This month lunar peak falls on Friday March 18th at 3:18 A.M. EDT at 27 degrees Virgo 40 minutes. This will be a watershed moment that will define this current lunar cycle and the coming months more than most Full Moons. This is a time of sickness and healing, of confusion and clarity. The energy of Virgo and Pisces represents the polarity of the illness and the healer. Where Virgo tends to be overly critical and detail oriented, Pisces tends to be amorphic and undefined, existing on an ethereal plane without substance. That is one of the problems the world is facing now. Where is our solid footing, are we standing on hard ground or quicksand? What should we believe in, and how best can we achieve our purpose?

With the problems the world is facing, war escalation, financial instability, and ongoing struggles of consciousness and definition, we can add that potential health crises that millions of refugees seeking shelter, food and health care may create. The Ukrainian situation truly is a worldwide event as Zelenskyy said in his speech to Congress. It can’t be ignored or swept under the rug. This is something we must face on a global scale. It will force us to change the way the world makes decisions and to reevaluate our standards morally and ethically. That is what the Virgo-Pisces energy implies. And this Full Moon has come, as they all do, exactly on time.

If there is a physical problem in your body, it may come to the surface now. This often happens on Full Moons, but especially on the Virgo – Pisces axis. Don’t ignore symptoms. Pay attention to anything your body is telling you. Use caution with alcohol and drugs (legal or illegal), and do what you can to help those around you. This can be a very trying few days when those in need are most vulnerable. Do what you can to help. But keep an eye on your own physical, mental and spiritual well-being. If you get drawn into someone else’s issues and can’t find your own path, what good are you to anyone?

Thanks for this information.. I listen to Coast to Coast every night. It was good to hear you March 24. I would like to receive a reading from you. Please contact me. 931-434-1589