On Saturday March 19th at 7:16 A.M. EDT we all need to be more aware of our surroundings. Any aspect to Uranus has the potential for explosive events; and with Mars about to create the square in three days this is a week when caution is most definitely called for. Of course this is true in your personal life and it would be wise to pay close attention to your environment and your relationships. If something has been brewing in the unconscious, it would be a good idea to keep an eye on it. Don’t be surprised by unexpected events or issues. That is just what Uranus is best at. But this isn’t telling you to live in fear. Rather it’s a moment when you can explore some ideas and look at unusual concepts and see the possibilities that are available. While the squares do represent energies outside of our control, they aren’t inherently evil, any more than any astrological aspect is. But this and the upcoming Mars square Uranus on March 22nd require our close attention and preparation.


We will see an escalation in the war in Ukraine this week. Russian forces will push hard against the Ukrainian defenses, and there could not only be more civilian casualties, but the possibility of an unexpected event. This could be an accident that could create an even more severe international incident, or just a horrific attack on civilians. It could also manifest as an intense attack on the Russian forces by the Ukrainian defenses. In any case, we may hear some very disturbing and contentious news. No matter what the results it won’t be good for that beleaguered nation and its inhabitants. My prayers for the civilians caught in this inhumane war.