The New Moon falls on Thursday April 1st at 2:24 A.M. EDT at 11 degrees Aries 31 minutes. Well, Happy April Fool’s Day and Happy New Moon.
The Aries New Moon is a time of origination, a moment when we should all look ahead at our possibilities and wishes. The New Year has just begun, and this is the first New Moon. Look at your projects, hopes and dreams. What have you left unfinished from the past year? And what do you hope to accomplish in the next 12 months? Put your efforts where you can make a difference; push with all of your might to make a reality out of your fantasies. Astrologically the wind is at your back and if you take the initiative you can move projects forward with a strong possibility of success. Astrology doesn’t guarantee that things will go your way, but using it to time your approach and decisions makes it a very valuable tool.
We are finally in spring and the sense of renewal and rebirth is all around us. Embrace that feeling and look ahead at what is possible. After a long, dreary, and, for many, lonely winter it’s time to reach out to the world with hope and optimism. Certainly things are difficult. There’s a war in Ukraine, and a cultural war here at home. The economy seems shaky, even though it’s actually in very good shape. Unemployment is very low, corporate profits are very high, and while inflation is troubling, it isn’t the boogeyman we are afraid will return us to the 1970s (although the music and art was pretty freaking good back then, if you ask me). Still, many are feeling unsure and it seems we are standing on quicksand. I don’t blame you for your feelings of trepidation. But you can’t let that stop you from moving forward. Time moves very quickly, and life has a way of zipping by while we’re busy looking over our shoulders at yesterday. This is a time to aim your attention towards tomorrow. Maybe everything won’t work out the way you had hoped. And I’m sure there will be more problems we must face. But if you face them with a good sense of who you are and what you are capable of doing, it will be that much easier. So, Happy New Moon, and Happy New Year. Whatever the universe has in store for you, it will certainly be an adventure. Jump in – the water’s fine. 👍❤️♈️

Thank you for your optimistic New Year’s wishes…I’m taking them to heart. I made a vision board. I need to look forward, while trying to keep sane. Appreciate you Mitch!

Mitch, you’re so right and so sensitive…when things don’t turn out the way you had hoped, face them with a good sense of who you are and what you are capable of doing. I’m passing on this massively important piece of wisdom to my 17-year-old granddaughter when I see her this weekend, as a reminder to her that her world will be shaped by her self-knowledge and her willingness to use the gifts she has been given by the universe. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us!