it seems we are standing on quicksand. I don’t blame you for your feelings of trepidation. But you can’t let that stop you from moving forward. Time moves very quickly, and life has a way of zipping by while we’re busy looking over our shoulders at yesterday. This is a time to aim your attention towards tomorrow. Maybe everything won’t work out the way you had hoped. And I’m sure there will be more problems we must face. But if you face them with a good sense of who you are and what you are capable of doing, it will be that much easier. So, Happy New Moon, and Happy New Year. Whatever the universe has in store for you, it will certainly be an adventure. Jump in – the water’s fine.
On Saturday April 2nd at 7:11 P.M. the Sun and Mercury conjoin in Aries. There will be a lot of mental energy in the air. Expect people to say what’s on their minds without the usual filters we commonly use. This is a moment when it will be hard to hide the truth. We will be assertive and straightforward, and if you use that energy honestly and without hesitation you will be able to express what’s most pertinent. Just remember that Aries has little patience or regard for decorum. It is interested in action, not thought. So many will say exactly what they wish without concern for repercussions. Don’t overreact. Try to let things cool down a bit before responding.
On Monday April 4th at 9:51 P.M. EDT the ego will be limited and aimed like a laser in a focused and controlled manner. This can be a good thing if you are conscious of how much force you are truly projecting. But it can also be a frustrating day when you may feel as though you can’t quite get your point across to others. How you deal with the restrictive power of Saturn will decide how productive this aspect is. Will this be a moment when you put all of your efforts into accomplishing your goals and not waste time on the frivolous projections? Or will you get bogged down in your ego and be stuck in the mire, sloshing through in a hip-deep swamp of helplessness and obstruction? It’s really up to you.
On Tuesday April 5th at 11:18 A.M. EDT until May 2nd 12:10 P.M. EDT the planet of love and money will travel through the last sign of the zodiac. This is a time of completions in these two areas of life. If there is something in a relationship that is unfinished or needs to feel settled with a deeper understanding it will come to light now. The results may be moving the relationship to a new level of compassion and communication, or possibly the ending of that connection – but only if you can’t resolve the issues that have been stifling self-expression. Venus does well in this sign. But where it has much to do with personal relationships and feelings, Pisces is more about the collective and an unselfish approach to giving. If you can connect with that and are able to feel without becoming too attached, this will be a very productive and helpful month. Just like the Mars – Saturn conjunct we had yesterday, this is less about your ego and more about the results. Others need help, especially with the world in the shape it’s in. Try to put their needs before your own and you will truly understand what this transit is trying to teach you.
On Thursday April 7th at 8:37 A.M. EDT & Friday April 8th at 2:19 P.M. EDT we will have a few days when communication will be clear and concise, and it will be possible to express what you wish without going overboard. You will find that the energy around you changes from a controlled and somewhat restrictive atmosphere on Thursday to a more boisterous and expressive tone on Friday. Pay attention to what’s going on around you and how others are reacting and you will make the right decisions.
On Sunday April 10th at 4:45 A.M. EDT the need to dig deeply into your conversations will force some previously buried issues to the surface where you will have to contend with them once and for all. This can be a very cleansing and rejuvenating moment when you can eliminate those ideas and problems that have outlived their usefulness. Be careful how you talk to each other. This can certainly be an argument waiting to happen. And be careful in public. This can set off someone who has their own agenda and if it happens to be active in your chart, you could be the focus of their negative energy. But don’t be afraid to dig into some issues that you’ve been putting off for some time. If you clean up your mess as you make dinner, there is less to do after the meal.
On Sunday April 10th at 10:09 P.M. EDT until April 29th at 6:23 P.M. EDT the planet of thought and communication will be in this rather stubborn earth sign. You may find it difficult to get someone to talk about their feelings. Taurus can be a bit reserved. But it’s a Venus-ruled sign and has a strong desire to relate to those around it. It’s a question of how you talk to them. If you are too assertive or impatient you may find that people are less responsive. But if you can take your time and explain your ideas and thoughts in a carful and focused manner, they will respond in kind. This can be a good time to talk about financial matters and to put together a plan or a budget to better handle your money. This sign rules the 2nd house of values, and this is a chance to really get your priorities straight.
On Tuesday April 12th at 10:42 A.M. EDT this powerful and empathic aspect comes to fruition. This has been one of the underlying themes of the past few months as its energy moved towards this completion. Neptune has a strong desire to help unconditionally, while Jupiter expands the process without a sense of boundaries or limitations. These are the two rulers of Pisces (the modern and the ancient). And while we think of this sign as spiritual, in fact it is very much a matter of mundane or material actions that will define its purpose. We have seen its effects in many areas of our lives. Some are more obvious than others. The war in Ukraine has brought out a great collective sense of compassion and unity as much of the world comes together to aid in this great humanitarian crisis. The efforts to help a beleaguered people have been truly remarkable. But it still isn’t sufficient as long as the aggressor continues to rain terror and death upon a nation.
It’s not just on the world stage that this energy is projected. In our personal lives many are dealing with those who are reaching out for help or a deeper understanding. Do what you can to aid them. You don’t have to subjugate your ego or ignore your own needs. It’s a time to reach out in the ways that are conducive to your own needs. This is a chance for us all to come to some conclusions about our values and to experience the ethereal and spiritual side of life.
On Thursday April 14th at 11:06 P.M. EDT until May 24th at 7:17 P.M. EDT Mars joins Venus, Jupiter & Neptune in this last sign of the zodiac. The God of War doesn’t feel terribly at home in this sign. There is a sense of unreality not akin to Mars that often makes it seem less assertive and meandering – not a good foundation for this planet. Still, when you think of how many wars have been fought in the name of religion or beliefs it makes for a kind of logic that the underbelly of humanity has much to do with how or if we can learn to temper our aggressions while holding onto a spiritual connection. Is that what this Ukrainian War is really about? The world is changing in fundamental ways. We are facing a crisis on several levels. Climate change is the transcendental threat that can either move us into the next phase of human development, or potentially end our very existence on the planet. War, as humankind has defined it since our very origin, is no longer possible. At any given moment it could grow beyond our capability to control its effects and outcome. Just because nobody has used a nuclear weapon since 1945 doesn’t mean that it couldn’t happen at any moment. This isn’t something we like to think about, but the ostrich sticking its head in the sand doesn’t protect it, except from its own concept of impending disaster. This is a time for us personally and collectively to ask the difficult questions. Are we able to move forward in a new direction and stop the madness, or have we simply been hiding our heads in the sand as we go about the business of commerce, art, and personal pleasures? I think those questions will be answered sooner rather than later.
This month lunar peak falls on Saturday April 16th at 2:55 P.M. EDT at 26 degrees Libra 46 minutes. This is an interesting Full Moon. While it isn’t often explosive like many Full Moons can be, Libra is a passive-aggressive energy that is fully capable of exerting great force in its own way. Remember, Putin is a Libra. China is a Libra nation. For that matter, so is reunified Germany. Each is quite assertive and active in getting what it wants. So are we as individuals under the influence of a Libra Full Moon. If there is a problem in a relationship it may become necessary to deal with it once and for all. If your boundaries aren’t being respected, this may be a good time to express it. If you want more from a relationship than seems possible, it might also be a time to reconsider just what you can and can’t accept. You won’t do it in an aggressive or demanding way. Libra can be very, very charming. But you will say what’s on your mind and set your borders and restrictions.
On Monday April 18th at 12:51 A.M. EDT this potentially explosive energy will brings things to the surface and demand that you pay attention to what’s happening. While this can create accidents, arguments and other harsh expressions, it can also be a time of freedom of thought and action. Be careful how you express yourself. Without the usual restraints we put into place it’s easy to overstate your opinion or start a disagreement without meaning to do so. But with a little caution this can be quite an adventurous and exciting day or two. Ideas will flow and you may be able to see a situation from a completely different point of view. This offers us an opportunity to step outside the box and imagine unusual concepts that could lead to a solution to an ongoing problem you might otherwise never have considered. Mercury is considered the lower octave of the thought process, while Uranus is the higher level. When they conjoin it can lead to unique ideas and ways of looking at situations and problems. Give yourself as much space and latitude as you can, and you may be able to put some things in order and resolve some issues that have been troubling you for some time. Do be careful while traveling. This can be an accident waiting to happen, and if this aspect sets off your chart, you may be susceptible to an incident. Remember, awareness is all. It can be the difference between just missing an explosive event, and having a very bad day.
On Tuesday April 19th at 10:24 P.M. EDT we enter the fixed earth sign. Taurus is known for its stubborn, unyielding attitude. While this is a well-earned definition it’s also one of the most loyal and steadfast of the signs. While it can take Taurus a long time to make up its mind, once it has decided on something it tends to be steadfast. This is a month to settle in and think things through carefully. Mercury is in Taurus until the 29th, so there is a lot of this calm, slow moving energy to help us consider our actions. Don’t rush to judgment. Take your time and examine all your options. This sign rules the 2nd house of money and values, and financial matters will be a priority for many of us. Plan your investments carefully and consider all possible outcomes when making your choices. People will tend to be less likely to make impetuous decisions, and if something has been weighing on your mind, you may not be able to change the situation too easily. Use this month to think it through. When the planets enter Gemini in May it will be easier to move forward with your options.
On Sunday April 24th at 9:50 A.M. EDT we will all feel a little tired. This can be a difficult aspect for communications. While many conversations will be focused and reality oriented, it will be hard to find the lighter side of things and we may get drawn into a dour restrictive way of thinking. The best way to deal with this is not to take things too seriously. This will pass quickly and your mood will improve. I wouldn’t make any permanent decisions until this has faded in the afternoon. You aren’t seeing things as clearly as you may think, and you might be prone to only perceive the negative side of a situation. Conversations will be realistic and honest, but remember that the mood surrounding the chat will have a lot to do with what is said and how it is expressed.
On Wednesday April 27th at 1:11 A.M. EDT this very positive energy will give us a day or two when we are more optimistic and outgoing. Because this completes early in the morning, it will be felt more strongly Tuesday night. It’s a jovial and sociable aspect, and it would be a good time for any social gathering or for a date. With Venus about to conjunct Neptune later this afternoon, there are a lot of gentle and positive vibes floating around. Try to make the most of it. We are approaching the end of the lunar cycle, and while that is often a low-key and unenergetic time, it may be very positive and enlightening in its understated and subdued manner.
On Wednesday April 27th at 3:12 P.M. EDT we have a moment of great spiritual consciousness. If you can focus on it and put your ego in the backseat, you may be able to help others or do some very good charitable work. This isn’t only about altruism. There is a personal level to this energy as well. You can reach someone on a deep plane and converse in an unattached way. While this is a spiritual aspect, we need healing one-on-one as well as collectively. If someone near you is in pain, physically, psychologically or spiritually this is a good moment to offer a helping hand.
On Friday April 29th at 2:38 P.M. EDT Pluto begins its backwards motion. This means that America is going to experience another two passes of our Pluto return. This planet rules many things. It’s about fixing or rebuilding anything that is worn out. It is also about the rebirth of ideas, projects or anything that has been left in decay. Some of those issues should be removed from your life, if they no longer are valid. But others will be well served by a good cleaning and refurbishing. Pick and choose your projects with care. It’s easy to get bogged down in something that has long been outdated. But it’s also possible to miss a diamond in the rough and allow a perfectly good unfinished venture to be tossed out. Pluto also has much to do with hidden agendas and unexpressed anger or vengeance. With the state of things in the world this retrograde will either allow us to find a solution to our problems, or believe that we have only to find that there was a different plan buried beneath the surface that will come to light once Pluto goes direct in October. Be careful and try to bring things into the light so they may be seen clearly. The worst thing you can do with Pluto is ignore its true purpose.
The next New Moon falls on Saturday April 30th at 4:28 P.M. EDT at 10 degrees Taurus 28 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:
April 2nd 9:51 A.M. – 12:50 P.M.
April 4th 9:53 P.M. – 11:04 P.M.
April 6th 11:15 P.M. – April 7th 11:30 A.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
April 9th 9:01 P.M. – April 10th 12:00 A.M.
April 12th 6:16 A.M. – 10:07 A.M.
April 14th 2:11 P.M. – 4:46 P.M.
April 16th 5:57 P.M. – 8:23 P.M.
April 18th 7:55 P.M. – 10:16 P.M.
April 20th 4:56 P.M. – 11:52 P.M. ***Moon is void 6 hours
April 22nd 11:53 P.M. – April 23rd 2:17 A.M.
April 24th 8:33 P.M. – April 25th 6:15 A.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours
April 27th 9:36 A.M. – 12:10 P.M.
April 29th 5:38 P.M. – 8:19 P.M.
May 2nd 6:13 A.M. – 6:47 A.M.
May 4th 4:37 P.M. – 7:05 P.M.
May 7th 6:26 A.M. – 7:50 A.M.
March 2022
New York City
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